Hello dear friends,
In this issue:
- Let's continue focusing on your gut!
- ReLaunch Specials still available
- An overview of what's coming up, and -
- This months specials GI-ReviveTM and OmegAvailTM.
Hi friends,
It's always an interesting time, November. For me its starts with a birthday and then by the time we have celebrated for the month - why just celebrate for a single day! - we all know that Christmas is just a few weeks away.
So with that thought in mind, let's look at what else we can do to follow on from the topic of last months newsletter and see what we have to help support a healthy GI tract.
Gut healing takes different approaches.
By now, many of you will know that the gut and its function are an absolutely necessity to optimal health.
Aspects of our diet and lifestyle that cause inflammation - even on a microscopic level - can have a devastating effect on the ability of our intestinal tract to do its job properly, and its main role in this regard is to allow the good stuff(nutrients) in and to keep the bad stuff(waste) out of our blood stream.
The most critical cells and perhaps the most talked about are the cells that line our gut wall, epithelial cells of the intestinal lining. In fact the gut wall is only one cell thick, so as you can imagine, if something is not quite right with that single cell wall we are immediately on that slope to ill health or disease. There is a layer of mucous on top of the epithelial cells, and these two elements are what our body uses to keep you safe from a potential onslaught of anything undesirable.
We have learnt in earlier editions of this newsletter that there are specific probiotics, very specific species and strains of bacteria that have scientifically researched properties such as helping to improve the gut function and its so called "tight junctions" and we know that some have a particular ability to help reduce gut inflammation, and these are both very important however it does come back to the trusted knowledge that we are what we eat, that we need to supply the right foods in as great a range of diversity as possible, and that stress and inflammation are absolute killers.
If we are experiencing any degree of gut discomfort and/or are aware that our digestion isn't quite right then obviously putting a variety of things in place could be key to overcoming the problem and getting your gut back on the right track. The digestive discomfort may be initiated by:
- Bacterial infection
- Post Antibiotic treatment
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Parasitic infestation
- Too much sugar
- Too many bad fats
- Stress
- and many more possibilities....
If you are feeling that there may be some sort of upset then the idea is to of course reassess what you are eating, look at ways to effectively manage your stress, and add something into your routine that can help soothe the gut and calm inflammatory process and at the same time help to heal any weakness or damage to the precious gut lining - those epithelial cells.
Thankfully, for all us that could do with help in this area there are some really smart people who have conducted the research and come up with clever products that will help us do all of these things so we can allow the gut to heal and get back on the path to vibrant health. Products that offer comprehensive support of gastrointestinal health and function.
Some key nutrients that will make a difference include:
L-Glutamine - Glutamine is the most important nutritional substance for healthy intestinal cells. It is essential in maintaining proper intestinal permeability and avoiding “leaky gut syndrome.” Leaky gut syndrome can result in increased toxic and allergy exposure, systemic inflammation, and autoimmune disease.
Under stress, the body relies on glutamine to help meet its extra energy needs. Supplemental L-glutamine is used in medical foods for such stress situations as trauma, cancer, infections and burns.
Zinc Carnosine - Has impressive mucosal-protective and anti-ulcerative properties and even has the ability to protect the intestinal lining against damage due to indomethacin and other strong anti-inflammatory medications often associated with intestinal mucosal damage.
MSM and Quercetin - These anti-inflammatory substances can reduce the chronic inflammation which is often the reason why the intestinal lining becomes damaged and “leaky.” Quercetin can also provide direct anti-inflammatory action by stabilising intestinal mast cells and can improve tissue health through its antioxidant functions.
Citrus Pectin - Citrus Pectin is a soluble dietary fibre which exerts physiological effects on the gastrointestinal tract such as reducing glucose absorption and delaying gastric emptying. Regular usage is safe without the caustic and damaging effects of commonly used herbal laxatives such as senna and cascara. Having the right type of both soluble and insoluble fibre is an important factor in gut health and with this, many high quality prebiotic fibres have now come onto the market in recent years and the science shows how fundamentally important they are.
Liquorice, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Chamomile, Okra, Aloe Vera and Cat’s Claw
These mucilaginous and relaxing herbs can provide comprehensive enhancement of intestinal function by coating and soothing the intestinal lining, promoting the healing of ulcers and inflamed tissue, and reducing cramping by relaxing the intestines.
This is just an example of some of the researched nutrients and herbs that we know can and do make a big difference in gut health, fortunately we now have formulations that include all of these elements.
A clever product out of Designs For Health that offers Comprehensive support of gastrointestinal health and function is a product called GI-ReviveTM.
GI-ReviveTM contains an impressive comprehensive blend of botanicals that have a long traditional use in gastrointestinal disorders and includes all of those mentioned above.
GI-REVIVE™ is a soothing gut powder featuring Glutamine, Zinc carnosine, Slippery elm, MSM and Quercetin alongside herbal extracts of Cats claw, Liquorice, Chamomile, Marshmallow and Okra.
Great for supporting gastrointestinal health and relieving gastrointestinal inflammation.
Also offers immune system support whilst supporting would healing.
See below for this months offer of this practitioner product.
Not all fish oil is the same!
The documented research around omega 3 fatty acids is pretty significant, with mountains of data gathered over the years reinforcing the importance of what is known as essential fatty acids - essential because our cells and body need them and they must come from ingestion - from what we eat.
With the research is also the understanding that most of the western/modern societies around the planet have a severe imbalance in the types of fatty acids from dietary sources. What does this mean? It means that for most of us, we have too many omega 6 fatty acids, and not enough omega 3 fatty acids.
While being mindful of the types of fats we use in the home cooking and what we buy that is already processed(and potentially containing more of the fats we don't want), the other thing we can do to get back to the right balance is use fish oil supplements.
And I am happy to introduce another high quality fish oil to our practitioner range of products for you all.
Once again the team at Designs for Health have developed a system that brings another dimension to fish oil supplements.
Let me introduce Evail™ Technology. Designs for Health wasn’t satisfied with the absorption and assimilation of certain nutrients delivered in softgel capsules. Their scientists were determined to create a more efficient system that would deliver a higher concentration of nutrients than what was available on the market. After spending almost four years working on a new delivery method, the result is the patented Evail™ emulsion technology, which radically improves the absorption rate of soft-gels.
Evail technology is a proprietary formulation method, used in the manufacturing process to improve the absorption and delivery of fat soluble nutrients. This process uses a proprietary blend of MCT oils, non-soy derived lecithin, and vitamin E, without the use of potentially harmful surfactants. All of Design for Health fat-soluble nutrients are encapsulated in soft gel, using our Evail™ technology, enhancing the absorption ability by the body within the GI tract.
The nice thing to know about this development is that it's not just marketing hype, it actually works. Numerous clinical studies have substantiated the efficacy of this technology.
But wait, that's not all! As well as using the Evail™ technology, the DFH team also wanted to ensure that the oils in their fish oil supplements was as nature intended, so they also developed a technology that allows them to deliver the oils in the same format as it would be if you were eating fish - this is the triglyceride form.
The vast majority of omega-3 fish oils on the market today are in the ethyl ester (EE) form—the means by which the oils are processed to increase their concentration of EPA and DHA. However, research shows that fish oils in the triglyceride (TG) form have superior bioavailability and absorption compared to those in the EE form. TG is the naturally occurring form—the kind we consume when we eat fish, and in which beneficial fats are stored in the body.
This additional process is known as TruTG™ – Alask Omega™. As you would expect with any company we deal with, DFH use sustainable wild Alaskan Pollock fish oil extracted immediately upon catch. In fact, when it comes to freshness and purity they have gone beyond the limits set by the omega 3 industry. DFH omega 3 ingredients deliver five times lower levels than the permitted maximum oxidation and organic contaminant levels allowed by the GOED, a standard used by the omega-3 industry.
DON'T MISS OUT - 20% DISCOUNT and FREE SHIPPING still available - but not for long.
We have just received word that then "Launch Special" will continue for a little longer on the new dedicated Miessence website. So please do take the opportunity to get your order of the purest, most beneficial personal care products on the planet into the system before this goes away.

