Hi to everyone,
In this issue:
- SummerTime and looking good.
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Keep reaching for your targets!
- January Deals.
Lets go,
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a man can
alter his life by altering his attitude of mind.” - William James
Its a New Year and an opportunity for a new start? Are you making the most of it? Look at how fast the year is going already, January is almost done!!
Hope you enjoy this months newsletter
Sunshine! Its here and we are loving it!
Since my last newsletter the sun has continued to shine and we have been treated to a whole range of Summery "things". That includes sun, rain, lightening, cloud bursts and sticky heat to name a few.
One of the topics in last months letter was around antioxidants.
The point I made was that anti-oxidants are not only part of our body's natural processing of various nutrients, but importantly they do offer protection on a range of levels throughout each of the systems used by our body everyday and if we "run dry" it will ultimately result in more harm than good.
I mentioned that one area of note was knowing can reduce long term skin damage from the sun by ensuring we are loaded with more great anti-oxidant rich foods. For those who missed us last month, below is a copy of a paragraph from December.
"And that includes protecting your skin from sun damage. Taking an antioxidant or increasing your intake of antioxidant rich foods will in fact strengthen your body and allow longer exposure in the sun without any damage occurring. Sounds a little weird? No, its a real thing, I have seen it happen. A very mild reddening of the skin in a pale person will change to sunburn very fast, in that same person with higher levels of antioxidants the skin will simply begin to brown without the burn."
I also made a brief mention of the good old BerryRadical formula from Miessence and today I decided to go into more detail about why I personally use this most days.
First lets look quickly at the list of ingredients: They are of course all Certified Organic and of the highest quality sourced from around the globe, ingredients are listed in order of their quantity/volume in the formula.
Certified Organic Raw Unrefined Cacao Powder:
Contains catechin, epicatechin and gallic acid
Protects cardiovascular health
Vasodilation protects against thrombosis and hypertension
One of the richest natural sources of that all important mineral - Magnesium
Raw Coffee Fruit concentrate:
Contains polyphenols, chlorogenic, caffeic and ferulic acids
As the plants mature they develop powerful antioxidants to protect the fruit from damage caused by the sun at higher altitudes, these same properties can be used to our advantage too
One gram of this raw coffee fruit concentrate provides the same free radical protection as over 2 kilos of grapes
Freeze dried Olive juice:
Contains hydroxytyrosol. The strongest natural antioxidant ever found!
Olive juice contains 300 times more antioxidants than olive oil
Protects against - cancer and cardiovascular disease
Freeze dried Pomegranate powder:
Contains punicalagins and ellagic acid
Beneficial for dealing with; atherosclerosis, heart disease, osteoarthritis, prostate cancer
Many of you will by now be familiar with some of the properties of this food
Freeze dried Maqui Berry powder:
Contains high levels of polyphenols and anthocyanins.
Good for weight loss, anti-aging and cardiovascular health.
Also packs a powerful punch of Vitamin C and Potassium.
Freeze dried Acai Berry powder:
Açaí (ah-sigh-ee) contains the potent antioxidant, anthocyanins. Contains 10-30 times the concentration found in red wine.
Anthocyanins are a group of phytochemicals found in red wine that are thought to contribute to the French Paradox, i.e. that France has one of the lowest incidences of heart disease of any western society despite the prevalence of smoking and a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
The potential physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation- protective, chemoprotective, vasoprotective, and anti-inflammatory agents.

Freeze dried Blueberry powder:
Blueberry also contains the polyphenolic antioxidant, anthocyanins. Anthocyanins, which are avonoids, were found in one study to have the strongest antioxidant power of 150 avonoids tested. Anthocyanins have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties and protect both large and small blood vessels from oxidative damage, including those in the eyes.
Freeze dried Raspberry powder:
Raspberry contains the polyphenol antioxidant, ellagic acid, which has been shown to reduce -
Heart disease, birth defects, liver problems, and promote wound healing.
Ellagic acid may help inhibit different types of cancer causing agents, including aflatoxin and nitrosamines.
Ellagic acid seems to have some anti-cancer properties and has been found to cause death in cancer cells in the lab.
Freeze dried Strawberry Powder:
Strawberry is a rich source of the polyphenol antioxidants, quercetin, ellagic acid, and anthocyanin.
Quercetin has been shown to protect colon, breast, ovarian, and gastrointestinal cells against cancer growth.
Quercetin has also been shown to protect against strokes, cataracts, viruses, and allergies.
Quercetin has been a long time favourite of mine when it comes to dealing with allergies
You may also notice that the term "polyphenols" is common in many of the ingredients.
Some pretty impressive stuff, don't you think?
As you can readily see from this list, all of these foods offer a wide range of benefits individually, so just imagine what the synergy of using them together has created! Definitely a SuperFood.
Interestingly, I have just listened to a talk by Dr Grundy, a very well regarded Heart surgeon who has done some amazing work in developing techniques and products that have made heart surgery so successful over many years.
Here is a little blurb from Dr Grundy himself - "...For over thirty years, I have been one of the world’s pre-eminent experts in heart surgery. My experiences took me to new frontiers of medical science. I was a driving force behind major breakthroughs in medical technology and surgical procedures – breakthroughs that revolutionized the way doctors save lives.
But back in 2001, while I was Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Loma Linda University, I was asked to treat a chronically ill, overweight patient. This man was considered a hopeless case, someone who couldn’t be helped even by surgery. But “hopeless cases” have been a specialty of mine over the years, and I was willing to take on this man’s challenge when no one else would.
I discovered that the patient had actually reversed his heart-threatening symptoms – symptoms he was told were inoperable – with nothing but a combination of natural, dietary nutrients. This led me to pursue further research of my own. The conclusions I made were unmistakable… "
Well, Dr Grundy had a complete change in focus of his career when working with thispatient who was overweight and dying - his arteries were almost completely blocked and he was on his way out - Lucky for him he had resources that led him to change his life and embark on using a range of supplements.
Guess what Dr Grundy saw? He saw a reduction in the plaque in his arteries of 50% in just 6 months of taking his supplements.
And guess what else Dr Grundy discovered? the supplements were all very high in ....... you guessed it .... polyphenols!
So increasing you intake of polyphenols will offer significant protection, the science shows it and the case studies show it and Dr Grundy has proven it over and over.
Do not be fooled into thinking these superfoods are not doing anything in or to your body, because they are and they will, the more consistent you are with having these foods in your day the more benefits you will see.
If you are interested in finding out more about BerryRadical (or any of the other Miessence Superfoods) you can find this on our website and importantly, for any NEW customers we can offer you a special deal.
When shopping at our dedicated Miessence website - www.miessentials.com - you can get 15% OFF your entire order by using tis code. mi15off
Happy Shopping!
Whats coming up?
NEW: 20 minute ‘Possibility Sessions’ for FREE via skype or zoom.
Would you like to create something different and not sure what that is or the steps to take to embark on that journey?
Do you have a work/life balance?
Would you like to have more fun and ease?
Is there something more you would like in your life?
Do you keep bumping up against the same limitations or upsets?
Are there parts of your life where you know something else is possible?
You can email Andy simply by CLICKING HERE
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then a ‘Possibility Session’ is a great way to explore this.
With 20 years experience in the Natural Healing Field, Andy is a Facilitator, Trauma Release Facilitator, Coach and Best Selling Author on Amazon. She teaches you tools that empower you to know that you know, learning to trust and follow your awareness. She facilitates you to uncover those things that are standing in the way of having what you know is possible.
If this is what you have been asking for then contact Andy to set up your appointment time. info@andypentecost.com or (07) 571 1141. 10 spaces available.
Rotorua - You Must book in advance.
Andy is delivering her unique healing for our Rotorua clients on a regular basis now.
Clinic days are Wednesday and Thursday, normal clinic hours apply - thats between 8.30 -5.00 (please don't ask for appointments outside of these hours:)
For this service to be continued we do need to have a full day of customers, so if you would like to take advantage of this do let us know. It is advisable however to make your booking well in advance - and if you cancel on the day you will be charged. Please email or phone to find out what the coming dates are or make a booking for the next visit.
3 Day Live Retreat with the Phenomenal Cory Michelle.
Andy has been working with Cory Michelle during the last year and feels what she has to offer could be helpful for many of us.
What is being congruent and how does it create magic in your life? Live "Art of Living Crazy Possible retreat"
Feb 10-12, in Tauranga, NZ
Here is the link to the Facebook live Andy and Cory did together today. It is a great overview of what is possible from this life changing class. Click here
To register: click here
Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
What am I on about, whats known as the anti-inflammatory vitamin?
I'm wanting to remind you all the simple things we all know are still important, so don't stop doing the simple stuff.
Vitamin C. Yes, we all know about, we have all heard about it, and most of have used it or use it at times.
Unless you have access to sun ripened fruit all the time then you probably could do with topping up this basic vitamin. In our office we have several Vitamin C products that make it easy to choose what would work for you. Powder, tablet or capsule?
Vitamin C can be a powder, tablet or capsule.
Daily C - powder. A powder is easy to use and this one tastes good, benefits are that you can vary the dose easily by having a little less or little more on your teaspoon. This powder is very high in the important "bioflavonoids" that help Vitamin C in the body

Adrenal C - slow release tablet. Yes, its a tablet and Yes, it also has a very high ratio of the important bioflavonoids. The big difference with this clever formula is that it has been developed to be released effectively in your body over 3-4 hours. Its not a crude coating on the tablet but a clever process that means all the nutrients are delivered over the sustained period.
Premier C - 100% natural source capsule. This is the full deal when it comes to a completely naturally sourced vitamin C. This one is from a range of wholefoods that includes acerola, bilberry, blueberry, cranberry and rosehips to name a few. Of course with this type of formula you will get benefits of all those other naturally occurring compounds that we know and also that we don't know about that are only present in an organic whole food.

Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page - We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information, there is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)
What about YouTube?
Time to have a look at a video from one of our own.
I may talk more about this next month, but if you are expecting results with ANY health challenge in 2018 I urge you to consider checking out this chance to improve mental clarity, digestion, elimination and much more....
Watch Video by CLICKING HERE
DEALs of the MONTH: In line with this months Newsletter material we are offering the following products with $$OFF:
Miessence BerryRadical - If you have never ordered direct from our dedicated Miessence website use the code mi15off to get a discount off your entire order
Shop here - www.miessentials.com
(if for some reason you can't be bothered ordering from our www.miessentials.com website, send me an email and I will supply you from my stock at a special rate-it will be a little more because we need to charge GST etc)
Daily C - You will need to be registered and logged in to see the prices
Premier Vitamin C - Limited offer with quantity, so get in quick
If you see something in this newsletter or online at our shop that "feels light" or "feels right" for you - just order it! NOW!
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-571 1141, we would love to speak to you!
Wishing you all the best for what is ahead for 2018
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator
and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141