August 2009 Newsletter
In this issue:
Thanks for your feedback over recent months, working together always produces a better result, in whatever you may be doing - so thanks again for your input. I thought I would start this month with a story from a customer who was under a lot of pressure from her Dr to go onto medication for high cholesterol. Lipex was suggested - no thanks was her response.
The Doctors comment on the lab report was ".. Your Cholesterol is looking a lot better. I am impressed. Keep up the good work..." I have written about this before so won't go over it again, but for those in the same situation please remember we can help - without the side effects. If you would like help to lower your cholesterol please click here
Are your beliefs holding you back? We hope you enjoy this short (2minute 12seconds) video. If you are not acheiving your goals could it be due to your limiting beliefs? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-padnN66Wo&feature=player_embedded PRODUCTS from our WEBSITE. Developed by Dr. Wilson(a specialist over many years in the field of So, what has Dr. Wilson done differently with SASF that makes it so effective in dealing with the effects of stress?
If you experience any of the following it is likely you will benefit from taking the SASF. SASF is a uniquely formulated vegetarian nutrient complex that provides the nutritional support necessary to maintain steady adrenal function and normal adrenal hormone production during periods of stress and/or adrenal fatigue, making SASF the “ultimate adrenal multi-vitamin/mineral”. SASF often induces a rapid therapeutic response—within a few days to one or two weeks—critical for people who have been suffering from Adrenal Fatigue and/or the effects of stress for too long. Why not try it for yourself see?! SASF utilises a sustained-release system that is interwoven throughout the entire tablet, conferring multiple benefits. The innovative sustained-release system in SASF addresses many of the challenges that we as practitioners have had with similar products in the past. It took Dr. Wilson 17 years to develop his products, you can now see why Dr. Wilson’s mantra is “results are the most important ingredient in my products”. If you would like to start on this amazing formula check out our offer at the bottom of the page
![]() To read a little more about this amazing turn around click here - we have heard comments from many customers over the years stating that when they ask the specialist "is there any food that I should avoid or increase to help with my ...." the response has usually been "eat what you like, it doesn't make a difference.." Isn't it great to finally see that these highly trained professionals are coming around to the fact that FOOD MATTERS! Less chemicals will always result in less illness - end of story! The Disappearing Male ‘The Disappearing Male’ (CBC Canada) talks about all the chemicals we are exposed to and how they are literally causing the male race to become extinct. Watch the video by clicking here. SPECIAL AUGUST OFFER: The regular size(90 tablets) for $49.95 or the large size(150 tablets) for $69.95. We will also send this to our Kiwi customers freight free, this means you will be saving about $15.00. To our overseas customers; we are happy to send the product, let us know where you would like yours sent and we will confirm shipping costs before dispatch. This offer will only be available until the 15th August. If you would like to take advantage of this months offer please reply now Click here without delay. Thanks again for being with us, Yours in good health, Susanne & Gary PS: Thanks again for your continued support and don't forget to forward the newsletter onto anyone who may find it of interest, take care S & G :) |