Hello Dear Friends,
In this issue:
- Come on, we are going back to the basics!
- Antibacterial, Anti-cancerous, Antidepressant, Antifungal, Anti-hypertensive, what is it?
- An overview of what's coming up, and -
- More hot buys than we have ever had!
Hi folks,
We are racing through another year at what could be an unsettling pace, but then that's the way it always is, right? We get to February and realise holy s*#t the year is going to be over before I get started! Those clever New Year resolutions have all but gone down the drain, and we are left wondering, OK, what CAN I achieve this year?
Well, I would like to think that if you can focus on your own health, getting it back, maintaining it, getting stronger and healthier, all the rest will simply fall into place.
Let's start at the beginning, yes, sorry but we are back at gut health, but we also have a raft of great specials to make it so much easier on your pocket too! Please read on :)
The true cornerstone of your life!
Gastrointestinal health is our cornerstone and the core to creating a happy and healthy life. One of the great aspects of the time we live in right now is the knowledge we have gathered relative to digestive health and all it's implications. The understanding we have is very well researched and importantly well supported by products specifically formulated to support and aid in treating the myriad of gastrointestinal conditions that some of you may well be experiencing.

When it comes to our gut health, stress will always be a factor to work with and manage appropriately, and stress can even be the result of eating the wrong foods.
Some basic Dietary Recommendations to consider are as follows:
> Be aware of food sensitivities and allergies, start listening to your body and remove all offending foods.
> Consider eating foods that are low residue and easily digestible (in contrast to high residue, hard to digest foods such as lactose, legumes, beans, fructose, resistant starch and other high fibre foods) This may need to be a starting point for some, not a long term solution, but a start to make it easy for your digestion.
> Determine the best style of eating for your own body, Low Carb, High fat, or whatever works for you, consider one of these for a short period:
>> A low FODMAP - Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols – these are classes of fermentable sugars and sugar alcohols which contribute to fermentation in the GI tract if you have digestive bloating etc
>> Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) or Gut and Psychological Syndrome diet (GAPS for short) – These are very similar and are nutritionally complete, its a grain-free diet, low in sugar and lactose. Initially developed by Dr. Sidney Haas, a pediatrician, in the 1920's as treatment for celiac disease: essentially you remove the foods that feed the bad bacteria and yeast. And this means any kind of complex carbohydrate: grains of all kinds, sugar, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and most dairy products. This is useful when fungal overgrowths and gut inflammation are apparent, but not a long term solution but a helpful starting point.
> Avoid artificial sweeteners, chemical additives and stimulants or excitotoxins(an example of a well known excitotoxin is MSG - monosodium glutamate).
> Drink plenty of filtered/pure water - don't over do it, but never skimp on this critical fluid, we need it for everything including to ensure our digestion is working.
> Reducing or removing sugar and alcohol from the diet (sugars are of course the preferred food source of many pathogenic bacteria) will lighten the load on a system that works tirelessly, give it a break.
> Drink green tea daily - just one of the benefits is that it works to selectively inhibit the regrowth of pathogenic bowel flora, and when it comes to the gut, it's all about the balance
Lets carry on by highlighting some of the products that we have on offer so will you know which ones may be helpful and work out what's right for you.

