Hello everybody,
In this issue:
- A super inspiring talk....and an amazing product for balancing hormones.
- Magnesium - first stop regards depression.
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- CBD - A new product to consider?
Remember to surround yourself with good people, those who will lift you up and challenge you, put another way is this saying I heard recently.. "Those who live with a lame man, learn how to limp...".
Have you been to an event where you were blown away by the energy and authenticity of a speaker that made you want to learn more, get closer to that person, or just "have some of what they have"?
This was my experience at our annual Naturopaths conference in Wellington back at the end of September.
My first article comes from that meeting and I hope you enjoy it.
Let's read on......
9 amazing health benefits of Maca.
Maca, a sacred plant from Peru with over 2000 years of traditional practice as a medicine for healing.
It's a medicinal root vegetable unique to the central Andes that grows in the remote mountain region of Junin above 4000 m and is the highest cultivated crop on the planet.
I was really inspired by the heart felt presentation by Dr Corin Storkey, and while I was already aware of Maca and have used it for many years in a variety of formats, the way he and his wife/partner (who is a Peruvian woman) approach the use of Maca is truly different, and the end result is a range of products with unparalleled potency and integrity.
To get the best results with maca it is important to fully understand and connect with ‘her’. The shamans and farmers held incredible knowledge of how to cultivate "her" and how "she" works best.

First let us take a look at how you may benefit from this ancient medicinal herb, here are some of the things people have experienced from using this particular maca product, maca could show:
- increases in energy, vitality and prevention of adrenal fatigue,
- balancing of hormones, improvement of thyroid function and metabolism,
- act as a natural antidepressant that can assist with anxiety and mental health.
- improved fertility in men and women.
- increased libido and sexual function in men and women,
- increased bone density and strength,
- improved prostate function in men,
- improved mental focus, memory, cognition,
- a boost in athletic performance.
It really is an all-round body balancer and builds resilience to stress.
Dr Corin Storkey (NZ) and Sally Huapaya (Peru) work in partnership with farmers in Peru preserving the ancient cultivation techniques, the culture and history of maca while connecting consumers directly to the farm, farmer, community and sacred spirit of the plant, this is a very conscious, spiritually based business that delivers amazing products.

As mentioned, the depth of knowledge and understanding of this precious plant, and importantly the land it is grown on, was inspirational, and I feel this is the reason the end product is so special and full of life.
The Incan descendants call Maca the “Food for the Brain” and boil the dried roots into teas, porridges, soups or stews and consumed to promote energy, vitality, virility, hormone balance, and fertility.
In clinical studies maca has been able to show benefit for those suffering from hormonal imbalances like PMS, menopause, PCOS, endometriosis. It also can assist in managing stress related conditions such as CFS, fibromyalgia, auto-immunity, adrenal and thyroid issues.
The Clinical research has also shown that Maca can reduce psychological symptoms associated with mental health imbalances, including anxiety and depression independent of hormonal production. This means it can offer a natural way for our brain to combat and prevent mental health disorders in both men and women. So you can see that there is definitely good reason to give this valuable plant space in our medicine cabinet.
In order to understand how to use maca, its important to know there are 3 different colours of the root, red, yellow and black, and interestingly, the 3 subtypes have very different qualities. Biochemical analysis of the roots shows significant differences in the concentration and composition of bioactive molecules in the different colours, supporting the idea that the different colour have different medicinal properties.
The maca is planted by natural dispersion, takes about a year to grow, is then dug and hand harvested and sun/air dried for 3 months. Incan traditions allow for 10 years of soil resting and re-mineralising after harvest before re-planting. This time lying fallow, is necessary for the soil to become nutrient dense enough again for replanting, quite a long cycle for the use of the land, but of course the nutrient density is a critical part of growing a plant with superior medicinal properties. All up a cycle of growth, harvesting and production takes over 13 years, not good if you are wanting to earn a quick dollar.
The big take home message here is "Not all maca is equal and not all maca is produced so specifically with quality at the forefront".
As maca has many properties and can potentially could help with a vast selection health concerns, this month I will focus on just 2 potential treatment strategies, and perhaps follow treatments of other health concerns if people are interested. First, one for the women and then one for the guys.
How to treat hormonal imbalances in women with maca

