Hello friends,
In this issue:
- Brain Fog, weight gain?.
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - from around the world.
- February Deals.
“Success is not to be measured by the position someone
has reached in life, but the obstacles he has overcome while
trying to succeed.” - Booker T. Washington.
Its February and many of us kiwis' have finally been experiencing a little Summer - it took a while, but we have had some great summer's days, blue sky, warm and low winds, excellent conditions for swimming in the sea(or lake if thats closer for you), and even one or two evenings perfect for a summer BBQ.
Its important to continue to make time for "YOU" and maximise your life balance and enjoyment by putting those simple, special things into your day or week. All work makes Johnny a dull boy :)
Focus on enjoying the moment - do it now! There will never be another one like it!
This newsletter will be relatively short, we want you to be aware of a couple of events coming up over the next couple of months that will provide some great insights into two very important topics that effect many of us. Stayed tuned for more info. Please feel free to forward this email or share the content with whoever you feel may benefit.
Weight gain, hair loss… brain fog… (What’s REALLY behind it?)
Could you be suffering from a serious medical condition and not know it at all?
The bad news is… it’s entirely possible.
Because there’s an estimated 20 million people walking around with a thyroid condition that’s affecting their life… and they have NO idea.
It’s serious stuff.

Thyroid disease can wreck your health and take over your entire world, and if you don’t know what’s causing it, you may never get any relief.
Unexplained weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, hair loss and more can ALL be caused by an undiagnosed thyroid condition.
Worse yet, you could very well have a diagnosis… but it could be 100% wrong.
Thyroid disease is one of the most misdiagnosed conditions in the country. Your doctor just isn’t looking in the right place.
Dr. Izabella Wentz went through 8 years of suffering at the hands of her own thyroid and finally got the relief she deserved.
Now she’s taken matters into her own hands and created an incredible documentary series called The Thyroid Secret.
The powerful trailer for this upcoming event is right here for you to watch in person.
Take just a minute and see this vital information and then get registered for the documentary series.
The World Premiere of The Thyroid Secret air’s on March 1st! It’s 100% Free for you to watch, but you’ll want to register early to make sure you have a spot…
You won’t want to miss a single episode.
See the trailer here.

Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
Hair care.
What ingredients do you need to be wary of in your haircare product of choice?
Ingredients are what make up all of the products you use in your home and on your body, if one or other ingredient is toxic or has a negative effect at some level your body MUST find a way to deal with it. The reality for too many people is that their daily routine results in adding more toxic burden into an often overworked detoxification system - and guess what? Finally something "breaks".
But if we want to, we have the choice of avoiding unnecessary chemicals and synthetic ingredients.
Here are just a couple of very common ones to avoid:
Polyethylene Glycol
Also known and listed as "PEG," if you see PEG in anything, just get rid of it. This is the type of thing that will dissolve oil and grease and may be seen in oven cleaners for this reason.
A petroleum-based compound used to create a creamy texture in hair care products. Some PEGs have been contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, a carcinogenic compound which is known to cause organ toxicity and has been linked to cancer.
Another well-known commercial shampoo ingredient, and one that has been on the radar for many of us for years. Common parabens are methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. Often more than one paraben is used in a single product. Parabens are a type of xenoestrogen; a manmade compound with similar composition to that of naturally occurring hormones found in our bodies. Xenoestrogens are believed to disrupt normal hormonal balance which can reflect in all types of hormonal imbalances, and may even increase your cancer risk.
What about a good old Miessence Shampoo?
Miessence Hair Care
In the Miessence range there are 2 shampoo's, a hair conditioner, clarifying Hair rinse for problem scalps, a styling gel and a Hair repair product. All of course comply with the highest standards and are part of one of the greenest companies on the planet.

You can order any or all of these products from our pages or directly via our dedicated Miessence website by clicking on the link below (ordering through this link will give you access to the entire range with quantity discounts).

Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page - We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information, there is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)
What about YouTube?
Time for a musical interlude - we haven't had one of these for a while so its definitely time for a break out into some notes that will (hopefully) get a little tight on your heart strings.
I do hope you enjoy it, the sound quality isn't perfect but the message still gets through.
You can even sing a long if you feel like it :)
To watch the video CLICK HERE
Health snippets(International News)
Here is a something that may(should?) concern us all, particularly here in sunny Tauranga.
Methyl Bromide has been the fumigant of choice for our authorities for many years.
Here are a couple of links to recent local reports:
Tauranga port gas doubles risk of deadly disease
'Worrying' levels of toxic gas in Tauranga
For those of you who read last months newsletter, I made a comment relating to the ongoing fluoride debate, thats where all of this starts to make sense and we can become a little more informed on why we don't want these chemicals floating around in our environment(or in our water).
Along side the increased risk of motor neurone disease, the chemical methyl bromide fits into the same category - both the bromide and fluoride are chemicals from the broader family of "halides" and when we relate this to our body and the thyroid gland, halides knock out the beneficial mineral iodine. Once again, I have spoken about this in earlier newsletters(if you want us to resend you a copy of an older newsletter with that information please let us know). I am not sure of all the content in the upcoming Thyroid Secret, but I am sure there will be mention of some of these points along the way.
DEALs of the MONTH: Order any Miessence shampoo and/or Hair conditioner from our website and we will include a FREE trial size Body Wash value($10.99) AND we will even send it FREIGHT FREE (save another $5.00)
Order HERE:
Desert Flower Shampoo(normal to dry hair)
Lemon Myrtle Shampoo(normal to oily hair)
If you see something that "feels right" for you - just order it! NOW!
We would like to send you a big, GO GET IT and have a cracking good 2017!! All the best for the year ahead - remember, it will be what you think it will be!
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-571 1141, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141