Hi folks,
In this issue:
- Holidays over? Now what?
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Keep reaching for your targets!
- February Deals.
Dear friends,
"The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay
down." - Stephen Richards
Holidays are over for many of us and its back to the grind and of course the summer weather is still pumping. In fact I have heard people use words such as "stinkin hot", "sticky", "draining", "wonderful", "amazing" and a whole lot of other terms, so whatever school of thought you follow, its seems we are having a Summer this year and life for us all is just life from a different perspective.
Hope you enjoy this months newsletter
The most effective way to shed weight and gain life!
I made a brief mention in last months YouTube video of results from some of our customers completing a modern version of a very old fashioned "health treatment" and I will continue on with this theme this month.
The unfortunate reality for most of us is that our modern environment and lifestyle place an excess of burden on our general detoxification systems as we endeavour to deal with day to day stress and the general metabolic waste that we create.
So what is it that can work to.......??
Eliminate toxins?
Clear up our skin conditions?
Improve our digestive system?
Give more clarity?
Assist with weightloss?
Of course you are all on to it, its Fasting.
The process of leaving FOOD out of the equation for a period of time, and fasting is a process that has been used by health practitioners of all sorts for many, many years with outstanding outcomes for many people dealing with many conditions.
And one very interesting fact that goes against logic is that we don't die! In fact after a short period our nervous system switches gear and we become more alert, more aware and gain clarity with regards to what we need to do next.
Here is s short video that gives a little background to Fasting and the WeightLoss SuperFood - FAST.
Yes! You CAN achieve fast, effective & healthy weight loss!
You see, our body is hard wired from our origins to endure both feast and famine, imagine our fore-fathers who were hunter gatherers, when food was more scarce their body didn't shut down - it became super keen to find that next meal, and to do that we need all our senses working at their best, so this is what happens when we fast for a short period, our senses become more refined and we work more efficiently in many ways, we also kick into the "fat burning" mode known as ketosis and this is where we very quickly will shed unwanted excesses of weight(fat or adipose tissue is used as the primary fuel for the body).
If you watched my short video last month you will have heard me mention a customer who got rid of a persistent skin problem just by completing the FAST, this is common feedback and of course the results for some people regards weightloss has been quite amazing, targets far beyond what we thought might be achieved are being reached every month by people using this super effective, simple process to help their body help itself.
So if you made a promise to yourself(or someone else) that 2018 is the year you decided to: eat healthier, lose weight, add more raw food to your diet, make healthier food for the family. etc?...then NOW is the time to step up and take control of your health destiny.
The FAST CHALLENGE is scheduled to be run starting February 5th and gives you the opportunity to join with a group from around the globe who will be doing exactly the same thing - a chance to share experiences, and also gain the support of like minded individuals. The whole process is also monitored by a well known Australian Fasting /Health coach and author - Sharif Jacobsen
YES! You can achieve fast, effective & healthy weight loss now!
Our thoughts and mind set are an important key in the whole process as much of our eating is largely habitual and often doesn't really relate to our physiological needs, here's a brief heads up from Sharif on how we will be supporting you.....
FAST is a certified organic, nutritionally supported 3-day fast for sustained weight loss, cleansing and renewal.
Get 30% OFF* + our FREE fasting with FAST eBook here! >> Get30PercentOffFASTNow
After just 3 short days, our members report waking up feeling lighter and cleaner, energised, refreshed and satisfied with an improvement in digestion, elimination, mental clarity, skin and sleep.
E-BOOK: http://edgecast.onegrp.com/shop/docs/en/Fasting_FAST.pdf
The Challenge will follow this format:
Mon - Wed:
Pre-Challenge Posts (including welcome, competition announcement & entry opportunities)
Thur - Sun:
Group Fast with FAST (mentoring with Sharif group sessions & one-on-ones, competition entries).
Mon - Wed:
Post-Challenge posts and follow up (results & testimonials
A note on starting the fast:
The fast will commence at 7pm on the evening of the 8 Feb in Australia/ NZ, and 7pm on 7 Feb in USA/CA/UK.
Because of timezone differences, the post series will appear slightly different in timezones outside Australia (US/UK/CA will start and finish slightly ahead) but we'll do our best to communicate when to start and finish, and if you're a little ahead or behind it is no problem :)
Participants will have their last regular meal on the night that the fast commences, and then wake up to have their first FAST meal approximately 16 hours later the next day.
I know this newsletter is cutting it fine for you to get your order in and receive your FAST on time, so if this is something you intend doing DO IT NOW!
Here is the link to get your FAST at 30% OFF*, complete your name and email address and you will also receive a helpful E Book about Fasting and an invitation to join the FaceBook group - oh and I almost forgot - You will also be in with a chance to win a $200 voucher from Miessence HQ - one of our customers was the lucky winner of the $200 in January - are you going to be in for this month?
ORDER NOW and get your product on its way and get in to win $200!
* First order, one time only.
Whats coming up?
LIMITED OFFER: 25 minute ‘Coaching Session’ for ONLY $54 - Normally $275 for an hour.
