May2009SpecialHi Friends,
In this issue:
We know how important Mineral Balance is, but what about RATIOS? Just to follow on from the information relating to minerals in our recent newsletter I felt it would be helpful to highlight again the importance of balance. We can't get away from the fact that in our body - as well as in life - the need to maintain balance is paramount. The body has all types of mechanisms to assist in this and the word that we use to describe this balance is homoeostasis. We know that an excessive intake of salt creates problems due to the imbalance it creates and an interesting thing to consider with our body is the ratios of particular minerals. So we need a balance and we also need the correct ratios. Incorrect ratios of minerals can be an indicator of a hidden metabolic dysfunction. Ratios Amongst the most important ratios is sodium and potassium (Na:K). If this ratio is disrupted it may be an indication of important malfunctioning of the kidneys, liver and adrenal glands and could be associated with heart, liver, kidney and immune deficiency diseases. One of the many areas that can influence the Na:K ratio is the presence of heavy metals - in particular mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminium. This highlights one of the benefits of hair a hair analysis where ratios are considered along with mineral levels and toxic elements. Dosing up with a single nutrient may be appropriate in certain cases, but this should ideally be done under the guidance of someone who knows what they are doing. A very recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine highlights the importance of these ratios. 2974 patients with pre-hypertension were involved and what showed was that for each unit increase in a persons Na:K ratio there was a corresponding increase in cardiovascular disease. The authour's recommendation - cutting salt and increasing potassium intake. A similar study done locally showed the same type of thing with the intake of calcium on its own. In this case there was an increase in cardiovascular disease in those supplementing with calcium on its own - we all know that calcium needs to be balanced by magnesium and if there is too much calcium this will become an antagonist towards magnesium, the ratio imbalance is why the problem occurs and is one of the reasons we tend to spend alot of our clinical time assessing these areas.
When considering optimum wellness, ratios are perhaps more relevant and along with our in house energetic testing and checking of mineral status we often suggest a Hair Tissue mineral analysis which also gives indications of ratios. Co-Factors So our body needs to have the full range of minerals, these have to be in the correct ratios and then we also need various co-factors to ensure they all work together. Co-factors for calcium for example would be boron, copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium. Without these co-factors the body will not be able to utilise calcium appropriately.
NEW PRODUCTS. For those of you who haven't visited the shopping/product pages for a while we continue to add to our on line range. Here is what a customer had to say soon after starting ........ " Thank you sooo much for the box of Femmenessence. Its amazing how quickly they work in the system putting everything into balance. I'm feeling so much better its great......" In fact her husband was so impressed he decided to try the men's formula for himself! Have a look at the products by clicking here
Health snippets(International News) Homoeopathic products show immune boosting properties. This is why we prefer our customers to use this combination instead of opting for the common "flu shot"
The fluoride debate continues, have a look at this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ys9q1cvKGk&feature=player_embedded More problems with BABY PRODUCTS from big players.Last month the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and partner organisations released a report revealing that dozens of popular bath products for babies and kids contain at least two hazardous contaminants: 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde. Both of these chemicals cause cancer in animals, and formaldehyde is also known to cause skin rashes in people who are sensitive to the chemical. Read more here.....http://safecosmetics.org//article.php?id=414 SPECIAL APRIL OFFER: If you would like to take advantage of this months offer please reply now Click here without delay. Thanks again for being with us, Yours in good health, Susanne & Gary PS: Thanks again for your continued support and don't forget to forward the newsletter onto anyone who may find it of interest, take care S & G :) |