Hello dear friends,
In this issue:
- Gut health - whats it about? Part 2.
- When it comes to Joint Ventures, this is one we can all win with?
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- CBD - More FREE information to consider?
Welcome dear friends,
Let's get straight into things, I will be slowing down a little on the "GUT" topic, we will have a little more product focus this month.
But the really big news is to do with our favourite Certified Organic brand - MIESSENCE - its a big story! Remember to send in any questions you may have as I am happy to answer them for you.
Oh, and please don't buy into the fear and anxiety that is being propagated in the media right now - we will be OK, you will be OK! I wasn't going to mention anything about what to do to combat the Corona Virus, but as it turns out, one of our specials this month could in fact be a very valuable thing to have on hand if you felt your immune system is under attack.
This is what some of our info says about Body-Guard®. Its a First Responder Immune Support. Body-Guard® is a gentle but reliably efficacious formula designed to provide immediate support to the immune response along the body’s front line defenses. See the bottom of the newsletter for the special.
Let's read on......
Gut health in the 2020's Part 2.
We delved into the story of poop last month, not a very user friendly topic, but I do hope you gained some additional understandings around its significance.
In addition I want to mention some more insights from checking the colour of your poop.
What do different colours of poop mean?
Brown - a regular brownish poop is what we want, and of course this will alter from light to dark relative to our diet. Colour in general is mostly from bile and a combination of substances that are to be eliminated out of the body. A part of it is bilirubin (produced when red blood cells are broken down). Bilirubin gives it its brown colour, in general.
Green - Seeing green? Think stomach acid(Hcl). If you are seeing green, the most likely reason will be due to low stomach acid, the acid normally will change the green bile pigment to brown. Even if you are eating loads of green foods, or drinking green smoothies, if everything is working well your poop shouldn't be green(if you have green smoothies and you are seeing green it may be that you need to chew a little protein to stimulate Hcl). Low stomach acid could be caused by many factors, consider; too much stress, low protein in your diet (thus not simulating stomach acid), too much sweet stuff/sugar, lack of important nutrients such as vitamin B12 and zinc.
Yellow - The yellow or even lighter coloured. The most common concern here is that either the Liver or Gallbladder is blocked or congested. Bile (created in the liver and stored in the gallbladder) is released into the small intestines when required, but if the bile duct is blocked this can't happen - the result is likely to be a yellow poop. The lighter/whiter stool could even be indicative of a Pancreas related problem(the pancreas is a clever organ that produces both insulin and digestive enzymes). If you are seeing this consistently it really is time to get onto some serious liver cleansing and considering our favourite gallbladder flush.
Red - I see Red, I see Red, I see Red.... I'm sure we don't need to tell you this, it's most likely going to be from blood and the lighter, brighter red it is suggests that the blood is coming from somewhere in the lower GI or haemorrhoids, so keep an eye on it and get it checked if the red poop persists.
Black - As you can imagine, black doesn't look good or sound good. The dark colour will usually be blood that has entered the GI further back up the in the system, even the stomach itself, this could be caused by an ulcer that is bleeding internally or something that you would want to get on top of sooner rather than later, get it checked!
By now you should be getting used to checking what is in the toilet bowl after your efforts, and hopefully you are recognising more about what is happening in your body and whether or not things are "normal".
In response to our focus on the gut we are happy to mention a really cool special from one of the brands I have used quite extensively over the past 10 years or more, and it follows from what we were talking about, with a little shift onto some gentle ways to create a change in your gut environment.
When it comes to any seasonal variations, it's wise to consider the presence of "visitors" or undesirable guests. By this I mean that we are continuously being assaulted by a variety of bacteria, fungi, virus and parasites and from time to time it is totally appropriate to reduce numbers to reduce the burden that unwanted guests place on our gut and other areas. Parasites for example have the potential to invade all types of tissue and will quite happily steal food(nutrients) that should be used by your own body. Add in the fact that these unwanted guests also leave there toxic waste to get rid of, we don't wanting them getting too big for their boots. A seasonal "de-bugging" could be helpful, even more so if you are one of those who have had an appendectomy. I have seen evidence that suggests no appendix makes it easier for parasites to find a cosy home and set up shop.
