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In this issue:
  • A shocking study - why don't the supplements I use seem to work for me?
  • Products highlights from the Website -
  • Health snippets - From around the world.
  • May Deal

HELLO to you all as we speed into a season of change, time to get out the heavier clothing and prepare for longer cooler nights. We of course think of all our fellow NZ'rs around Christchurch who may still be doing without some of the basic's as the big chill gets closer and hope that they are able to keep themselves safe and warm.

With ongoing training and up-skilling we have been having a lot of fun and seeing some very interesting results from new clinical procedures over recent months, below a wee taste of just one area that these new skills allow us to help YOU!
So lets see whats been in the news.

QRA - Quantum Reflex Analysis, how can it help me?

QRA is the result of more than 30 years of intense research and development by Dr. Bob Marshall. The founder of Premier Research Labs, Dr. Marshall is a certified and internationally trained clinical nutritionist and he has a PhD in biochemistry. He is past president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists and more .......... he is also the author of many research papers and articles.

Along with Dr. Marshall, a growing number of pioneering scientists, some of them Nobel Laureates, have been diligently mapping the body's Biofield patterns associated with healing and regeneration. In the past decade, this work has progressed to a point where effective solutions are now available. In his clinic in Texas, Dr Marshall has people coming to him from all over the USA with all manner of illnesses, including chronic and even terminal illnesses. He "cleans" them up and sends them home 'healed".

head.jpgGet to the Real Root of the Problem
QRA stands head and shoulders above other therapies in its ability to identify and eliminate the "root of the root" cause of illness - whether acute or chronic. QRA can help pinpoint the type of support needed for kidney issues, liver issues, circulation, digestion, etc.

Interference Fields
An exciting part of QRA is described as Interference Fields(IF's). This is of significant importance to those of us over the age of 40. When we experience trauma from some accident or incident the area of the body affected is likely to have developed an "interference field" that will disrupt energy flows and cause problems. While the body will heal the IF make not have a significant effect until many years later.

An IF may be the result of any form of trauma, a broken bone, surgery, injection or vaccination sites etc.... even tattoos..... Even though the trauma may be very old and is no longer painful, it can still act like a powerful short-circuit of the bodies natural energy flow, this disruption can "reflex" to an organ or gland thus creating many problems - often not resolvable and for most practitioners not even detectable.

IF's are extremely common and are frequently the root cause of many problems and are the reason many treatment plans fail.

Using QRA we can quickly and accurately identify these areas, erase the blockage and return the body to its ideal cellular resonance enabling the body to fully utilise the any nutrients provided.

If you want to find out more or think this may be something you would like to investigate please contact us.

A Shocking Study.

Many of us will be every familiar - and probably still use - a multivitamin/mineral in a tablet.

Taking the supplement may or may not have you jumping for joy with an abundance of energy ready to take on anything. If you are one of those that would love to have the energy to do the jumping please read on...

We are living in a time when we need to understand that nutrition, like anything else in our lives is a source of energy. In fact when it comes to foods and nutrients the Germans are again at the forefront of some amazing research.  You may have heard the term bio-energy or bio-field or something else along these lines. These terms relate to the energy field that surrounds a biological substance - whether it is still living or not.

Dr Fritz-Alpert Popp, German Biophysicist has shown that all healthy, living cells emit light, - all of them like little light emitting diodes or LED's and this is referred to as a "body of light".  This body of light enables us to distinguish clearly between "living" and non-living(manmade) substances. A synthetic or manmade substance doesn't emit light, or essentially possess the same energy. See the images below.


The relevance of this comes from studies like one done by the Journal of the American Neurotically Association. They stated after testing 196 vitamin supplement products taken from "health food" stores, that only 5 were found to be non-toxic and effective. That means 97.5% were toxic, ineffective or both!! 

You may be able to relate this if you have been taking something - feeling quite good for a while and then it doesn't seem to work the same anymore, WHY!
The answer may well be because the supplement is likely to have synthetic elements and/or toxic components in the tableting or left over from the production or encapsulating process - this is what we refer to as "toxic tagalongs". Your body may well have responded to the extra nutrients you were giving it initially because it was deficient (as most of us are). The body copes for a short while, but eventually must deal with the toxic tagalongs and this is the problem. Giving the body nutrients from once living sources without the use of excipients and toxic tagalongs is the only way.

Next time you come into the clinic I am happy to teach you a simple process that enables you to test your supplements yourself - you won't have to try and get through the hype any longer, just test it yourself.

We will be featuring a variety of products we KNOW offer unsurpassed benefits over the coming months, this month we are highlighting a tried and tested favourite that many people benefit from in many ways, in fact we know some who have experienced the biggest health changes in their lives after starting to use it that they have gone on a mission to tell the rest of the World!! Truly life changing!

Its a product known as Inliven and you simply take 1 teaspoon each day(or more if you want to) and you will be supercharging your digestives system and entire body in a potent, effective way. Be prepared for more energy, improved skin, reduced food sensitivities, better bug fighting capability and generally feeling great about yourself! Doesn't sound that bad does it?15101.jpg

........the cost to you is less than a cup of coffee from your local cafe a day, even less for those of you who are ONEgrp members. Go to our Inliven page to see a short Video about the benefits of this great product

Heres to optimum health and Vitality,  Why...........because you're worth it



What about YouTube?

Youtube1.jpgI tried to have  a Youtube video available directly on our newsletter last time - after the newsletter was sent out I discovered that this is not possible. Sorry to those of you who wondered what the weird text was about.

It related to the subject of cellphones and its quite clever, so if you want to see what it was about I have included the link below so you can watch the Video featuring Ronnie Corbett, hope you like it :)

Oh how we have progressed :)

Click here to see.."My Blackberry is not working"

Products Highlights from

Vitamin-D3-10000-liquid.jpgAs it is the beginning of the "flu" season we have on special the DaVinci Vitamin D3, the evidence continues to mount for vitamin D’s importance in building up immune resistance.


Vitamin D status appears to have an influential role in an individuals vulnerability to infection. Of course extreme symptoms Children with rickets are known by most(a disease of vitamin D deficiency characterised by softening of the bones), what may not be known is that these kids are more susceptible to infections.

You don't need to have soft bones to be low in this important nutrient. Before bone formation is affected, low levels of vitamin D have been found to correlate with increases in respiratory infections in both adults and children, while higher levels may be associated with fewer viral respiratory infections.


Go to this months special by clicking here


Health snippets(International News)

Nanotech – a risky and unpredictable technology

Nano technology is still moving forward even though there is significant opposition. The potential risks put this new Hi-tech solution to all our problems in a similar category to GM foods.
Is spending valuable resources on the pursuit of this technology worth it?

Read more here

Genetically modified crops safety assessments

And while on the subject of food issues, here are some assessments that confirm what many of you already know, GM isn't the best way to go.

Read a report by the Environmental Sciences Europe where the data indicates liver and kidney problems as end points of GMO diet effects, we just don't need we!

Read the report here......

Global degradation of soil and water – worse than the Fukushima catastrophe?

Profit maximisation is usually ranked as far more important than assessing health or environmental risks. We have our own concerns over deep drilling near our Bay of Plenty waters. While resources and the natural and social systems are overly burdened. Risks borne by society in general are often not considered in economic decision processes.The recent Fukushima-catastrophe in Japan and the explosion of the oil platform “Deepwater Horizon” in 2010 are symptomatic for dealing with human lives and resources on this planet. 

To read more from an interesting report from Europe click here

DEAL of the MONTH:
Pack a real punch with a pot of InLiven this month.
We will include a free gift from Miessence valued at up to $20 with every pot(which is a months supply) of InLiven ordered by our newsletter readers. This is a limited offer so get in quick to avoid dissapointment, oh and by the way - we will also send it to our NZ customers FREIGHT FREE!
To order click here NOW

Thanks again for being with us, we are looking for your input so if there is a topic or nutrient or problem you would like us to "talk" about please do let us know.

Yours in good health, 


Susanne & Gary

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