I have also just heard that the HAPPI certified organic laundry liquid has now been integrated into the new website too, so if you are wanting to re-order, or try this amazing product for a first time here is a link to the direct page to order. To order Click here
If you are new to the idea of a single, 1 litre pouch of laundry liquid that will last you for a year that has just 4 certified organic ingredients then here is a link to find out more.
To learn more Click here
As a testament to how concentrated the product is, we are still using the same 1 litre sachet that we ordered when we first arrived here - and that is well over a year ago! Less toxic chemicals in our waterways, less plastic waste in our landfills, and a clean wash every time. We love it!
To summarise the incentive in association with the "Miessence Re-Launch" when you spend more that $99 you will get a 20% discount AND free Shipping. This offer is for a limited time, do take advantage of a great deal, with a great range of products. Skincare, haircare, oral care, body care, nutritional superfoods and more.
I would love to hear comments on the new site. You will also see that with this transition, all orders done through maximumwellbeing.com for Miessence products will be redirected to the new site.
Feel free to ask me questions about using the new site, or of course any of the Miessence products.
The DFH fish oil product delivers super fresh, high potency in a soft gel with enhanced absorption through their patented system "EVAIL™ technology", a process that took their team of scientists 4 years to perfect.
This means that we have a product that we can trust for purity, and we also know it will be well tolerated and easily absorbed, always very important factor's when it comes to fatty substances. In fact the DFH team use the EVAIL™ technology on all their fat soluble formulations.
If you are using a fish oil but its not a concentrated product that delivers the essential fatty acids in a triglyceride form(TG) - that's the form found in nature and what we end up digesting when we eat fish - then you may well be selling yourself short.
Its of course sourced from sustainably harvested Alaskan Pollock, and freshness is guaranteed.
We have so many great online summits and webinars coming through at the moment, below are some events that will be excellent sources of actionable content from day 1, so do take a look.
Unlock this 21-page guide to the parasympathetic state.
The parasympathetic state is critical to health and longevity and this online summit will be starting real soon.
Unlock Jodi Cohen’s 21-page eGuide, Turn on Your Body’s Ability to Heal, and discover daily strategies to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and enter a healing state!
—>>Download your complimentary eGuide, Turn on Your Body’s Ability to Heal!

