Health and Wellbeing Newsletter May 2019In this issue:
"Self control is strength, calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn't shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. Don't allow others to control the direction of your life. Don't allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence." Anon. Why are so many people struggling with anxiety? And what can be done?(Part 1) Do you fear that you are being judged or worry that you could be ridiculed by others over anything you do? Always on edge, kind of waiting for something bad to happen? Do you worry about things that haven't(and most likely won't) happen? If so, and if you have talked to your Dr about these things then you will most likely be prescribed medicine such as anti-depressants, and guess what, these medications while possibly helpful for some, for some of the time, will not get to the root cause – they are just a band-aid. What is the Conventional Approach to Anxiety? Of course the conventional approach to treating anxiety focuses on using medications, this will include SSRIs - selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors such as: Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro, etc. and/or anxiolytic medications like benzodiazepines, these could include names like: temazepam (Normison®), diazepam, alprazolam (Xanax®) - there are many more names used in the industry, but this gets you thinking along the idea there are plenty of these drugs in wide use, right?.
Fortunately the more common side effects are not quite as horrendous, but none the less not much fun – brain fog, weight gain, sexual dysfunction just to mention a few. I have said it before - anxiety is NOT caused by a “Prozac or Xanax deficiency”. Hence using them to treat anxiety will only work to mask the symptoms, it may(or may not) offer some degree of breathing space, but it will NOT address the root cause. The Root Cause Approach to Anxiety Anything we experience regards our body is always something we can use (if we are aware of it) to make adjustments to what we are doing - anxiety is in a greater sense a sign of some degree of imbalance. Anxiety may in fact result from many body systems being "out of order", consider the following: Stress hormones and neurotransmitters – the chemical messengers that regulate all the systems in our bodies - may be out of balance in people who deal with chronic anxiety. These imbalances will reflect on sleep, stress management and anxiety. The best intervention that you can do on your own, and won't require any fancy detective work is to include using food(real food!) and nutrients to balance your mood! Addressing nutrition through good whole food intake, appropriate targeted supplementation and managing stress responses will go a very long way to helping reduce anxiety in most cases. Basic Anxiety Reduction Strategies. 1. Balance Your Blood Sugar
Many of you will be familiar with the term "hangry", well the emotions that come up when we have not eaten(or may have eaten foods that don't really support your body) have similar traits to those related to anxiety, so addressing blood sugar highs and lows can get you off the roller coaster that really rocks when our blood sugar levels are out of control. You can help balance your blood sugar by reducing your intake of carbohydrates and/or any sugars, and increasing your protein and fat intake. A low-carb or ketogenic type based diet could be beneficial for some. Make your breakfast complete with a meal that is filled with good oils (for example, avocado or coconut milk or quality full fat yoghurt), as well as a good source of protein(once again, avo and yoghurt as well as almonds are good here), but be careful to minimise your intake of sugars (even from fruit). Some breakfast options include eggs with avocados, even a sausage or meat pattie(no reason not to - even for breaky). Another option is of course a protein and oil-based smoothie. The Miessence complete protein powder is hard to beat and can be added to your daily smoothie making it a superfood meal that is very easy on your digestion! Finally, there may be supplements that can help with stabilising your blood sugar, lessening anxiety. We know that if you are short on the simple nutrient chromium then we are not able to use insulin efficiently. 2. Reduce Caffeine Intake Yes I know, "but we love our coffee!" - lets keep it simple, caffeine is a stimulant that can give you the shakes and make you edgy, so if you’re currently drinking coffee, black tea (even green tea does have caffeine) or cola drinks(yes many cold drinks are caffeinated these days), removing or reducing your intake of caffeine can be helpful.
And this is where we start to look at things together because it doesn't really matter if you are a fast metaboliser or you have some genetic tendency one way or another, the bottom line is that if your adrenals have been flogged and your diet is causing swings in your blood sugar you will be far more likely to experience anxiety when caffeine is used. If you do drink coffee, and tend to have it more than couple of times a day don't forget it may be affecting your sleep. And thats not to mention you may even be able to eliminate symptoms of anxiety, headaches, palpitations, insomnia, and frequent visits to the toilet simply by cutting back on caffeine. If you are a BIG user and decide to go cold turkey, be prepared for some not so pleasant signs of withdrawal - it will be easier and probably more pleasant to reduce what you drink by doing it in a reduction from say 4 cups a day to 3 cups a day, and then every 3 days reduce again - down to 2 cups and so on. 3. Remove common intolerant Foods The most common food intolerance reactions that tend to trigger anxiety symptoms are related to sugar, caffeine, dairy products, wheat and gluten, soy based foods and sadly some nuts too. I will continue next month.........One last thing quickly that is related to the topic above - I have done a variety of courses online and this one has come up, so I thought it appropriate to share here - its free, sounds great and can be viewed through the online training organisation Coursera.Have a look and let me know if you do it. HAPPI LAUNDRY LIQUID. And an update on the Happi Laundry liquid - it is now available globally and please remember, the aim is to plant a BILLION trees and regenerate what is being called the Happi Forest in Myanma - imagine buying one sachet(that ultimately will be able to be re-used) that will give you a whole year of washing instead of buying 12 or 13 1 litre plastic bottles that are going to the rubbish tip, and SAVING a forest too! ![]() The Happi Laundry Liquid will be the ONLY bottle of laundry liquid you will need for the whole year!- Over 400 washes in ONE bottle, clean, pure and safe for you AND the environment AND it will be costing you less than 20 cents per wash, do your sums and see how much you could save$$. CLICK HERE to purchase at 30% OFF: http://bit.ly/GetHAPPI UPCOMING ONLINE EVENTS. The variety of FREE online events these days is mind boggling, and in this information age we really have the opportunity to improve our understanding on a whole range of topics. The topic coming up is “Digital dementia” a very real modern day issue — overconsumption of screen time can lead to a breakdown of cognitive abilities and deteriorated posture, developmental delays, degraded short-term memory, seclusion and lack of motivation… especially for our children! Digital Dementia Summit 2019 ~DIGI19
And if this gets you thinking that perhaps it time for a change - the timing is perfect as we have a special from Miessence offering a MASSIVE 50% discount off the Orient Range, ON NOW
Yours in good health