Hi Friends,
In this issue:
Brain fade - is your brain ageing too fast?
Products highlights from the Website - www.tauponatural.com
Health snippets - From around the world.
June Special Deal
June, the sixth month of the year! Have you made progress on the things you intend to achieve this year? Better get moving before the year is all over!
Lets see whats been in the news.
the Brain - How can I protect my most important asset?
Increased energy, mental clarity, concentration and a sense of well being sound like a good thing for you?
We know it sounds like a lot to claim, but this astounding nutrient that delivers DNA protection and free radical quenching has such far reaching effects it really is a master nutrient, sure its not cheap, but then most of the really good things these days do come with an appropriate price. One of the important things to understand is that current trends and predictions show a huge rise in age related diseases of the brain are becoming far more widespread - Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and dementia of all different types are likely to be the predominant diseases of the current generation as we age. Do we want to wait until it is perhaps too late?
So what is it?
An industry first from the team at Premier Research Labs brings us the worlds first stable, fully reduced form of lipoic acid - DHLA(Dyhydrolipoic acid) - and its derived from once living sources, in layman's terms this is a supplement that offers never before available health benefits such as:
Premier nerve and brain cell nourishment, protection and rejuvenation
Significant help for immune related concerns, especially fatigue and muscle aches
Far superior free radical quenching than either alpha or R-Lipoic acid
The ultimate antioxidant capable of recycling ALL major antioxidants, including CoQ10, Glutathione, and Vitamins E and C.
Its full name is DHLA Nano-Plex and it is a plant based, probiotic generated Live source of DHLA that will deliver a more comprehensive hit against free radicals than virtually anything else for literally EVERY organ or gland, especially the brain and nervous system.
Many of you will know of Resveratrol, the product touted as being a greatest anti-ageing product on the planet - well resveratrol is a secondary element in the DHLA Nano-Plex- so just imagine what the "medics" will think when they finally find out about this one!
Many users say they can feel the effect of this product the very first time they take it. As with the product featured last month - InLiven - the DHLA is also manufactured with a unique fermentation process using 12 strains of beneficial probiotic organisms that pre-culture the nutrients so they become far more bio-available.
There are NO OTHER live source DHLA supplements available in the world.
So if you think your brain is ageing too fast and are in a position to do something contact us.
And while we are cleaning up the brain, why not detoxify your home.
Detoxify Your Home in 5 Easy Steps
As most of our readers are aware, many of the products we bring into our homes contain toxins that can be hazardous to our health. So with that in mind lets get back to basics with some simple steps to follow to minimise your exposure.
Your home is your sanctuary. Your own small piece of the world, in which you spend most of your time, recuperating from and preparing for the outside world, to do this the environment must support you.
Follow these five simple steps to protect yourself and the people in your home:
1. As much as possible, eat organic, home grown or wild produce. This will help you reduce your exposure to pesticides, fertilisers, hormones and steroids. Eat wild-caught fish as farmed is often contaminated with mercury and PCBs. Eating these foods will also keep you on nutritious, whole foods and clear from processed, prepackaged foods which contain any number of additives. A good diet of whole foods is the first line of protection from any health threat.
2. Switch over to natural brands of toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants and cosmetics. Commonly these products contain Phthalates and all the other chemical disasters, which are known to be powerful and cumulative endocrine (hormone) disruptor's. These chemicals are also passed in high levels from parents to children - even before they are out of the womb!.
Fragrance-free, vegetable-oil-based soaps are a healthy choice
Select from a truly natural range such as Miessence
Search the internet or local bookshop for interesting recipes to make your own natural cosmetic products. Some of them may really be good enough to eat!
Be aware that many of the products presented as natural and healthy are not so - check the ingredients thoroughly. The Environmental Working Group has a great safety guide (www.ewg.org/skindeep) to help you find personal care products that are free of phthalates and other potentially dangerous chemicals.
3. Replace plastic and Teflon in your kitchen with ceramic or glass. Store your food and beverages in glass rather than plastic, and avoid using plastic wrap and canned foods (tin cans are usually lined with BPA-containing liners). Certainly do not heat foods up with plastic covers or lids - the heat itself can increase out-gassing from all types of materials.