Step 1:
Take 1-1.5 tsp per day of Maca for Women with breakfast or lunch (see image above). Minimum suggested treatment time is 6-12 weeks. Beyond this you may continue to consume maca daily and do not require taking a break from treatment if you are receiving positive benefits.
Step 2:
Take 1 sachet per day of Atomised Red Maca in addition with breakfast, lunch or dinner during the luteal phase of your cycle around the time PMS symptoms usually occur (see image above). Continue until symptoms cease (approx 6-15 sachets per month). Dissolve the powder into water, a tea, juice, smoothie or other drink. Minimum suggested treatment time is 6-12 weeks. If symptoms improve then you may either continue on with treatment or reduce to just daily Maca for Women.
And now one for the older guys in the crowd.

Treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with maca
Take 1-2 sachets per day of Seleno Health Atomised red maca with breakfast or lunch. Atomised red maca can be dissolved into water, teas, juices, smoothies or other drinks. Minimum suggested treatment time is 6-12 weeks.
More about Depression - what should I do first?
The last couple of months I have shared some data relative to Vitamin C, and in the case of last month, the interesting research from Christchurch looking at dietary intake of Vitamin C and depression.
This month let's have a quick look at depression and that mineral which most of us don't have enough of - Magnesium.
I have written about this fundamental mineral in the past and you may recall the research suggests that perhaps 80% of the population don't get enough Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is often missed completely or misdiagnosed because it does not show up in blood tests.
We also need to understand that magnesium status is not generally assessed in routine blood tests, even though the deficiency is wide spread.
Of course our readers are well versed in the problems, but most people are simply not aware of the wide reaching roles magnesium plays in our bodies. Magnesium is probably the most important mineral in the body. It's simply one of our basic requirements, just like food, air and water, magnesium may be the most important element needed by our bodies, it is absolutely critical in many processes and yet it is still severely lacking for most. How important is it again? Know this - it is more important than calcium, potassium or sodium and actually helps to regulate all three of these other important minerals.
But why? While the science and reasons are overwhelming, I'm not sure that boring you all with the biochemistry is really necessary, lets just know and understand that their are MANY studies that show benefits, here are some of the titles of researched papers:
“Magnesium is effective for mild-to-moderate depression in adults. It works quickly and is well tolerated without the need for close monitoring for toxicity” - this was 126 adults diagnosed with depression.
"Elemental magnesium administered at 450 mg per day was found to have equivalent efficacy to 50 mg of the antidepressant drug Imipramine in treating depressive symptoms - a trial of elderly patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
“May be a useful supplementary therapy for the clinical management of severe manic agitation” - this was a trial on patients with severe rapid cycling bipolar disorder.
“Dietary deficiencies of magnesium, coupled with excess calcium and stress may cause many cases of other related symptoms including agitation, anxiety, irritability, confusion, asthenia, sleeplessness, headache, delirium, hallucinations and hyperexcitability”
"Oral magnesium successfully relieves premenstrual mood changes." Obstetrics and Gynecology.
"Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment." Medical Hypotheses.