To do this from time to time its best to have a general, hard hitting all rounder that will quickly and effectively make a difference to a variety of organism's, and a combination that we have used includes Dr Wilsons BodyGuard as the assault team, Squeaky-Clean as the clean-up crew and finally, Inner Healing for the long term maintenance programme.
Here are some words of wisdom from Dr Wilson himself.
Squeaky Clean™
"I formulated Squeaky-Clean to simplify the lives of my patients who were sometimes taking over a dozen products for their intestines. Squeaky-Clean is the only product that contains 8 different types of fiber, 3 different kinds of friendly bacteria, FOS to help the friendly bacteria grow, bentonite to aid detoxification and 5 herbs to heal the intestinal lining and to promote smooth elimination. I love Squeaky-Clean; it does just what its name implies." Dr. James Wilson
"Body-Guard is the first thing I reach for when my patients are suffering from any kind of infection, especially intestinal or urinary tract infections. It is valuable in cases of intestinal dysbiosis such as Candida and is a godsend for those who suffer from repeated urinary tract infections, even ones unresponsive to antibiotics. It is also the best way I've ever seen to rid yourself of stubborn fungal infections of the toe or fingernail (applied topically underneath the nail)." Dr. James Wilson
Inner Healing™
"I formulated Inner Healing™ to provide effective help to people who are concerned about the health and comfort of their stomach and/or intestinal tract.” Dr. James L. Wilson
Squeaky Clean™
Sluggish bowels and the resulting buildup of intestinal toxins can make you feel polluted inside, a common side effect of traveling, changes in eating habits and/or infection. Squeaky Clean brings together into one cellulose capsule a complete range of natural ingredients that work together synergistically to promote and revitalise optimal intestinal function, and support overall intestinal health and is the perfect product when combined with BodyGuard to eliminate unwanted pathogens.
After many years of clinical experience, Dr. Wilson created Squeaky Clean to solve the problem of bowel cleansing, detoxification, hypo-chlorhydria and dysbiosis all in one product without the need to take several. This comprehensive hypo-allergenic formula does much more than gently facilitate complete elimination; it helps restore your intestinal environment to a healthy normal function and works as a perfect adjunct in any bowel and liver detox programme. Look at the Squeaky Clean formulation, and you will understand why this unique product has become a favourite product of many American colon hydrotherapy clinics as well as our customers.
• 8 different types of fiber (organic psyllium seed & husks, brown rice husks & bran, oat bran, hemicellulose, vegetable cellulose and prune concentrate)
• 3 kinds of friendly (non-fridge) bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus & acidophilus and Bifidobacterium infantus)
• Fructo oligosaccharides (FOS to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria)
• Powdered bentonite clay (to gently facilitate detoxification by binding to toxins)
• 5 herbs (promoting elimination & heal intestinal lining - plantago, psyllium, slippery elm, fenugreek seed, ginger)
• 3 kinds of proteolytic enzymes (gently stimulate stomach & duodenum and help to dissolve mucus strands and protein accumulations - papaya enzymes, apple cider vinegar, betaine HCL)
Body-Guard is a natural deterrent to intestinal and systemic bacterial, fungal and parasitic proliferation resulting from antibiotic or other drug use, poor diet, contaminated water, immune insufficiency or illness. It is designed for rapid, short-term, immediate action and works internally to help your body combat infectious agents, stimulate immunity and take the body burden off your adrenals and other organs.
Body-Guard is a unique liquid combination of colloidal silver, herbs and other powerful agents that have been shown to be reliably effective in a variety of anti-pathogenic activities. It does just what its name implies; it acts like your own personal inner bodyguard working around the clock to protect you. Body-Guard is also designed to stimulate your immune system into action to make it even stronger and more responsive. As a result, you can regain a healthy, balanced inner environment, especially in your intestinal, urinary and genital tracts. It really works. We also recommend that you keep some on hand at all times and take it with you whenever you travel.
Inner Healing™
Inner healing™ combines carefully selected nutrients and herbal extracts that research, traditional use and clinical experience have demonstrated to be beneficial for the well-being and integrity of the mucosal linings and supporting tissues of the stomach and intestines. Dr. Wilson created this unique formula to actively promote healthy tissues, membrane integrity, and comfort along the entire digestive tract from stomach to rectum.
