Hi friends,
In this issue:
- Seasonal changes?
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - from around the world.
- May Deals.
“"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; -- it is something you design for the present." - Jim Rohn.
Its happened! Summer has left us and we are definitely experiencing the next season, although this past week or so we have been blessed with beautiful, calm, sunny Autumn weather.
When is Science not really science?
I am curious as to how many of you took the opportunity to be informed about vaccines by watching the online event we mentioned last month. Hands up please :)
For those who missed it (particularly those of you who are parents of young children) I suggest you try to track down a copy of some of the information. Great insights were given by Dr's and pediatricians working right in the field.
To follow from this I would like to mention a brand new research paper that has just been published by Dr Anthony Mawson, Professor at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Jackson State University, USA.
You can read the paper by CLICKING HERE
To summarise the paper compared overall health outcomes for several hundred children aged between 6 and 12, one group was fully vaccinated, one group was partially vaccinated and one group was not vaccinated.
The results show a number of interesting things, importantly, the vaccinated group while they "may" have been protected to a degree from contracting whooping cough and chicken pox, they were far more likely to have a broad range of other health conditions including both acute and chronic illnesses:
These include:
- Middle Ear infections
- Pneumonia
- Allergic rhinitis
- Learning disabilities(including Autism)
- Allergies
- Eczema
It follows that the vaccinated group also required more prescriptions for both allergy medications and antibiotics.
So, why have I mentioned this study?
I make mention of this study because it is what I would call "independent" and independent health studies are very difficult to find. Much of the so called "science" done these days is done for large(wealthy) companies for monetary gain and the research findings may not make it into the public domain if the findings don't align with the desires of those who may have funded the research in the first place.
The reverse side of this is that if you are the publisher of information that doesn't quite fit with accepted ideas (or even ideas being pushed by those in high places) then we tend to see all types of attempts to dis-credit the scientist, and/or the study - thats not science, thats control.
Yes, you may have joined the dots - Dr Mawson and his research have already been dragged through the mud.
Here is a Professor who has an impeccable record, knows how to conduct research, after all he has been doing this type of work for 35 years, he is a public health epidemiologist with an extensive and proven track record in children’s health research and has no vested interest in the outcomes - other than producing solid science that will ultimately lead to a healthier population.
Some of the organisations that work to distort the real information even have names that make us assume they are there for us. Try this one - an online blog of the “Center for Scientific Integrity” is one such group who are making statements about this study in particular that is simply not true.
The name sounds great, but who funds it, who are their buddy's, and how do we know what is really independent?
I recently posted an article for our Facebook users that showed a newly published book that outlines the difficulty we have these days with science and research.
The Lancet and the British Medical Journal are just a couple of highly regarded sources of "solid" information, but......?
According to science writer Richard Harris, who writes for NPR, almost everything they publish is "Bogus" and the result is billions of dollars in fraud, waste and unnecessary expenditures on Big Pharma drugs that simple don’t work.
Lets take just one particularly enraging example: For many years research on breast cancer was conducted on misidentified melanoma cells, which means that thousands of papers published in credible scientific journals were actually studying the wrong cancer. “It’s impossible to know how much this sloppy use of the wrong cells has set back research into breast cancer,” writes Harris.
In an article in the New York Post Harris says “When you read something, take it with a grain of salt, Even the best science can be misleading, and often what you’re reading is not the best science.”
The New York Post article is here:
So where does this leave us? We all need to use both our heads and our hearts and if something doesn't seem right or just, it probably isn't, so stand and and make yourself heard.
We stand to lose everything if we continue to allow our society to be run on the basis of "bad science" bad science can only produce "bad medicine"
Click HERE to read the article
This month we have ANOTHER SUPER SPECIAL deal that has NEVER been offered before!
Get ready to treat your skin with the purest products available, the whole Miessence Skincare range is available this month at 30% off!
You should know by now that the range of Miessence Skincare is sourced from the most potent, pure, certified organic sources on the planet to help you nourish your skin in the ultimate way.
And there are a whole host of other benefits for us all when we include these type of products into our monthly shopping lists.
Less toxins in general for us, our neighbours and families and of course less toxins floating around in the air, soil and waterways.
Its definitely a Win:Win.
So, from NOW to the 30th of May, we're giving you the special chance to buy ANY Miessence Skincare* at 30% off!
This means that you'll pay just $49 for a product that is normally $70 full price... That's a super saving of $21!(And don't forget Kiwis we also save any GST on orders under NZ$350)
Whats coming up?
This is where we keep you updated on courses run by Maximum Wellbeing as well as shows we may be attending in your region or events we think may be of interest.
Rotorua is calling.
While we don't have any "out of town" events that we are attending in the near future, there is a possible opportunity to book a session with Andy in Rotorua in the near future.
Andy has had requests to deliver her unique healing for some of our Rotorua clients on a regular basis so we are putting this out there to see who is interested. Obviously this would save you time and money by not having to travel to Tauranga and if this is successful Andy would regularly do an extra day a fortnight or month depending on demand. We envisage this will be a Wednesday or Thursday once or twice a month, normal clinic hours would apply - thats between 8.30 -5.00 (please don't ask for appointments outside of these hours:)
For it to be feasible to add an extra day, she will need to have a full day of customers, so if you would like to take advantage of this do let us know. Please email or phone to express your interest.
You can email Andy simply by CLICKING HERE
Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
Miessence After Shave Balm.
When you pick up a product from Miessence that has the words "certified organic" on it you know, and can be assured that ALL of the ingredients comply with International Organic Food standards, this is guaranteed by an independent third party, and is our(the consumer) best form of guarantee that the product is exactly what it says it is.
The product shown here is one of my personal favourites.
A hydrating balm to sooth, tone and refresh the skin. Calms razor-burned skin with organic chamomile and marshmallow and soothing organic aloe vera. Refines and refreshes with organic witch hazel and St john's wort.
And it smells great too!
There is another product that goes with this, the certified organic Shaving Gel, the perfect combination for the perfect guy (or even if he's not so perfect they are still a good fit).
A light, lubricating gel formulated with organic aloe vera for sensitive or irritated skin. If you find it is harsh using any sort of razor then this may well help sooth your skin the whole way.
Provides good razor-slip for a close, smooth shave with organic sunflower seed oil and xanthan gel. Organic emollients protect against razor-burn, nicks and cuts whilst softening and soothing the skin.
And the extra good news is that both of these products are included in the Super Skincare Special running on our dedicated Miessence site this month on May.

Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page - We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information, there is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)
What about YouTube?
Here is a video that demonstrates how we can and do influence some of those majestic animals out there.
What an amazing ability it is to be able to communicate with animals, and this is something that many of us may possess but may not allow it to blossom fully due to many judgements from ourselves and others.
Watch Video by CLICKING HERE
Health snippets(International News)
Belgium: glyphosate herbicide ban.
Well what is it that the Belgians know that our law makers don't?The research and information is out there, it would be nice if our agricultural system here was more in tune with what is really happening out there in the environment.

Inside the 'Doomsday' Vault.
The Doomsday Gene Bank - Deep in the bowels of an icy mountain on an island above the Arctic Circle between Norway and the North Pole lies a resource of vital importance for the future of humankind. It’s not coal, oil or precious minerals, but seeds..

DEAL of the MONTH: This month we really would like to see ALL of you take advantage of the AMAZING Miessence SPECIAL. 30% OFF ALL Skincare.
The range of products in the "Skincare" category is extensive and includes formula for men and woman, oily skin or wrinkley doesn't matter as there are products developed for all skin types. Please have a look and even send this message onto those who might be interested in this superb range.

If you see something in this newsletter or online at our shop that "feels right" for you - just order it! NOW!
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-571 1141, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141