What about YouTube?
Here is A LESSON from prof Pluto.
Related to Halloween and witches, it's a bit of fun so I hope you have an opportunity to take a few minutes break and head into class.
As a Virtual Naturopath I work with customers all over. BOOK A SESSION NOW!
The distance testing that I have developed is showing great results, even if it sounds a little strange, if you are wanting some help please reach out. Here is a comment form a recent customer:
"I had tried many different holistic options and western medicine plans before coming to Gary. I had given up but after trying his treatment plan I can honestly say I felt so much better over the the last two months than I felt for the last two years."
Now is a great time to refine what you are doing, and do remember we love referrals, so don't hesitate to send friends or family to www.maximumwellbeing.com for their health needs.
The best and most efficient way to make contact will be through this email address: info@maximumwellbeing.com
A word from ANDY.
Ok everyone I'm excited to announce that I will be available for readings again.
I love delivering messages from the Angels and people's loved ones who have passed.
Sometimes when a loved one passes we don't get a chance to say goodbye and this is a way to tell them how we felt. And it can also be reassuring to know they are ok. Oftentimes it’s a healing experience for both parties.
Or there may be an area of your life where you would like to know the next steps or gain some clarity.
You may be questioning if the job you are in is for you or you may have had the awareness to do something else and would like confirmation and next steps.
These readings are done via zoom and you will receive a recording.
To find out more check out the link here: https://andypentecost.com/psychic-medium-readings/
Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page
We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month
with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information.
There is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too.
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)

Please do share this with anyone you know who may be struggling.
We have developed a 12 month program to walk closely with people and take them through creating a healthy eating, healthy thinking, healthy living lifestyle. Getting rid of toxic thinking along with cleaning up all aspects of their life is a big task for many, and this is where our experience and understanding will support them and move them to a different place in their lives.
If you want to have a look, or refer anyone to our program, visit or share our facebook page.
SPECIALS of the month
2 great products from a great company and for this month you can save.
Get 20% off the GI-Revive formula, thats over $15, and also save $10 on a bottle of 120 softgels of OmegAvail Fish Oil!
GI-REVIVE™ is a soothing gut powder featuring Glutamine, Zinc carnosine, Slippery elm, MSM and Quercetin alongside herbal extracts of Cats claw, Liquorice, Chamomile, Marshmallow and Okra.
Great for supporting gastrointestinal health and relieving gastrointestinal inflammation.
Also offers immune system support whilst supporting would healing.
ORDER HERE and SAVE over $16 per pot (you pay $69.95)

If you are wanting to upgrade your fish oil, we would love you to try the DFH now is the time to get started on the OMEGAVAIL TG 1000™ 120 SOFTGEL CAPS, SAVE $10 per bottle
OMEGAVAIL ORDER HERE to save $10 per bottle.(You pay $59.95)

Thanks for your support!
We love to share our knowledge and our skills, so if you have a question, or are struggling with an issue that just isn't going away or you simply feel a need for help, please do reach out.
We are here to help.
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an online appointment, please send an email to info@maximumwellbeing.com, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy

Andy Pentecost-Beck, Intuitive Life & Biz Coach/Author/Animal Communicator
and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic