Hi everyone,
In this issue:
- Know anyone with a Prostate issue?
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - from around the world.
- August Deals.
Here we go,
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James.
How many of you know someone - or maybe yourself have a bit of a "prostate thing going on"?
Read on to discover some of the products and foods that may be helpful. Further on a couple of interesting articles, one by Robert J Kennedy Jnr urging the power brokers to look at the numbers and do the math.
Hope you enjoy this months newsletter
Once upon a time........
What do we know about the prostate gland?
What we do know is that a huge percentage of males over the age of 50 have "a prostate thing".
In fact the figures are quite staggering and I remember hearing or reading many years ago that it goes something like this - 70% of men are affected with some prostate dysfunction at the age of 70 and 80% by the age of 80 and so on.....these figures may not be quite right, but it seems that at least 50% of men over the age of 70 will have an issue with the prostate.
Fortunately for us guys, the most common issue is a condition known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH) and while it can be very inconvenient is not something that will generally kill you. This is where the tissue of the prostate grows and we end up with an enlarged gland. While a little en-largening of the gland is not a big deal, when the gland starts to put pressure on other surrounding tissues the problems can then start to become an issue

The typical symptoms include:
- Urinary frequency
- Urgency
- Nocturia (abnormal frequency of night time urination)
- Decreased and intermittent force of stream
- Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying.
Any of you that followed the newsletter last month may have read about flaxseeds - well the little seeds are certainly one that I would recommend and there is a new study that shows that regularly consuming flaxseeds is a viable alternative to some of the more invasive procedures. The flaxseeds may increase the levels of free Testosterone, decrease the testosterone metabolite DHT (which is the one your Dr may be concerned about) and contribute to an overall improvement in general wellbeing.
Just think how cool it would be if you could avoid drugs and surgery by simply adding in flaxseeds and one or two other simple foods to your day. Flaxseed has been shown to reduce PSA levels as well as reduce cell proliferation associated with BPH. Another popular thought is that good old anti-oxidants can be helpful, and this is potentially where Green Tea has shown to have benefits.
Studies show that green tea can help prevent prostate cancer from forming and may also slow the growth of aggressive prostate cancer. Studies show that green tea can also benefit men with BPH and prostatitis. It is important to choose caffeine-free sources of tea, though, and as with any dietary components, this needs to be used regularly. Some of the other herbs mentioned below can be found and used in a "tea" form.
Other things that have been used to support a healthy prostate include:
Saw Palmetto - Probably one of the more widely recognised herbs for prostate support
Flower Pollen - We have a product in the PRL range that is a great flower pollen(not bee pollen) product that has been used to great affect with bladder and prostate issues,
Nettle - Another traditional herb that has many great benefits, and is often combined with Saw Palmetto. If you have it growing on your property its easy to make a "tea" from the fresh leaves and aerial part of the plant
Pumpkin Seeds - Obviously eating pumpkin seeds is one way to get the beneficial oil into you and this is the best way in general, but for some an additional hit from Pumpkin Seed oil is used.
Pygeum Africanum - An endangered plant that once again has been used for overall prostate health and is claimed by some to be helpful in the treating of prostate cancer.
Royal Jelly - There have been studies showing that Royal Jelly appears to have a positive effect on PSA levels, like many of these interventions, its benefits are likely to be greater if there is consistency over time with using these foods and/or herb.
As with anything, it may not be a one size fits all, but if this is of concern, contact us and book a session where we can focus on the most beneficial way for "you!" to help reduce the risk of prostate problems further down the track. As those of you who have been into the clinic will know, its important to match the right product(s) to the person and this is what our testing ensures.
Whats coming up?
This is where we keep you updated on courses run by Maximum Wellbeing as well as shows we may be attending in your region or events we think may be of interest.
Trusting your Intuition and Connecting to Your Body.
This class has been run in both Rotorua and Tauranga and the feedback from attendees has been wonderful. There will be more to come, and if its of particular interest to you or someone you know then it would be best to opt in to Andys email list to keep up to date with the latest information on whats happening.
Rotorua - You Must book in advance.
Andy is delivering her unique healing for our Rotorua clients on a regular basis now. She does have some gaps this week(Wednesday 9th) so if you have been waiting to have a tune up with her do make the call NOW.
Clinic days are either a Wednesday or Thursday once or twice a month, normal clinic hours apply - thats between 8.30 -5.00 (please don't ask for appointments outside of these hours:)
For this service to be continued we do need to have a full day of customers, so if you would like to take advantage of this do let us know. It is advisable however to make your booking well in advance - and if you cancel on the day you will be charged. Please email or phone to find out what the coming dates are or make a booking for the next visit.
You can email Andy simply by CLICKING HERE
Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
Purifying Blemish Gel (blemishes/pimples/cuts).
This is one of those products that has so many uses that I often refer to it as a "tool kit in a bottle" - very versatile and always makes a difference.
A potent and powerful blend of healing and calming organic herbs and flowers, including purifying thyme, healing plantain, clarifying echinacea and soothing marshmallow.
Essentially, if you have a pimple or anything red and sore, do try applying this product, I have seen it reduce redness almost immediately.
Contains the potent properties of organic lavender, lemon myrtle from country Queensland and tea tree from the forests in northern New South Wales.
This is the type of feedback we get from this magic gel:
"Oh, where to start! I love all your products so much, but I have to tell you that I always keep the Purifying Blemish Gel handy. It's the first thing I reach for to treat bug bites when we're outdoors. I've never known anything to soothe so quickly!
I'm not generally prone to skin problems or blemishes but recently I ended up with a skin contact dermatitis rash. Just a couple of applications of the blemish gel has reduced the rash immeasurably.
I can't recommend this product enough and the tea tree and lemon myrtle scent is lovely too."

Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page - We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information, there is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)
What about YouTube?
I like this guy, he is great at taking the micky out of all sorts of stupid "stuff" our politicians do.
Hope you enjoy it, I had a good old crack up with this one :)
Watch Video by CLICKING HERE
Health snippets(International News)
I Love You, I'm Sorry, Forgive Me, Thank you.
Here is something that I hope will lighten you up and give you an opportunity to grow.
The article refers to a Dr Len, whether it is fictitious or not, who knows, but let this lesson begin by saying that it "Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, you improve your world."

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Doing the math on meningitis vaccination.
There are always billions of dollars ta stake when it comes to making a vaccine mandatory in large countries. Across the population of the USA the occurrence of meningitis works out to be 1 person in every 817,949. This article is about decisions pending in Colorado and the numbers are definitely interesting, whether or not the decision makers will in fact look at the numbers is yet to be seen?

Hows this for a heading?
"Epidemic of complicated mumps in previously vaccinated young adults in the South-West of France,"
What is essentially a case study from a hospital in France showed that not only were fully vaccinated young adults contracting illnesses, the vaccinated patients contracted a malignant form of mumps that only rarely follows from natural, community acquired infection.
Bottom line - natural immunity confers better protection that lasts a lifetime, vaccines may protect some but create more risk for others and the protection may not be long lived.
"Mumps is a usually benign paediatric viral disease caused by a rubulavirus, RNA virus of the paramyxoviridae family."

DEAL of the MONTH: This month we have a couple of thinsg for you to take advantage of:
1) For all FIRST time Miessence customers, this month YOU can get anything in the range at a SPECIAL 30% OFF, the entire range, only for FIRST time Miessence customers ordering direct from our dedicated Miessence website.
2) As its August and I have been hearing stories of people struggling for WEEKS to overcome some of these nasty winter bugs I am going to offer you all an opportunity to come in for a session(Either a full 90 minutes or one hour) of QRA with a $25 dollar saving!
PHONE (07)571 1141 NOW TO SAVE $25.00
Don't suffer any longer, get the right things in place to get your system back to 100%!
This is a one off and will only be for those who mention the newsletter "SPECIAL" over the next 2 weeks.
We will also continue last months offers on essentials for your immune system.
Active 7.1 - Yes, this old favourite is worth having on hand.
Daily C - You all know you can really pump it up when needed.

If you see something in this newsletter or online at our shop that "feels right" for you - just order it! NOW!
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-571 1141, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator
and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141