AugustSpecialScroll down to the bottom of the page for the special August Offer
Welcome to the August addition of our newsletter!
In this issue:
Well haven't we been having a wild ride?! The weather Bombs with wind and rain and the lack of sunshine is really starting to get to people. It makes me think about the article last month relating to the lack of Vitamin D - this last month certainly has been one to forget. I won't go on, but is this another one of those "signs" we haven't quite got it right yet when it comes to living in harmony with nature?I was lucky enough to have a small break by attending a conference on the Gold Coast of Oz. I saw and listened to some great presentations and saw the unveiling of some exceptional new products from Organic & Natural Enterprise Group(ONEgrp), but will talk about those in the next issue. So lets get on with this issue, hope you find it interesting. California Files Lawsuit Against Mislabelled Cosmetics
The Attorney General of California has filed a lawsuit against a number of natural personal care companies whose products allegedly contain levels of a carcinogenic compound. This is not an isolated occurence, many products and brands continue to use ingredients that carry the toxic 1,-4 Dioxane, we don't need to tell you that by choosing a "real" certified organic product you can once again feel confident you and yours will not be exposed to undesirable chemicals. Nasal Congestion, Sinus infection. As many of you will be trying to deal with the good old head cold, sinus infection and clogged head feelings that are part of the landscape during the "cold and flu season" we thought it may be helpful to mention a form of treatment that we have used over many years. This is a great product that does alot more than just help your sinuses. Another product from stables of the German company Heel, it is a special nasal spray that has proven antiviral activity as is also great for helping to normalise the mucosa within the nose and sinus tissue, its called Euphorbium Compositum Nasal spray. Along with the testimonials that we have relating to customers using the Euphorbium Comp there have been various studies including an in vitro case study specifically assessing the effect it had on a number of common pathogens that cause viral infections. This unique combination biological formula showed positive activity against influenza A virus, herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1), respiratory syncytial virus(RSV) and human rhinovirus(HRV). This is the page on the website that has the Euphorbium Compositum if you are struggling with a stuffy nose/head and want to use something that really works without causing dried up "dead" sinuses. Superior Nutrient Content Reported in Organic Blueberries The Bluecrop variety of highbush blueberries were grown on five organic and conventional farms in New Jersey. The farms shared comparable soils and weather conditions, and the berries were harvested in precisely the same way. The scientists carrying out the study are based at the USDA’s Genetic Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, and at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey.The team found consistent and significant differences in nutrient content. The organic blueberries contained 46 ORAC units, a measure of total antioxidant capacity, while the conventional berries contained 31 ORAC units. Accordingly, the organic berries had over 50% more total antioxidant activity. They also contained about 50% higher levels of total anthocyanins, the natural plant phytochemicals that give blueberries their dark colour. The organic blueberries also had 67% more total phenolics. The authors’ concluding sentence reads: “Blueberries produced from organic culture contained significantly higher amounts of phytonutrients than those produced from conventional culture.” Source: S.H. Wang et al., “Fruit Quality, Antioxidant Capacity, and Flavonoid Content of Organically and Conventionally Grown Blueberries,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, published on web July 1, 2008. Read the full story: http://www.organic-center.org/news_archive/thescoop_july08.htm Recent ORAC test results have increased the ORAC rating of Berry Radical(our preferred organic food based antioxidant formula) from 4,000 units -to over 7,000 units per serving - an increase of more than 75%! ![]() But are you aware that antioxidants are critical for assisting you in the fight against the top 5 diseases? To find out more about the importance of using a high quality, active formulation visit www.thebecks.BerryRadical.com to view a short clip. Just so you are clear on what this amazing combination offers, blueberries contain the polyphenolic antioxidant anthocyanins. Anthocyanins, which are flavonoids, were found to have the strongest antioxidant power of 150 flavonoids tested. Anthocyanins have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties and protect both large and small blood vessels (including those in the eyes) from oxidative damage. Bluberries are just one of the ingredients used in Berry Radical Just imagine having 10 of the worlds most potent antioxidant foods all together, its got to be good for you!! To be emailed a "fact sheet" relating to Berry Radical that has been written by the developer, Narelle Chenery, please click here to send your request. SPECIAL AUGUST OFFER: To any of our customers who go ahead and order the Euphorbium Nasal Spray during the month of August, we will subsidise the freight and also send a box of our very popular Manuka Melts absolutely FREE!! ![]() Manuka Melts are made with the highest quality Manuka honey that is harvested from the pure wilderness area of the West Coast. Great for sore throats with delicious and soothing Manuka Honey. The cost for this months special is just $33.00 so thats a saving of more than $6.00. If you would like to take advantage of this months offer please reply here without delay.
Thanks for being with us on our journey for a better understanding of wellness.
As always, if we can offer assistance in any way to help keep you(or shift you onto) the path to vibrant health please do contact us. Yours in good health, |