4. Replace as many cleaning products as possible with natural alternatives. Bleach, window cleaner, furniture polish, air fresheners, synthetic fragrances (e.g. fabric softeners) and carpet cleaners are all linked to skin problems, asthma, wheezing, lower than normal lung function. Most detergents are formulated from petrochemicals and contain numerous other toxins. Especially avoid the toxic products that come in a spray, as more of the product becomes airborne and may be breathed in.
A simple solution of 1 part water to 1 part vinegar will clean most things in the home (the smell disappears when the vinegar dries), and you can add your favourite essential oils - tea tree or lavender are popular.
Wash your clothes with a natural alternative such as soapnut shells. Half a cup of vinegar can be added to the rinse cycle as a fabric softener (it also helps break down laundry detergent).
Neat vinegar can be used to clean the toilet bowl.
Lemon juice can be used to dissolve soap scum and hard water deposits, as well as to shine brass and copper.
Mix 1 cup olive oil with a half cup of lemon juice and you have a furniture polish for your hardwood furniture.
Baking soda can be used to scrub surfaces in much the same way as commercial abrasive cleansers and it's also a great as a deodoriser.
Lemon juice can be mixed with vinegar and/or baking soda to make cleaning pastes.
Air your house well at every opportunity (in a five-year study, the EPA found significantly higher concentrations of 20 toxic compounds inside homes than outdoors).
5. Look for "green," toxin-free alternatives in lieu of regular paint, furniture, vinyl floor coverings, synthetic carpeting, and shower curtains.
Paints, varnishes and glues can release VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) for months or years. Look for low (or zero) VOC paints. Unfortunately many modern paints that are more user friendly that those used back in the days of lead etc now use elements such as Antimony - which in itself can be a problem. Once again you need to really look hard at products such as BioPaints, learn more about these things to get what you really want not what the marketing guys can sell you and get away with.
Goods made from plywood, pressed wood, particle board and medium density fibreboard, which are used in most furniture today, are generally treated with formaldehyde, a carcinogen that can emit fumes for as long as five years. Look for whole wood with natural oil or wax finishes or glass, metal or chrome.
Cushions and mattresses are often made from polyurethane foam or plastic as well as any fabric with acrylic, polyester or polyvinyl chloride, all of which can be toxic to the respiratory system. Most of these goods, along with clothing and linens, have probably been treated with flame-retardant chemicals, which can be toxic. In general, try to purchase clothing, sheets and mattresses made of natural materials, such as unbleached cotton, wool, horse hair, and hemp as opposed to synthetics which are made with chemicals. Of course, organic natural fibres are best.
While we can't protect ourselves from every possible nasty out there, we can do alot to minimise, be wary of any new product or ingredient, nobody can possibly say that there is no threat to health unless they have some history. Anybody who does probably stands to benefit from it. It's amazing that so many hazardous chemicals are allowed to be used in every-day items. We would always advise you to trust your instincts and use time-tested products and materials and never stop reading and researching labels!
What about YouTube?
Time for a little humour, the constant problems we create with new technology, but of course only in Scotland.
If you have ever tried phoning Telecom I am sure you can relate to the dilemma these guys find themselves in : ) Hope the language doesn't offend anyone.
Click here to watch the video
Products Highlights from www.tauponatural.com
MaxB-ND(formerly known as Max Stress B Nano-Plex)
This month we present another worlds first, the most amazing Vitamin B Complex you will find, I have even had people using so called "top quality" B vitamins that have noticed a difference when they start taking this important liquid formula. It fits nicely with the article about the DHLA and we love these liquids, they deliver so much more!
The Complete Vitamin B Complex Family
For the first time, a completely natural source of all the B vitamins are available in Max B-ND™, formerly Max Stress B. Derived from proprietary patent-pending technology using special, healthy probiotic strains, these B vitamins provide maximum stress protection, anti-aging benefits, brain rejuvenation, heart health and more.
About 99% of all vitamin B products on the market today are synthetically made in a laboratory. Despite marketing claims, these laboratory-produced vitamins are not natural B vitamins. They are chemically synthesized molecules manufactured in a test tube, typically from coal tar derivatives. Synthetic B vitamins actually accelerate aging and degradation of the cell's DNA. These synthetic molecules mimic only one component of the multitude of life-supporting nutrient complexes found in real, natural B vitamins. Max B-ND™ nourishes the cell's DNA, delivering a biophotonic "body of light" only found in "once-living source" nutrients.
Vital For Robust Health
The whole B-complex family of vitamins - especially folic acid and vitamin B12 - are necessary for optimal health for you and your entire family. While they may not be as famous as vitamin C, the B vitamins - especially folate - are certainly making a name for themselves in the news these days. In fact, in 1998, the Food and Nutrition Board, the group within the National Academy of Sciences that sets the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs), published revised RDAs, now called Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), for the B vitamins.
Get the Whole Complex of Benefits
The B vitamins work together as a team, which is why it is generally recommended to take a supplement with the whole vitamin B-complex family, rather than individual, isolated B vitamins. The whole B family is needed to help keep the body in balance and harmony for greater physical, emotional and mental health for you and your family.
Even if you could eat large amounts of foods rich in B vitamins, such as fruits, vegetables and grains, you would still typically fall short of the desired daily intake of B vitamins. Why? Research shows that the nutrient content of our food has been drastically decreased due to poor soil health and extensive pesticide use in our food production.
Key Benefits of Max B-ND™:
The world’s first, natural-source B vitamins made from proprietary probiotic fermentation
Highly active, end-chain living B vitamins derived from natural sources for high cellular resonance
Live source, end chain most biologically active forms of B vitamins: B1 as thiamine cocarboxylase (pyrophosphate), B2 as riboflavin-5-phosphate, B3 as hexanicotinate (no flush niacin), B5 as coenzyme A and acetyl coenzyme A, B6 as pyridoxyl-5-phosphate, B12 as cobamide, folic acid as 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate, inositol, biotin, choline, amino acids, glutathione, Beta 1, 3 glucans and more
Maximum stress support, anti-aging, brain rejuvenation, heart health, and mood balance
Go to this months special by clicking here
Health snippets(International News)
Those Cellphones AGAIN!
Just released on the news media is the latest stsement from the WHO regarding the safety of cellphones and wireless technology.
The World Health Organization announced Tuesday that cell phones — an everyday item used by an estimated 5 billion people — have joined lead, engine exhaust, DDT and chloroform in the “carcinogenic hazard” category.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer arm of the WHO, made the announcement following a working group study involving 31 scientists from 14 countries.
While we still can't say there is a direct known causal link between celphones and cancer, for cellphones to be placed in the category 2B - "possibly carcinogenic to humans" this should signal those of you out there who are big users that some prudent avoidance may be beneficial over time - for those who would like a simple but effective way to remediate your phone contact us or have a look here.
Read more of the report here
Sustainable Fisheries
The subject of sustainability continues to confuse many industries and here in NZ we need to be ever vigilant with our seafood, to follow is a look at what is happening in parts of Europe to ensure a sustainable fishery is developed, as you will read there are some issues that at present make it difficult to control.
The number of products from sustainable fisheries, as well as sustainable and organic aquaculture, has increased like the number of companies that want to take part in this business. Whether everything is as sustainable as presented remains to be seen.
The question is - How well are we doing in this area here in NZ?
I have a feeling we have a long way to go if we think we will have plenty of healthy fish for us to put on our table in the years to come without changing the ways our fisheries operate significantly. And of course if we can't keep fishing fleets from Asia and even North of the equator out of Southern waters we have already lost.
To read more from an interesting report from Europe click here
Vitamin B and folic acid 'help fight migraines'
Migraines are are totally debilitating condition that affects many people and the triggers for migraines can be varied and difficult to track down. As a result, migraine sufferers often become dependent on potent medication that usually goes hand in hand with a myriad of undesireable side effects.
This recent study shows that some simple nutrients could be helpful for migraine sufferers.
Click here to read more
If you can relate to this article and want to use the most potent "real" liquid B Vitamin formula on the planet we have this item on special for June, so simply Click Here
DEAL of the MONTH:
Click through to our 2 featured products, the DHLA and Max B-ND and you will be able to take advantage of a special discount that will last for all of June (or while stocks last),
To order click here NOW and you can browse the PRL pages on our website.
Thanks again for being with us, we are looking for your input so if there is a topic or nutrient or problem you would like us to "talk" about please do let us know.
Yours in good health,

Susanne & Gary