Ingredients – A proprietary formula in capsules containing: slippery elm, golden seal, mastic gum, anise, fenugreek, licorice, echinacea angustifolia and purpera, vitamin A, vitamin C, citrus bioflavonoids, quercetin, zinc, copper, manganese, L-glycine, glycerin, glutamic acid HCL, L-taurine, L-glutamine, inositol, and phosphatidyl choline.
We have been able to secure another great buy for this month that will result in $$$ OFF these products until the end of the month, or while stocks last, see below for the details.
BIGGER AND BETTER - ready for creating a healthier world for us all!
Many of you are familiar with and already use the Miessence products that we have been enjoying for over 15 years.
In my mind (and remember I'm a fussy bugger) they are still pretty hard to beat; when it comes to purity, integrity and using products that simply work without doing any harm, they get my vote every time.
In fact looking back, it was 2004 when I first started using the World's first range of 100% certified organic personal care products. I'm certainly glad I did and now the company (Organic & Natural Enterprise Group - ONEgrp) behind the creation have decided to partner in a Joint Venture that will bring the range to more people, and importantly allow us - Miessence folk - access to a whole new spread of high quality products that tick all the boxes.
Introducing InnerOrigin(IO).
InnerOrigin is a young company making a difference, their aim - Delivering Global Vitality. Inspiring, Educating and Connecting people to Wellness.
Whats it about?
It's almost like I am doing myself out of a job, because of my "fussiness" when considering products I use or might end up recommending to others, I tend to spend a lot of time researching ingredients and checking formulations, digging into the ethics of the company and even more(yes, I am that fussy because it's important!) - the nice thing is that now I can leave that to the IO team and know that if I am shopping on the IO website, the product has already been tested and checked.
The IO Product Team actually do the searching, they review, test and investigate thoroughly and then if appropriate select brands or products to add to the Ultimate Wellbeing Edit of 100+ Brands under the InnerOrigin website. All products are reviewed and curated by an Expert Product Advisory Board, and are selected with care following strict guidelines to carry out our philosophy.
One of the reasons this Joint Venture has been able to go ahead is simply because both companies share a similar philosophy.
They both want to change the World together by giving consumers an opportunity of consciously choosing where we shop and what we buy!
This has been one of my soap boxes for years - if we (collectively) stop buying the "crap" then eventually it won't be financially viable for the manufacturers to keep selling/making the crap! It will no longer be put on the shelves, wouldn't that be great!?
You can sign up as a customer to receive a FREE membership, earn loyalty points with every purchase and even redeem points for free products, there are other benefits too with different levels of commitment.
Starting this month, I want to encourage you to take a look at what is on offer, for both our NZ and Australian customers there is a great range of personal care products, household items including an amazing water purification system, a wide range of general grocery and food items and even a range of organic wines - all available at the one place, at the right price. And in addition IO has just opened up in both the US and Japan.
I will be transitioning to a place where the Miessence products that currently feature on our own website will be redirected to purchasing through our InnerOrigin portal. It means we don't have to carry stock and it also means you will be able to get rebates or points for your purchases along with other benefits of being an IO customer.
Here is our link to InnerOrigin - feel free to shop till ya drop: http://www.innerorigin.com/maxwellbeing
And here is a short video from InnerOrigin.

Free ONLINE learning coming up.
Here are a couple of FREE online classes that will be online soon. A couple of important topics, are you getting enough good quality sleep?

Without good sleep, our bodies aren't getting the valuable digest-repair-restore time that they need to heal. And without enough restful sleep, our mental health tanks — the important emotional reserves we need to deal with the stressors of life get depleted, and compliance with any healing protocol can feel overwhelming or even impossible.
--->>Learn to optimize your sleep when you attend this free, online event!
P.S. When you register for Your Best Sleep Ever Summit, you'll also unlock early access to interviews, free guides and helpful eBooks about sleep health.
I'm sure you will get heaps out of the free series, sleep deprivation is a nasty beast, see you there!
CBD Opportunity.
Just an update for those who may have an interest in using a 100% pure CBD product that has ZERO THC and is totally legal to use in both Australia and New Zealand NOW.
