Hello friends,
In this issue:
- A pain in the butt!
- ReLaunch Specials - Christmas buys?
- An overview of what's coming up, and -
- This months special Natural pain relief.
Hi folks,
We made it through Movember, and here we are, the final countdown before the end of this crazy "year of covid".
It's time to prepare ourselves for the silly season, get our body ready for the beach, and of course getting those things we have been putting off ticked off our list before we do run out of time this year.
I will be talking about a unique product that really has become very popular for many - it addresses very effectively pain, and if we don't suffer ourselves, I am sure we all know someone who experiences pain, and pain is one of the biggest drains of energy our body may be facing. Read on and learn about an option that not enough people are aware of.
What is PEA? And what does it have to do with pain?
Pain - is a pain, and many suffer from a variety of this energy depleting condition, whether its a pain in the back, pain in the butt, or pain in the neck - , joint pain, nerve pain, fibromyalgia - or some other sort of pain.
When we experience pain it's a signal from your body that something isn't right, and we generally opt to dull the pain or suppress the pain with drugs and powerful medicines which do nothing to address the cause, and that's OK for a short period of time if it gives us relief and the body is able to heal. The concern is that the meds generally do one thing, they simply sever the link between the pain and your brain, the problem causing the pain remains and the potential for ongoing damage is very real.

Chronic pain is defined as the persistent presence of mild to severe pain for at least 3-6 months beyond the usual duration that healing is generally expected following an illness or injury. Unfortunately pain is highly prevalent, affecting at least 19-24% of Australians and New Zealanders aged over 45, (particularly females and older individuals), and 38-43% of people worldwide, with significant adverse influences on the quality of life and productivity of affected individuals.
With those figures in mind, and the understanding that Pain medications may not continue to work for chronic pain, and it can be dangerous to use these medications long term, it's nice to know there may be another option, a safer option - lets introduce you to PEA - Palmitoylethanolamide. Many studies have demonstrated PEA to be effective against various inflammatory mechanisms that develop and maintain the "chronic pain state".
What is PEA?
Chemically known as palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), is a group of fatty acid amides that supports joint health and pain relief. Some of you will recall an earlier newsletter where I talked of some of the benefits of cannabinoids from marijuana, well interestingly, PEA is an endogenous fatty acid amide belonging to the endocannabinoid family and is naturally produced in the body around various tissues as a biological response to stress, pain and inflammation. So it's a natural substance that we produce ourselves - quite different to over the counter drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin - these are of course all chemicals that never occur naturally in our body!
Here are some of the Potential Areas for Use:
👉 Osteoarthritis
👉 Back Pain
👉 Dental Pain
👉 Fibromyalgia
👉 Carpal tunnel syndrome
👉 Muscular Cramps
👉 Chronic Pain
👉 Nerve Pain
PEA is everywhere in our body! It is omnipresent and expressed in almost all bodily tissues and produced on-demand from the cell membrane lipid-bilayer, exerting its action locally. Based on the foundation of its powerful anti-inflammatory effects, PEA is well-recognised with over 350 Papers documenting its wide range of therapeutic effects such as:
anti-influenza and modulation of immune response in both animal and human studies
And here is something worth knowing, PEA has been known of for over 50 years, and there are now over 350 papers referenced in PubMed describing the physiological properties of PEA and its pharmacological and therapeutic profile.
PEA was first introduced in the market under the brand name “Impulsin” as prophylactic treatment for influenza and the common cold - probably a much better option than the seasonal Flu shot! In the 1970s, research into PEA’s efficacy against influenza heightened with the publication of six clinical trials. These trials demonstrated and corroborated the beneficial effects of PEA on influenza symptoms and incidence of the disease. Isn't this interesting to learn in the "year of the covid"?!
On the infection control, PEA not only acts as a gut microbiota mediator, but also, it potentially protects our body from exogenous bacterial invasion, and I hope you all by now know how important a happy balance of gut microbes is!
It can be difficult for the body to produce PEA at the site of pain or injury on demand as we age, but luckily for us there are a number of manufacturers who have been offering PEA products that are fast becoming the "go to" formulations for many practitioners and patients when dealing with some form of inflammation.
With a number of companies being very proactive in educating and informing practitioners of the many benefits of this product. Its clinical use is now well established and the results talk for themselves.
To Summarise...
All in all, the multifaceted effects of PEA via multiple targets and the fact that PEA is a naturally occurring compound makes it a perfect candidate as an important regulator of inflammatory conditions and mediator of interactions between the nervous system, and immune system to boost the overall immunity. However, the onset of the inflammatory state causes a decrease in the production of PEA. Thus the administration of exogenous PEA can replenish endogenous levels and restore its anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulatory potential.
The potential targets again:
> Arthritis
> Joint Function and Comfort
> Post-Exercise pain
> Workout Endurance
> Pain Management
See below for our PEA Special
DON'T MISS OUT - 20% DISCOUNT and FREE SHIPPING still available - but not for long.
We have just received word that then "Launch Special" will continue for a little longer on the new dedicated Miessence website. So please do take the opportunity to get your order of the purest, most beneficial personal care products on the planet into the system before this goes away.

I have also just heard that the HAPPI certified organic laundry liquid has now been integrated into the new website too, so if you are wanting to re-order, or try this amazing product for a first time here is a link to the direct page to order. To order Click here
If you are new to the idea of a single, 1 litre pouch of laundry liquid that will last you for a year that has just 4 certified organic ingredients then here is a link to find out more.
To learn more Click here
As a testament to how concentrated the product is, we are still using the same 1 litre sachet that we ordered when we first arrived here - and that is well over a year ago! Less toxic chemicals in our waterways, less plastic waste in our landfills, and a clean wash every time. We love it!
To summarise the incentive in association with the "Miessence Re-Launch" when you spend more that $99 you will get a 20% discount AND free Shipping. This offer is for a limited time, do take advantage of a great deal, with a great range of products. Skincare, haircare, oral care, body care, nutritional superfoods and more.
I would love to hear comments on the new site. You will also see that with this transition, all orders done through maximumwellbeing.com for Miessence products will be redirected to the new site.
Feel free to ask me questions about using the new site, or of course any of the Miessence products.
I have a had some great feedback with PEA for shingles related pain too, so it has a lot of potential in many areas.
Many diseases affecting us in our modern world begin with inflammation - inflammation on a very basic cellular level is associated with everything from heart disease, respiratory disease and........,
Although PEA is expressed in all body tissues, it is found most abundantly in the central nervous system and, being produced in certain areas of the brain, it is also considered to have neuromodulatory effects.
PEA is also a member of the endocannabinoid system, exerting an effect on cannabinoid receptors.
> Pain – Neuropathic pain, chronic pain, sciatica, migraines
> Osteoarthritis
> Fibromyalgia
> Depression PEA- Yes, it's shown to have anti-depressant effects either as a standalone treatment or in combination with other types of anti-depressant medications
> Autism
> Cold & Flu
> Gastrointestinal disorders - Inflammation-based gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are being treated with PEA due to the multitude of antiinflammatory actions of the therapeutic agent
> Endometriosis
We have so many great online summits and webinars coming through at the moment, but guess what - its time for a well earn't break, no doubt there will be plenty to share in the new year, we look forward to continuing to support your growth and education again in 2021.

What about YouTube?
This time it's one of my own. Its one I created for a YouTube advert.
I'm open to whatever critique or comment you may like to make:)
As part of our continued growth, video is fast becoming "the way to do things"
It's not Christmassy - but it does mention a good deal running up until Christmas - so almost the same thing :) Let me know what you think - but go shopping first :)
As a Virtual Naturopath I work with customers all over. BOOK A SESSION NOW!
The distance testing that I have developed is showing great results, even if it sounds a little strange, if you are wanting some help please reach out. Here is a comment form a recent customer:
"I had tried many different holistic options and western medicine plans before coming to Gary. I had given up but after trying his treatment plan I can honestly say I felt so much better over the the last two months than I felt for the last two years."
Now is a great time to refine what you are doing, and do remember we love referrals, so don't hesitate to send friends or family to www.maximumwellbeing.com for their health needs.
The best and most efficient way to make contact will be through this email address: info@maximumwellbeing.com
A word from ANDY.
Ok everyone I'm excited to announce that I will be available for readings again.
I love delivering messages from the Angels and people's loved ones who have passed.
Sometimes when a loved one passes we don't get a chance to say goodbye and this is a way to tell them how we felt. And it can also be reassuring to know they are ok. Oftentimes it’s a healing experience for both parties.
Or there may be an area of your life where you would like to know the next steps or gain some clarity.
You may be questioning if the job you are in is for you or you may have had the awareness to do something else and would like confirmation and next steps.
These readings are done via zoom and you will receive a recording.
To find out more check out the link here: https://andypentecost.com/psychic-medium-readings/
Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page
We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month
with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information.
There is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too.
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)

Please do share this with anyone you know who may be struggling.
We have developed a 12 month program to walk closely with people and take them through creating a healthy eating, healthy thinking, healthy living lifestyle. Getting rid of toxic thinking along with cleaning up all aspects of their life is a big task for many, and this is where our experience and understanding will support them and move them to a different place in their lives.
If you want to have a look, or refer anyone to our program, visit or share our facebook page.
SPECIALS of the month
Designs For Health PEA SUPREME is our special for December, up until 21st December you will be able to save almost $14 on a bottle of this amazing formula for relief of pain created through almost any form of inflammation.
So whether its and arthritic pain, a nerve pain such as shingles, some form of back pain or sciatica, migraines or even digestive pain from an irritable bowel, PEA is worth giving a go, a painkiller without the "killer" side effects
Save $$ on Designs For Health PEA Supreme, Shop HERE NOW
PLEASE NOTE: As this is a "Practitioner Only" product, you will need to be logged in to purchase this item - if you need help to register please flick me a quick email.
And finally, thank you all so much for your support through this crazy "year of the covid" every order counts, and we truly appreciate being able to assist in any way.
It sure has been a crazy time, so we go from crazy to silly in one bound, enjoy the silly season, stay happy and healthy and Merry Christmas to you all!!
Thanks for your support!
We love to share our knowledge and our skills, so if you have a question, or are struggling with an issue that just isn't going away or you simply feel a need for help, please do reach out.
We are here to help.
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an online appointment, please send an email to info@maximumwellbeing.com, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy

Andy Pentecost-Beck, Intuitive Life & Biz Coach/Author/Animal Communicator
and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic