February2009SpecialHi Everybody,
Hello and welcome to our first newsletter of 2009, to those new subscribers we say thanks for being here with us and please don't hesitate to send in any requests or ideas on the content of future newsletters
Some of you may have received an email in the last couple of days and noticed that there were one or two "little mistakes" in the newsletter, in fact it wasn't even finished. Sorry, I goofed up and set the "send" time incorrectly. I came back to finish writing and it was being sent already and there was nothing I could do to stop it! The final pieces are now in place and various links will be working. We humans just can't be trusted, thanks for your understanding Gary In this issue:
Well who would have thought it? 2009 is here and racing by already! Although we are well into then year HAPPY NEW YEAR! Lets make sure 2009 is better than the rest! Its up to YOU, so just do it! Of course you have all been relaxing and taking it easy and are well rested, feeling fit and healthy and........ what do you mean? Not feeling fit and healthy! OK, so you had a few extra drinks to celebrate the new year and been a little "lazy", hey its been holiday time, right? And with all that now you are wondering what to do to try and shed those pesky few additional kilos that have somehow found their way onto your body. If you are needing a little help in this area here is a short article that may be of interest for weight loss tips While you have been taking time out, contrary to what some of you may believe, I have been beavering away burning the midnight oil and have added several new products to the website. We now have available on-line a highly effective range of practitioner only products sold under the brand name of Future Formulations. Future Formulations products have been developed by Dr James Wilson,ND,DC,PhD. Dr Wilson is a highly regarded physician who has an exceptional understanding of one of the most significant issues facing us today - STRESS. If we consider that health experts currently believe that 75%-90% of ALL doctor visits, both medical and psychological, are now recognised as stress related then you start to get an idea of how BIG this whole issue is. Over 10 years ago, Dr Wilson coined the phrase "Adrenal Fatigue". With 26 years of post graduate research and education and 28 years of clinical experience this unique range has been continually refined over a 16 year period and offers what we think is the most effective treatment and support of the adrenals. Along with the unique formulations that we have been using throughout 2008, with Dr Wilson's experience behind us, we have tried and tested protocols we use to assist with Adrenal recovery, and the results have been exceptional! Once Adrenal Fatigue sets in, you may become susceptible to a long list of health complaints including respiratory infections, asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and other immune disorders.
The most important tool, and first step for most is Dr Wilson's' book titled, "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome". This is one of the most comprehensive and yet easy to read books ever written on the effects of stress on health and importantly what to do about it. The book is written as a self help guide and those customers that have had the most success in dealing with this huge problem are the ones who have a copy of the book!
You probably know someone who could benefit from some help in this area. We can help, so please send this information on and encourage them to contact us now. The debilitating effects as a result of adrenal fatigue are varied, as you can see from the list, but if you ask anyone in any of these situations - I am sure they will all tell you that its not a lot of fun.
Sunglasses are important! But don’t forget the anti-oxidants! The study found that those who do get adequate amounts of a range of antioxidants were in fact protected. Want More Customers? Ask For Them! In light of the fact that we have been told we are all going to have to "tighten our belts" we felt it was appropriate to include this short article that may be helpful for any of you that are business owners out there. If your customers are happy with your product or service they are probably willing to refer future customers to you. Unfortunately for you, they usually don't think of it or get around to it. A good referral request can start with 'who do you know who....'. We know that personal referrals are by far the best way forward for our business, so lets all work together and make 2009 a success. 6th Birthday Blast! Everyone on the planet is looking to take more control of their own financial future in 2009. Why not join us and become a representative for ONEgroup during the 6th Birthday Blast! celebration for only 6 bucks! If this is something that even remotely sounds worthwhile then now is the time to get involved. The normal membership cost is $90, so what a great way to start combating the belt tightening of the credit crunch and doing something that will benefit us all. We have a special website that will reveal more about the opportunity that this presents, just sign up for the free tour at www.miorganicbusiness.com or simply drop us an email asking for more information. We are excited about this special deal that runs for the entire month of February to celebrate ONEgroups 6th year of operation. As we have mentioned many times in the past, an organic lifestyle means less toxic chemicals which means less cancers, a safer environment and improved quality of life for us ALL! SPECIAL FEBRUARY OFFER: If you would like to take advantage of this months offer please reply now Click here without delay. Thanks again for being with us, Yours in good health, Susanne & Gary PS: Don't forget to forward the newsletter onto anyone who may find this of interest, take care S & G :) |