Loose bowel, travellers diarrhoea
First up, an old favourite that has extensive supporting research particularly if you have somehow ended up with traveller’s diarrhoea. Yes, if you have been caught out and had a touch of the Delhi Belly then here is the thing for you, it's a nonpathogenic yeast known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Boulardii) and it helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of traveller’s diarrhoea. The special to look for at the bottom of the newsletter is a product called FloraMyces™
Gastric Ulcers
Lets move straight to number 2 on our list, this is a formulation to help with general GI repair. This one has a particular combination of ingredients that helps to fight against both inflammation and ulceration that could occur when exposed to things like an overgrowth of H Pylori. Its a product called GastroMend HP™.
One of the most common causes of peptic ulcers is infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), mainstream medicine does have tools to help eradicate the bacteria, but I have found products that include ingredients such as those in the GastroMend HP™ are highly effective and perhaps offer those interesting "side effects" that the common drugs simply don't have. Once again check out the special at the bottom of the newsletter.
Comprehensive herbal and nutrient complex for gastrointestinal health.
Next up, number 3 product - I told you we had a raft of specials this month! (in fact, in this edition we have more specials than anytime in the past). We have talked about this product before, it featured last year sometime.
Its a potential companion product, but can be used as a stand alone comprehensive support for gastrointestinal health and function. It's called GI-Revive™ and is a powder that is usually taken once a day to feed in all of the necessary elements needed for a healthy functional gut. While this is often combined with other products, one of the ways I use it is to initiate healing of the gut as a first step BEFORE attacking parasites or other potential pathogens, by reducing gut inflammation as a first step using the GI-Revive™ we can often make the whole process more comfortable and successful throughout.

Regular Bowel function/fibre
No line up to address gut health would be complete if we didn't include a product to help with the final phase of digestion - that is elimination. We all know how important fibre is for our gut, we need a combination of fat soluble and water soluble fibre everyday, it helps with not only ensuring enough bulk in the stool for effective elimination, but very importantly the fibre is like the "compost" that helps feed all the good guys in your lower digestive tract. Soluble fibres that are fermented in the large intestine are known as prebiotics. And prebiotics have a clever role that allows them to generate short-chain fatty acids and support bowel flora.
The Designs For Health team have created a product called PaleoFibre® that is a combination with the following attributes:
- contains 12 different sources of soluble and insoluble fibre
- Sourced from fruits, vegetables, roots, tree gum and seeds
- Supports gastrointestinal health and function
This is a Low allergenic formula that will assist with regular "laxation" or pooping, depending on which school you went to. It includes prebiotic fibre from partially hydrolysed guar gum (PHGG) and acacia gum, two sources of fibre that have become favourites with many practitioners and patients in recent times.
Digestive support
To round out this collection of gut support we come back to one of the most important aspects of the digestive tract, and that is of course the ability to break down food into nutrients that can then be taken up into the blood to deliver nourishment around the body. For a variety of reasons the production of actual digestive juices can be compromised, in this situation supplementing with a digestive enzyme to assist the process can be particularly helpful.
ZymeGest™ is a broad spectrum product that can help with those who have lactose intolerance, and will assist in digestion of dietary fat, often a difficult part of our diet to process particularly if the liver is under burden from toxins or alcohol.
Microbial defence
One final product, from the South American Rainforest under the NutraMedix brand is an amazing all around formula primarily used as an antimicrobial and known as Samento, the list of Various Reported Medicinal Properties of Samento is impressive and they include:
- Antibacterial
- Anticancerous
- Antidepressant
- Antifungal
- Anti-hypertensive
- Antileukemic
- Antimutagenic
- Anti-oxidant
- Antiparasitic
- Antiparkinsonism
- Anti-ulcerous
- Antiviral
- Cytostatic
- Depurative
- Diuretic
- Vermifuge
Pretty impressive right!? So if you know you have a stubborn "bug" in your system this may be just the product for you.
It could be used as a antiparasitic formula that could be a part of a general cleanse for your gut and would combine well with the PaleoFibre®, GastroMend HP™ or GI-REVIVE
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the line up of amazing specials on all the products mentioned above.
Remember to login to be able to order as most of these are classified as "practitioner only"
We have so many great online summits and webinars coming through at the moment, this month is no exception. I want to mention 3 very interesting online talks for February, the first one is starting in less than 24 hours.
No matter how hard you try, you’re still bound to accumulate toxins in your body.
Many people are suffering from chronic symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, bloating or food intolerances and can’t quite get back to normal despite “doing the right things.” Toxins may be the culprit.

Next up starting just after Valentines day on Feb 15th is a Regenerate Yourself Masterclass run by Sayer Ji.
By listening to and trusting the innate intelligence of our bodies, we can all look and feel healthier, stave off life-threatening chronic diseases and strive towards living vibrant, long and healthy lives.

