February 2014 News LetterHi friends,
In this issue:
Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective, find the one reason why you can achieve it rather than hundreds of reasons why you can't. - Napoleon Hill. Home detox? Here's how.
Some have claimed it prevents growth of malignant tumours, encephalitis and even has been used to cure chronic sleep deprivation. So, what is oil pulling and how do I do it? Its a simple process that seemingly allows your body to work on root causes - often of course toxicity is an underlying aspect of many health issues. This is the key to getting results - its not going to be an overnight wonder, but with continued application by using the Oil Pulling regularly things can begin to shift. Oil Pulling is simply achieved by putting an amount of oil in your mouth and swishing it around, sounds pretty weird, but don't knock it until you've tried it. Simple Steps. First: Upon rising - before eating or drinking anything measure out 1 tablespoon of oil and put it in your mouth, traditionally sunflower oil or sesame oil have been used but these days many people are using coconut oil with great results. It seems most oils will be effective, but of course as we are putting this liquid in the mouth I would recommend only good quality, cold pressed oils preferably from a certified organic source. Second: Simply swish the oil around in your mouth without swallowing it. Swish all around so the oil passes in between your teeth and around the whole of the buccal cavity. You don't have to wear out your jaw - in fact if you get sore muscles in your jaw or mouth you are probably overdoing it, just relax into the process because you need to keep it up for 20 minutes. Use your tongue to help gently move the oil around. The easy way to get through the 20 minutes is to relax, allow for natural movements of your tongue and mouth and to keep swishing the oil all around. If you get the urge to swallow or spit it out and you are not able to control this, then spit it out and start again. The 20 minutes is quite important and some suggest that if you are not able to attain the 20 minute mark the results will be less than you deserve. If you spit out before 20 minutes is up, then you must start again. When you first start doing the Oil Pulling it may be difficult to reach 20 minutes, just continue with the process and you will be surprised as to how the process will come to you very easily after a few times. What you will notice is that the oil will become a milky colour and consistency, exactly how long this will take will be determined by the type of oil, the time taken for the swishing and also the amount of toxic debri your body releases. By aiming for the 20 minutes you are bound to be certain that the "job" will be done properly which is indicated when the oil becomes a quite thick, white substance. Finally: As you reach the 20 minute target you can spit out the toxic oil and if you use an organic mouth wash I suggest you have a rinse with it, or you could rinse your mouth with a warm, salt solution. While the salt rinse is completely optional, its another old fashioned remedy that helps soothe any inflammation of the gums and also has some interesting anti-microbial properties. And thats it! Simple enough for everyone to try at home, Happy Swishing!
Well, its Birthday time for Miessence and the amazing company that produces it, Organic & Natural Enterprise Group(ONEgrp)and to celebrate there is a special deal on now, get in quick because this applies to February 2014 only!
This is where we keep you updated on courses run by Maximum Wellbeing as well as shows we may be attending in your region. Obviously we need your continued support to make this work, and invite any of you to come in for a catch up or to get an update on your own health progress, we are in Tauranga Tuesday's each week. The clinic is located on the corner of Cameron Road and Garden Place. - 571 1141, any enquiries can be made through this number so you don't even have to make a toll call!
Phone Andy or Gary on 07-3436909 to confirm a place. What about YouTube?
Products Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com Here is a little more about the rewards system that is now a part of Miessence purchasing. MiRewards Benefits With MiRewards:
So, if you are already a Lifestyle Member with us you will have had the info, if you are not and would like to find out more or start ordering your favourite certified organic Miessence products yourself click the link below to go to our dedicated Miessence website and find out more Go to Miessence website Roundup 'Weed Killer' Threatens Coral Reefs, Persists In Seawater Could Round Up be one of those marine pollutants that are causing the death of our Coral reefs around the planet?A new study done in Australia by Australian Marine researchers talks of an increasing concern over the global loss of corals and seagrass, satellite images show the run off after heavy rain, that contains an excess of sediments, nutrients and pesticides can travel up to 50 kilometres offshore. To find out more or read the study, click here DEALS of the MONTH: This month we will be giving you a discount when ordering the PRL Gallbladder-ND.
Andy Pentecost, Natural Therapist/Healer and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic www.maximumwellbeing.com |