When I first introduced the product to you all there was an opportunity to order a FREE sample. This is no longer available, however CareBeyond are so confident with their product and its ability to deliver results, they are really pushing the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. So if you are not 100% satisfied after using the patches (and to be fair most people will get more benefits by using consistently for at least a couple of weeks) its a full on MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - no questions!
SO, nothing to lose, why not give it a shot, particularly if any pain, anxiety or insomnia are a part of your life.
We are loving the results with customers all over. BOOK A SESSION NOW!
Our skills and ability continue to sharpen, and it's really great to hear feedback from our clients - even when working via Skype/Zoom/Phone. If you have an issue, we are ready and able to help with both of us really tuning in with our distance healing, don't feel you are alone, an email is all it takes to get the ball rolling, so stay in touch and don't be afraid to reach out.
I have also managed to get more of my clinical "bits and pieces" and so am now offering face to face naturopathic appointments from our Sunshine Beach base.
Our website is still very much open for business, and of course with the media going crazy about this "virus thing" we are working to provide balance and appropriate support to those wanting it. Please do continue to support us when you can, we love referrals, so don't hesitate to send friends or family to www.maximumwellbeing.com for the health needs.
The best and most efficient way to make contact will be through this email address: info@maximumwellbeing.com
Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page
We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month
with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information.
There is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too.
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)

Associated with our latest offering is our new FaceBook page.
Our big initiative while here in Australia is to offer our support to those couples who may have a diagnosis of "non specific infertility".
Please do share this with anyone you know who may be struggling.
We have developed a 12 month program to walk closely with people and take them through creating a healthy eating, healthy thinking, healthy living lifestyle. Getting rid of toxic thinking along with cleaning up all aspects of their life is a big task for many, and this is where our experience and understanding will support them and move them to a different place in their lives.
If you want to have a look, or refer anyone to our program, visit or share our facebook page.
What about YouTube?
Here is a short video with Dr Bruce Lipton shing a little light on FEAR, and why we shouldn't buy into the current hysteria.
Keep your power in your own hands. The quote at the end is interesting, what do you think?
SPECIALS of the month
SAVE $$$ on the newsletter SPECIALS NOW!
We are really happy to say we have scored another excellent bonus Newsletter Special and can offer all 3 of the Dr Wilson's Formulations mentioned in the newsletter at a full 20% discount.
Whether you are wanting to get a more regular bowel function, have been affected by bugs or had anti-biotics recently or simply feel it's about time you did a herbal "de-clutter" of your system now is the time.
By promoting a healthy microbial balance in the mucus membranes lining the respiratory, digestive and urogenital tracts, this liquid tincture can be an invaluable aid to the immune system’s natural anti-pathogenic activity.
And even having a product like the Body-Guard® on hand in this time of uncertainty with Global virus concern would be prudent. The Bodyguard product is available in 2 sizes, when you login you will be see the prices and be able to order.
Inner Healing®
Inner Healing® effectively comforts and conditions gastrointestinal system tissues and promotes healthy normal functioning. It uses a powerful but gentle synergistic combination of soothing herbs, amino acids, antioxidants and minerals formulated to help replenish beneficial mucosal tissues and cultivate robust linings along the length of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Healthy mucosal linings are essential for proper GI function and to protect the underlying tissues from damage and inflammation, boost immune function, and strengthen barrier function while enhancing absorption of nutrients and strengthening resistance to infection.

Squeaky Clean® remember is a helpful, non addictive gut reform product that is gentle and effective for most people who use it. Squeaky Clean® provides uniquely comprehensive support for healthy intestinal function in one convenient product. It gently but thoroughly cleanses, soothes and conditions the tissues of the intestinal tract while replenishing microbial balance. By simultaneously enhancing regularity without dependency and fostering an optimal intestinal environment, this formula helps deter intestinal inflammation, support immune function of the intestinal tract and surrounding tissue, and promote normalization of serum cholesterol and glucose levels.
We do hope you will take advantage of these great products and set the stage for a healthier all round gut - health starts in your GIT.
Thanks for your support!
We love to share our knowledge and our skills, so if you have a question, or are struggling with an issue that just isn't going away or you simply feel a need for help, please do reach out.
We are here to help.
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an online appointment, please send an email to info@maximumwellbeing.com, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator
and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic