Hello dear friends,
In this issue:
Yet more articles have featured in the local media about the whole cell phone issue. For those sceptics out there, don't forget there are loads of things that can go wrong with our body before we develope cancer. Many reports are based on the cancer effect, but what about the "stress effect". You may not develope a degenerative disease like cancer, but there is a myriad of other problems that could stem from your exposure to not only cell phones but all manner of wireless devices, don't be fooled by the flawed science! We have managed to secure our hottest deal ever for a limited number of Blushield devices to give you the protection you deserve from invasive EMF's, here is the offer! No? Well perhaps you should read on. I have written before about the effect prolonged stress can have on the body, but from some comments lately I thought I would go over just a little about the adrenals and in particular highlight Dr Wilsons "adrenal fatigue"(AF) book.![]() His book describes in detail the function of the adrenal glands, the causes of AF, the signs of AF and importantly what you can do to restore normal adrenal function. AF is linked to several chronic conditions including frequent respiratory tract infections, allergies, auto-immune diseases, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, PMS, difficult menopause, loss of libido, accelerated ageing, depression and a whole lot more. It is understood that most New Zealanders' along with the rest of the Western world will suffer from some form of stress related AF at some time and that a high percentage of Dr's visits are in fact a result of stress related complaints. Although many realise that stress is a problem in their lives, few actually understand the physical ways in which stress impacts on their bodies and minds through the adrenal glands and the HPA axis, and even fewer know what to actually do about it! Unfortunately, even today many health care professionals still do not fully recognise the common and daily health conditions encountered which are produced by poor adrenal gland function, and as a result they may still treat the symptoms of hypoadrenia or AF without addressing the real cause. "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome" explains not only how stress affects your health, but what you can do to help yourself in a way that is entertaining, easy to follow and very helpful. It contains a comprehensive questionaire and simple self tests to determine if your have AF and importantly how severe it is. Complete with helpful chapters on lifestyle and dietary recommendations, including dozens of illustrations, charts and fascinating case histories from Dr Wilson's files. Essentially this book provides a step by step process giving you everything you need to know to reclaim your life from the negative health effects of stress. If this book sounds like it may have answers for you or someone you know you can order by clicking here What about YouTube?
Enjoy! Don't take it all too seriously!! Click here to see "Humor in the Workplace: Are You THIS Stressed Out? Products Highlights from www.tauponatural.com
Another one of our preferred practitioner range from PRL, this one product can benefit in many ways:
How would you like to have an instant stand-in immune system? Colostrum, the pre-milk fluid produced by mothers after birth, is ultra-rich in broad spectrum immune system boosters and natural growth factors. One important role is to supply building blocks to complete the developement of the new borns delicate digestive tract - at birth the digestive tract is incomplete so you can imagine how critical the colostrum is - with this property it is highly beneficial for those with a variety of digestive complaints. It has been shown to have a superior youth enhancing, anti-aging effect. For athletes, it can give you the decisive competitive edge. As our body's immune and growth factors decline with illness and age Colostrum can help replace these vital components of life. Colostrum does not contain milk or milk products. PRL Quantum Colostrum has a superior "body of light", for those of you who are reading our newsletters regularly you will know that this is about the vitality of the nutrient and will ultimately determine how effective the product works in your body. Quantum Colostrum comes from healthy, organically fed cows that live only at certified organic dairy farms. Most colostrum in the marketplace comes from non-organic sources that may contain toxic residues from commercially fed, drug-maintained cows. PRLabs' whole, organic colostrum is amongst the richest source of active immune compounds. When it is consumed, these rich nutrients as well as its bio-electrical energy can be imparted to the user. Colostrum is also indispensable for your stomach and intestinal protection and immunity when eating out in restaurants with their foods filled with toxic chemical residues. Use Quantum Colostrum Capsules for the following; * Quantum-state probiotic and immune support * The richest source of N-acetylneuraminic acid, one of the eight essential healing sugars * Especially supports recovery after surgery, injuries and colds/flu * Excellent support for failure to thrive in babies and normalising poor appetite (any age) * Functions as a stand-in immune system during immune stress (excellent for elderly patients) * Supports regular bowel movements; helps the body overcome loose stool/diarrhea Go to this months special by clicking here Health snippets(International News) Studies on pesticides and retarded development in children One of the reasons we prefer to source certified organic products is simply due to the ongoing damage to the population in a variety of ways. Three independent studies just published found that children whose mothers are exposed to common agricultural pesticides are more likely to experience a range of deleterious effects in their cognitive development, including lower IQ, as well as impaired reasoning and memory. Organic agriculture prohibits the use of these pesticides, and all other toxic and persistent chemicals. A study by the University of Newcastle School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development reports that fruit and vegetables grown without artificial fertilisers have significantly more key nutrients, including vitamin C. Here are links to the three studies: Prenatal Exposure to Organophosphates..........Cognitive Development Prenatal Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides........and IQ 7-Year Neurodevelopmental Scores..........Exposure a Common Agricultural Pesticide Free water in urban Seattle - Urban buildings unplug from the water grid! In one of Seattle's most urban neighborhoods, a small elementary school is trying to wean itself off the city's water grid. If we are so concerned with the quality of our rivers and lakes is there any reason we can't do the same here? The classroom toilet composts and treats waste on site rather than flushing it into city sewer pipes. Water washed down sinks doesn't flow into storm drains but recirculates to a 14-foot high wall filled with plants, which will eventually soak it all up. For now, excess flows through the wall. Read more here......
Zinc, Respiratory Infections and the Elderly Low zinc status is associated with impaired immune function, decreased resistance to pathogens, increased incidence and duration of chest infections, and increased use of antimicrobial treatments. Zinc supplementation in this population has been shown to improve T-cell immune function - thats part of our immune surveillance. In one study, those with a normal level of zinc, compared with low levels of zinc resulted in: • Lower pneumonia incidence • Shorter duration of pneumonia by 3.9 days • Reduced total antibiotic use by almost 50% • Shorter duration of antibiotic use by 2.6 days. In a separate study, participants aged 55-87 years who were supplemented with 45mg of elemental zinc daily for 12 months experienced significantly less infections, including respiratory infections, than those on placebo. If you were reading our newsletter last month you will know that Vitamin D is required by your immune system, zinc is another critical mineral for the immune system and many other body processes. We tend to choose a zinc liquid which is featured here. DEALs of the MONTH:Wow, July has 3 great deals, the hottest being the Blushield Plugin which has a massive $50 off!!This is by far the best deal we have ever been able to offer and once the limited number are gone it will not be repeated, so first in best dressed.To take advantage of these deals we have made it easy, simply go to the product page and order at the July special priceBlushield PluginPRL Quantum Colostrum PRL Zinc Assay