These coaching sessions are packed with great insights and uses great tools to move and shake you into a new possibility, don't be fooled into thinking that 25 minutes isn't long enough to get things shifting, because it happens all the time with people that Andy works with.
Do you have an inkling something more is possible in your life?
Would you like to create more freedom and ease in a specific area of your life:
- Money
- Relationship
- Career
- Business
- Pregnancy
- Fertility
- New Home
- Fun
- Excitement
- Happiness
You can find out more about this great opportunity or make a booking by CLICKING HERE
or you can email Andy by simply CLICKING HERE
With 20 years experience in the Natural Healing Field, Andy is a Facilitator, Trauma Release Facilitator, Coach and Best Selling Author on Amazon. She teaches you tools that empower you to know that you know, learning to trust and follow your awareness. She facilitates you to uncover those things that are standing in the way of having what you know is possible.
If this is what you have been asking for then contact Andy to set up your appointment time. info@andypentecost.com or (07) 571 1141. 10 spaces available.
Rotorua - You Must book in advance.
Andy is delivering her unique healing for our Rotorua clients on a regular basis now.
Clinic days are Wednesday and Thursday, normal clinic hours apply - thats between 8.30 -5.00 (please don't ask for appointments outside of these hours:)
For this service to be continued we do need to have a full day of customers, so if you would like to take advantage of this do let us know. It is advisable however to make your booking well in advance - and if you cancel on the day you will be charged. Please email or phone to find out what the coming dates are or make a booking for the next visit.
3 Day Live Retreat with the Cory Michelle at Mt Maunganui.
Andy has been working with Cory Michelle during the last year and feels what she has to offer could be helpful for many of us.
What is being congruent and how does it create magic in your life? Live "Art of Living Crazy Possible retreat"
Feb 10-12, in Tauranga, NZ
Here is the link to the Facebook live Andy and Cory did together recently. It is a great overview of what is possible from this life changing class. Click here
To register: click here
Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
As we are having a newsletter about the Miessence product FAST, I felt its appropriate to make mention of a couple of other SuperFoods in the range. And guess what - as something extra special, I have just received word that we are able to offer a very special deal, but ONLY for the next week, see below.
First off is the original flag ship product that has changed the lives of many people - InLiven.
Here is just one comment from a very satisfied customer:
As a Juice nutritionist, I had to try the vitality pack. I started with the probiotic InLiven alone, I did nutritional testing in April before I started using Inliven daily and in July I was retested, I went from low deficient good bacteria, to high good bacteria woohoo! Not only this but in the first testing I was slightly deficient in Vitamins B3,B6, Vitamin C, and Magnesium..which was a surprise as I had been juicing daily...guess what I was no longer deficient in any vitamins. I was astounded but great find, as now I don't waste money on synthetic probiotics and vitamins that clearly weren't working. Adrienne
InLiven Superfood is based on more than 30 years of research, contains the Lactobacillus family of 13 strains combined with 26 certified organic whole foods naturally fermented for 3 weeks prior to bottling.
With Inliven you can expect:
Improved digestion
Increased nutrient assimilation, including calcium
Strengthened the immune system
Increased resistance to yeast infections
Assisted absorption of magnesium, calcium and iron
Naturally Manufactured B complex vitamins (biotin and vitamin K)
Relieved symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Detoxified toxins and chemicals in gut
Maintained correct pH balance in vaginal ecosystem
Reduced high blood pressure
Reduced cholesterol in the blood
Production of cancer or tumour suppressing compounds!
In a nutshell, this very clever product is a naturally created combination that is in a sense a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, multi-amino acid, multi-probiotic presented all together in a very easily assimilated powder!

So instead of buying a heap of man made synthetic vitamin or mineral supplements why not consider a REAL, certified organic, wholefood source of great nutrition for the whole family?

Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page - We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information, there is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)
What about YouTube?
To round off this months issue I have included a short video with Dr Joel Fuhrman MD. Dr Fuhrman has used FASTing in his medical practice for over 25 years and this video gives a brief summary of some aspects of FASTing talked about at an International Fasting Summit from a couple of years ago
Watch Video by CLICKING HERE
DEALs of the MONTH: In line with this months Newsletter material we are offering the following products with BIG SAVINGS of $$OFF:
FAST Weightloss SuperFood - as suggested in the article above, by clicking on this link you will be asked to enter your name and email address, from this you will then be given access to the 30% Discount for your first FAST order
And yes, you will also be able to add other Miessence products to your shopping cart
Miessence InLiven - You have a week to take up this chance to start into InLiven at a colossal 30% OFF, remember this is ONLY until February 9th www.miessentials.com
(if for some reason you can't be bothered ordering from our www.miessentials.com website, send me an email and I will supply you from my stock at a special rate-it will be a little more because we need to charge GST etc)
If you see something in this newsletter or online at our shop that "feels light" or "feels right" for you - just order it! NOW!
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-571 1141, we would love to speak to you!
Wishing you all the best for what is ahead for 2018
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator
and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141