I think you are probably bored with all this, but hopefully you will understand that this mineral has a critical role in so many areas of our body function, and really it can be so simple - get more magnesium into your body and see how you feel.
It may not be the full answer, but it will be a very good start.
We have many magnesium products, one is featured as this months special and the other that I prefer to use is the highly effective powdered product known as Diasporal(you will need to be logged in to display the prices of Diasporal as it is a "practitioner only" product.) NB: and so you know - I use them both at different times.
As this article was always going to be brief, I wasn't even going to list the possible symptoms of magnesium deficiency, but I relented, sorry. Here are some sign/symptoms:
- leg cramps or foot pain
- muscle 'twitches', numbness or tingling
- muscle tension
- muscle soreness, including back aches
- neck pain, tension headaches and jaw joint (or TMJ) dysfunction
- loss of appetite
- nausea
- vomiting
- fatigue or weakness
- seizures
- personality changes
- abnormal heart rhythms, palpitations, heart arrhythmias and coronary spasms
- a person may sigh a lot
This list gives some indication, other than depression, that you could probably do with a good boost, and be prepared to stick with it, a severe deficiency may take 2-3 months of supplementation to rebuild your reserves to completely eradicate the symptoms.
CBD - Cannabidiol - is it legal?
The changes that will ultimately come about with the legalisation of a variety of cannabis products are still uncertain.
While I am not in favour of "medicinal marijuana" as such, what is certain is the science backing CBD(Cannabidiol) and what this can offer for many people.
As time goes on, more and more research confirms that high quality CBD can help with:
- Everyday stress
- Anxiety
- Mental Performance
- Positive Mood
- Improved Sleep
- Relaxation
- Inflammation
Science has begun to uncover the vital role of our body's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and how it supports proper function of virtually every part of your body.
CBD is believed to be one of the most effective sources of non-psychoactive phyto-cannabinoids available for helping bring your ECS back into balance.
And we have a way to bring this to you NOW that is a safe, effective, and legal. https://carebeyond.com/maxwellbeing
I have done a significant amount of research over recent years looking into our ECS and the use of CBD and have been impressed with the data that has been gathered, this is not going away in a hurry because it offers something very unique in the natural medicine world. With what I discovered I decided to become an affiliate for a company who has developed a CBD patch that really is quite unique - this has been used for many years throughout the USA and is currently offered by more than 300 medical Doctors throughout the country. The company is Care Beyond.
The ultra-thin patch can be applied directly to any body part or if in pain, to a specific sore spot for immediate and effective CBD relief. In this format it continues to deliver highly bio-available CBD throughout your body to help keep your ECS in balance for up to 24 hours.
- Ultra Fast and Efficient uptake - absorbs up to 10x more efficiently than CBD oils and balms
- Last 24 hours or more
- THC Free - Lab certified for quality and content
- Ultra-thin, Comfortable and attractive
- Adhesive Backed - just stick it on and forget it
- Also comes with in a 4% lidocaine option for additional pain relief if needed.
Of course its covered with a 30 day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to loose and you simply order what you want directly, it is sent to you for personal use and you can order directly through our web portal here:
If you are uncertain as to whether or not this is for you, you can even order a free sample - you just pay the shipping.
We are still working with customers all over. BOOK A SESSION NOW!
We are still here, and still able to help with both of us really tuning in with our distance healing, don't feel you are alone, an email is all it takes to get the ball rolling, so stay in touch and don't be afraid to reach out.
I have also managed to get more of my clinical "bits and pieces" and so am now offering face to face naturopathic appointments from our Sunshine Beach base.
Our website is still very much open for business, so please do continue to support us when you can, we love referrals, so don't hesitate to send friends or family to www.maximumwellbeing.com for the health needs.
The best and most efficient way to make contact will be through this email address: info@maximumwellbeing.com
Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page
We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month
with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information.
There is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too.
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)

Associated with our latest offering is our new FaceBook page.
Our big initiative while here in Australia is to offer our support to those couples who may have a diagnosis of "non specific infertility".
Please do share this with anyone you know who may be struggling.
We have developed a 12 month program to walk closely with people and take them through creating a healthy eating, healthy thinking, healthy living lifestyle. Getting rid of toxic thinking along with cleaning up all aspects of their life is a big task for many, and this is where our experience and understanding will support them and move them to a different place in their lives.
If you want to have a look, or refer anyone to our program, visit or share our facebook page.
What about YouTube?
Here is a short video, it's one of those examples of the true beauty that surrounds us.
It's only a couple of minutes, so take a break and enjoy.
I hope you like it.
Let me know what you think
Deal of the MONTH
SAVE $$ on the newsletter SPECIAL NOW!
Our most popular Active Elements Formula - Formula 2.3 is available right now as our Christmas deal.
2 critical minerals along with the homeopathic mineral counterpart in one product, it's often our first line of defence when we are dealing with stress and anxiety.
The primary indications for this simple and effective formula are:
Traditionally used to improve physical & mental energy & to relieve nervous tension, stress, mild anxiety, menstrual pain, cramps and headache:
Thanks for your support!
We love to share our knowledge and skills, so if you have a question, or are struggling with an issue that isn't going away or you simply feel a need for help, please do reach out.
We are here to help.
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an online appointment,
please send an email to info@maximumwellbeing.com, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator
and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic