In this issue:
Atheist in the Forest. Hehe.......Gary KIDS IMMUNE SYSTEM Of course our children are perhaps our most special "possession" - strong word, but that's how it often looks - and they are so precious and vulnerable that we would do anything to keep them from harm or letting them experience pain. ![]() I won't go into the debate of vaccinations here, but I had an interesting conversation with a Dr(GP from down country) who advises her patients against them in general, and in a recent QRA training workshop we were able to demonstrate how much of an affect vaccines can have on a myriad of issues in the body - so like I say, I won't go into that here. I had a recent case where my 9 month old grand daughter came down with an ear ache, little Ruby was obviously not very comfortable and a visit to the Dr confirmed the "earache" and as expected she was correctly prescribed antibiotics. Thankfully, her Mum through her wisdom(and a little input from me) chose not to fill the script and administered some good old fashioned herbal remedies that gave Ruby instant relief! We need to begin to trust that if something has been around a long time, and stood the test of time it does not need to become obsolete just because there is some fancy new drug that is now available. Had Ruby been given the antibiotics I am almost certain she would have started on a vicious cycle of antibiotic induced weakness as a result of a critically damaged gut flora, simple herbs worked for her and they can work for you too. Something I have seen way too many times over the years is the cycle of illness - antibiotics - short term wellness - returned illness - more antibiotics...etc etc. So, gut ecology is number one and when it comes to our immune system and that of our little ones this is so important, a course of antibiotics for an infant has the potential to create a long term weakness. Our immune system and its initial surveilance starts in the gut, the term sometimes used is GALT - Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue - we have a huge surface area here where the "rubber meets the road so to speak - this is where our body comes in contact with the environment and it covers a very big area. Many of you will be familiar with some of the figures. The skin has a surface area of 10m2, lungs have a surface area of 140m2 and the digestive tract has a surface area of 320m2 and for this reason it is a primary aspect of good health. There are more bacteria in the gut than total cells in the body - and that's alot! In a healthy gut we would have a 100 trillion micro-organisms made up of over 400 known beneficial species! The 4 R's for G.I health are:
So what is it that we can do? When you start to feed your baby other than breast milk try to keep it simple, and where possible minimally processed. Vegetables in the raw form will supply many of the basic requirements, vitamins and minerals as well as beneficial enzyme activity - a baby will not be able to process heavy proteins such as meats efficiently so you may as well keep them out for as long as you can - a majority of the global population live on vegetarian diets and still develop perfectly healthy. Gently cooked vegies are also going to supply an abundance of minerals and fibres along with the important phyto-nutrients that are co-factors in many areas of health.
All in one product! Add it to food or into a drink of juice or smoothie and you are covering so many bases. It could make a huge difference to both yourself and the wellbeing of your little ones. We have a special this month on this absolutely wonderful super food, see at the end of the newsletter.
To those of you who may be wanting to use the best, purest skincare products on the planet, and may even be tempted into the thought that you could use the best, sell a little (or a lot) of the same unparalleled beautiful products to people you know AND create an income AND make the planet a better place by using products with ingredients that require less agri-chemical poisons on our farms, then we have great news! ONEgroup(the Miessence company) have extended a great deal celebrating 9 years in business. You have until the 9th of March to become a Miessence representative, the join up cost until then is just $9 and if you go ahead and order a "fast start pack" when you join - this is going to be a spend of about $330 (retail value of $540) - AND you will also receive a free "Vitality Pack". ![]() The combined alkalising, probiotic, and antioxidant nutrients in the Vitality 3-Pack are a concentrated source of super nutrition that offer major benefits to your entire body.
What about YouTube?
Its about time we really understood what our food is doing to us. You can see a short preview here and get inline for seeing the whole film by clicking here Products Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com None of our products contain anything that may release formaldehyde - that can't be said for most, even so called natural products! Preservatives that release formaldehyde:
These formaldehyde-releasing agents are used as preservatives in a wide range of cosmetics, particularly shampoos and liquid soap's, they have been linked to both skin sensitivity and cancer. The story is - oh, but its only a small amount...... it won't do any harm. What a load of old...#%*? Other industrial applications of formaldehyde include production of resins used in wood products, vinyl flooring and other plastics, permanent-press fabric, and toilet bowl cleaners. While formaldehyde occurs naturally in the environment at low levels, worldwide industrial production tops 21 million tons per year. Read more here Health snippets(International News) Hypnotics may not be the best choice - death may occur. To follow from the talk of insomnia in the last issue, I have come accross a new study that indicates those prescribed the various "hypnotics" such as zolpidem, temazepam, eszopiclone, zaleplon, other benzodiazepines, barbiturates and sedative antihistamines to help them sleep are opening a door that could result in increased rates of cancer and death. So lets stick to the "do no harm" alternative of herbs and nutrition, which would you prefer? To read more about the study click here L'Oreal tops the list again! Yes, they are the best when it comes to trying to poison you! Sound a bit harsh? After all this is one of the top selling ranges of cosmetics on then planet we are talking about and they do care, right? So whats it about this time? A new report by FDA indicates that the problem of poison kisses is worse than we originally thought! FDA’s new study found lead in 400 lipsticks tested, with higher lead levels than ever reported in some of the most popular brands. The worst offender was L'Oreal USA, whose Maybelline Color Sensation and L’Oreal Color Riche lipsticks were #1 and #2 on the list. In fact, L'Oreal USA makes five of the 10 most contaminated brands in the FDA study. We don't think lead in lipstick is a particularly clever move, what do you think? You can of course do the obvious and avoid those brands that continue to go against everything we know about health when it comes to making yourselves look pretty..... "because you're worth it"...... to see the list click here DEAL of the MONTH: This month we give pride of place for our March deal to the all round winner when it comes to simple, quality nutrients in an easily assimilated powder to the Miessence InLiven. A healthy gut makes for happy, healthy people, and whether young or old, you could benefit from this powerful blend of 26 certified organic wholefoods combined with a completely compatible family of friendly gut bacteria. This month we will pay the GST AND send it to our NZ customers FREIGHT FREE. Save over $21 on the Miessence InLiven for March and get your digestive system back in balance. Order by Clicking Here Yours in good health,
Maximum Wellbeing |