Click here to register and get the 15 Natural Strategies to Regenerate Your Body and Mind eBook Gift
And finally later this month the The Body Electric Summit 2.0
This will resonant with those of you who have benefited from the QRA testing I have done, everything is energy and recognizing that life is made up of energy (your biofield) — and that energy has its own resonance — biofield medicine sees disease and suffering as disruptions. In a state of disease, you have simply lost your optimal frequency.
From this perspective, optimizing and recalibrating the biofield and energetic body is possible via energy, frequency and vibration, to create a systemic resonance of healing.
—>>Fine-tune your Body Electric when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Use this link to register and get the Essential Brain Hygiene eGuide Gift
What about YouTube?

A video with Dr Cowden talking about the use of Samento and other products that he uses effectively with Lymes disease and other chronic conditions.
As a Virtual Naturopath I work with customers all over. BOOK A SESSION NOW!
The distance testing that I have developed is showing great results, even if it sounds a little strange, if you are wanting some help please reach out. Here is a comment form a recent customer:
"I had tried many different holistic options and western medicine plans before coming to Gary. I had given up but after trying his treatment plan I can honestly say I felt so much better over the the last two months than I felt for the last two years."
Now is a great time to refine what you are doing, and do remember we love referrals, so don't hesitate to send friends or family to www.maximumwellbeing.com for their health needs.
The best and most efficient way to make contact will be through this email address: info@maximumwellbeing.com
A word from ANDY.
Ok everyone I'm excited to announce that I will be available for readings again.
I love delivering messages from the Angels and people's loved ones who have passed.
Sometimes when a loved one passes we don't get a chance to say goodbye and this is a way to tell them how we felt. And it can also be reassuring to know they are ok. Oftentimes it’s a healing experience for both parties.
Or there may be an area of your life where you would like to know the next steps or gain some clarity.
You may be questioning if the job you are in is for you or you may have had the awareness to do something else and would like confirmation and next steps.
These readings are done via zoom and you will receive a recording.
To find out more check out the link here: https://andypentecost.com/psychic-medium-readings/
Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page
We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month
with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information.
There is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too.
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)

Please do share this with anyone you know who may be struggling.
We have developed a 12 month program to walk closely with people and take them through creating a healthy eating, healthy thinking, healthy living lifestyle. Getting rid of toxic thinking along with cleaning up all aspects of their life is a big task for many, and this is where our experience and understanding will support them and move them to a different place in their lives.
If you want to have a look, or refer anyone to our program, visit or share our facebook page.
SPECIAL of the month
WOW, what a line up we have for you all this month. ALL DFH GUT products AT 20% OFF!!
And the NutraMedix Samento at 25% OFF.
We have never been able to offer such a range of great deals in one month, so we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to really get onto the right path for digestive health.
Designs For Health gut health formulations for all types of issues, all these are on offer for February with a 20% discount, remember you will have to be logged in to see the prices and to be able to order. If you haven't registered with us or need help please don't hesitate to send me a message
FloraMyces™ for Loose bowel, travellers diarrhoea
GastroMend HP™ for Gastric Ulcers
GI-Revive™ for Comprehensive herbal and nutrient complex for gastrointestinal health
PaleoFibre® for Regular Bowel function/fibre
ZymeGest™ for Digestive support
Samento for Microbial defence and much more
Save $$ on Designs For Health products NOW, Shop HERE NOW
PLEASE NOTE: As these are "Practitioner Only" products, you will need to be logged in to purchase this item - if you need help please flick me a quick email.
Thanks for your support!
We love to share our knowledge and our skills, so if you have a question, or are struggling with an issue that just isn't going away or you simply feel a need for help, please do reach out.
We are here to help.
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an online appointment, please send an email to info@maximumwellbeing.com, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy

Andy Pentecost-Beck, Intuitive Life & Biz Coach/Author/Animal Communicator
and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic