Hi Everyone!,
In this issue:
- To vaccinate or not?
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - from around the world.
- April Deals.
Welcome to Aprils newsletter,
“"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; -- it is something you design for the present." - Jim Rohn.
April eh! One quarter of the year has simply vanished into the past - and what do you have to show for it?
Of course if you have been taking action for a better, healthier you then we do hope you are seeing results, and of course keep it up - your body will thank you for it :)
We had some great feedback from our last newsletter, and it would seem gout sufferers are out there far and wide. This newsletter has a couple of main focuses, another "Not to Be Missed" documentary series that will shed light on a very controversial subject, and an amazing deal from one of our favourite brands, do read on and discover what it is.
To vaccinate or not?

The question above is one that continues to be a very important one, and it often divides communities and families alike. As parents we always strive to make the choice for our children's best interest and by doing this we are of course looking after their health, wellbeing and also that of their life ahead.
So how do we determine which path to take? And where do we get our advice from? And what information is available if we want to find out more? Do we get the whole picture from just one source of information?
Important questions and these need to be looked at more closely.
Will I know if my child is at high risk of having an adverse reaction before it’s too late?
It’s more than a simple YES or NO answer. Parents need to be educated to understand the risks on both sides.
And that’s why I’m SO excited to tell you about this... Over the past year, filmmaker Ty Bollinger and his investigative team have interviewed more than 60 of the world’s best doctors, researchers and experts from around the world.
Here’s a sneak peek of The Truth About Vaccines, coming out on April 12th…
Go here to watch the teaser preview
Pro-vaccine experts. Anti-vaccine experts. Both sides of the debate. They’ve put all this together into a new documentary mini-series called “The Truth About Vaccines” coming out April 12th.
It’s everything a parent needs to know in order to make the best possible decision for their child. You need to see it.
Click Here To Watch The Entire Series For FREE >> go.thetruthaboutvaccines.online/
It has been a hot button topic for some time now, with proponents on both sides of the issue advocating strongly in the media for their position.
Vaccines are widely regarded as a fantastic medical advancement that helps prevent widespread disease. But on the other hand, there are legitimate concerns about their safety, with many parents reporting their child may have been injured or permanently damaged in some way from a reaction to a vaccine.
Certainly you’ve heard the news in the past few years about whether vaccines cause autism. It’s been back and forth in the news for years, with new data popping up recently raising more questions... The team over at The Truth About Vaccines has a great new article looking at both sides of the controversial issue on whether Vaccines cause Autism or not.
Required reading if you have a young child... Read this article to learn more
Regardless of where you stand, it’s time to get to the bottom of it, because many parents are caught in the middle, without the proper information and education on how to make the best decision for their child.
P.S. - If you scroll to the bottom of that article, you’ll see a place where you can register to watch their brand NEW documentary series called “The Truth About Vaccines” starting April 12th for FREE.
Click HERE to read the article
This month we have aSPECIAL deal that has NEVER been offered before!
Get super results with Miessence Superfoods at 30% off!
The range of Miessence superfoods is sourced from the most potent, pure, certified organic sources to help you heal, renew and revitalise your system from the inside out.
So, from NOW to the 30th of April, we're giving you the special chance to buy ANY Miessence superfoods* at 30% off! This means that you'll pay just $49 for a product that is normally $70 full price... That's a super saving of $21!(And don't forget Kiwis we also save any GST on orders under NZ$350)

Whats coming up?
This is where we keep you updated on courses run by Maximum Wellbeing as well as shows we may be attending in your region or events we think may be of interest.
Rotorua is calling.
While we don't have any "out of town" events that we are attending in the near future, there is a possible opportunity to book a session with Andy in Rotorua in the near future.
Andy has had requests to deliver her unique healing for some of our Rotorua clients on a regular basis so we are putting this out there to see who is interested. Obviously this would save you time and money by not having to travel to Tauranga and if this is successful Andy would regularly do an extra day a fortnight or month depending on demand. We envisage this will be a Wednesday as she is doing a Thursday a month, normal clinic hours would apply - thats between 8.30 -5.00 (please don't ask for appointments outside of these hours:)
At this point Andy will be in Rotorua on Thursday 4th May and will have appointments available from 8.30 to 11.30am, her afternoon is fully booked. The cost is $110 per session (this includes a small increase to cover room rental and Andys travel).
For it to be feasible to add an extra day, she will need to have a full day of customers, so if you would like to take advantage of this do let us know. Please email or phone to express your interest.
You can email Andy simply by CLICKING HERE
Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
Heel Mucosa Comp N
All of our internal organs are coated in a lining which is known as the mucous membrane. When this membrane is weakened or damaged a whole range of problems may occur.
Heel have created a very clever product that works specifically to strengthen and support the mucous membranes so the immune system can work more effectively.
Due to the range of nutrients and components used in the Heel Mucosa Comp this clever formulation may be used for the following:
For the symptomatic relief of rhinitis.
Relief of the pain and burning sensation associated with cystitis.
Maintenance of healthy eyes.
Provides relief from superficial eye problems such as sore, red and inflamed eyes.
Relief of the symptoms, pain and discomfort of gastritis.
Relief of symptoms of mild upper respiratory infections.
On its own this is a powerful product, but with certain conditions can be combined to offer great results such as shown below:
Upper respiratory tract infection with a dry spasmodic cough and nasal congestion - A combination of the Mucosa Comp N, Euphorbium Compositum Nasal Spray, and Husteel.
Gastro-Intestinal upset with bouts of diarrhea and abdominal cramps - A combination of Mucosa Comp N and Spascupreel.
Re-current Cystitis(looking for an alternative to Antibiotics?) - Mucosa Comp N, Echinacea Compositum, Coenzyme Compositum
The huge range of Heel products are all available to us, if you are wanting to try some of these unique combinations do let us know, they are gentle, safe and effective.

Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page - We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information, there is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)
What about YouTube?
As another tribute to some great old British humour, I came across some works from those two comedians who really had us all in the palm of their hands with their silly sketches and cast of characters we loved to laugh at.
Do you remember this one?
Watch Video by CLICKING HERE
Health snippets(International News)
Study: DTP Vaccine Associated With 212% Increased Infant Mortality Risk
Well, the title kind of says it all, some additional info to throw into the mix with regards to the upcoming Truth About Vaccines series.

What if You are Force-Vaccinated? How to Protect Yourself?
Along with the debate about whether you vaccinate or not there has long been a concern of the properties of a variety of the additives and preservatives used in vaccines, and for some there is a desire to "detoxify" these things out of their system, read on to discover what you can do.

DEAL of the MONTH: To go with our highlighted product above we are offering a couple of Heel products to help get you back in ship shape.
Click through to get the savings.
Heel Mucosa Comp N
Heel Detox Kit
If you see something in this newsletter or online at our shop that "feels right" for you - just order it! NOW!
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-571 1141, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141