Hi Everybody,
In this issue:
- New Year 2016, Don't wait till it's almost over!
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - from around the world.
- January Deals.
Wow, 2016 and its rocking along like there will be NO tomorrow - and of course who knows if there will be a tomorrow.....or not? Here is a question that is worth pondering if you are at all looking to have an even better year than the last - "What am I willing to do differently in order to make today unlike yesterday?"
Making change is the only way anything ever changes! So if there is something you are not completely happy with or would like to change, NOW is the time to take action and do something about it. With a pure mind, the right attitude and an open heart anything is possible - Go get what you want and deserve and make your life the dream you want it to be.
An update on Andy's book
The book launch was great success, it seemed everyone attending had a great time and the messages Andy penned in their books were right on the button!
Here a few photos of the evening that included plenty of questions and insights.
A new shipment is due soon - so we are still happy to take orders for those of you who are wanting to learn and put to use some of the tools she shares in her inspiring book
Here is a comment from just one reader,
Enjoyed your book on your journey and was very clear and simply put which will help so many people. It was true affirmation for me right down to reciting the Lord's Prayer when needed. I always felt different as a child n saw spirit at an early age and loosing my first husband was an amazing spiritual experience, I shall pass your book on.
Thank you and a big hug to you n Gary. What a team !"
The thank-you's and positive feedback has been excellent, its been so wonderful for us to hear this feedback, the ways people are already using the tools and how the book seems to magically open on just the right page when a reader picks it up - after all, this has been a labour of love for 5 years, so nice to know that the book is making a difference to those reading it.
Summer Days - Put on a little extra at Christmas?
We all(most of us anyway) are guilty of perhaps over indulging somewhat during the holiday break, maybe oner or two extra drinks while relaxing during those long hot summer days, and then of course it gets so hot so the thought of exercise can go out the window, and......... You get the picture, right?
During this period of rich and fatty foods we can slip into a position where we are not getting enough good quality fibre and even water. The result, sluggish bowel and even constipation. If this has been or still is part of your battle then don't forget these basic points.
7 Tips to "regularity" during the holidays
1) When possible get as many fresh fruits and vegetables into your day, not only are these foods loaded with important minerals they are are fundamental source of fibre that helps regulate the digestion.
2) DRINK water, maintaining hydration is another critical part of the process, without adequate hydration the contents of the intestines will become a bound up lump - water is needed to keep the intestines moist allowing for easy movement of the food through your system
3)Be wary of sugar and dairy products - these foods are highly inflammatory to the digestive system for most of us and stimulate the secretion of mucous that can easily add to an uncomfortable and slow bowel.
4) Consider the use of probiotics to counteract the effect of things like alcohol and rich, sugary food. The addition of a probiotic can aid in a number of ways - more of the correct gut bacteria will increase digestive enzyme activity and help maintain that regular "movement"
5) We are what we digest - and when we are hammering our system with too many rich foods or alcohol, not only do we impact our gut flora but we also put a lot of pressure on the digestive systems ability to produce quality enzymes that are needed for the breaking down of all these foods. Using a digestive enzyme for many of us will improve our assimilation of nutrients and assist efficient functioning of the digestive tract
6) Use herbal teas that will aid the digestion and also offer soothing for your digestion, ginger tea and peppermint and fennel all have some wonderful properties and are inexpensive and easy to use.
7) GET OFF YOUR CHUFF! Thats it, get moving. Probably one of the simplest things and yet what do we do - we roll around feeling fat and overdone or we might even lie down on the couch and open our belts a notch or two - exercise is probably the single biggest factor in our life that can influence our health in virtually every health challenge we have, get moving to "get moving"!
If any of these tips need explaining more or have questions about which products to use then please do contact us and we will be happy to help you.

I have recommended this many time over the years, and thats simply because its a great product that works well but is very gentle.
Its never too late to remove or reduce some of the burden that modern society along with our food and environment cause. We are continually exposed to all manner of toxic substances in the food we eat, the air we breath and the water we drink, so from time to time our body would love a little helping hand.
Add the appropriate number of drops to a litre of drink water and make sure it is finished by the end of the day - really, what could be easier?
A great way to get off on the right foot as we plunge full on into 2016, What do you think, something your body deserves? Or how about just do it "because you're worth it"?
Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
Douglas Laboratories Ultra Preventative X (NZ)
Its not a new one, but for those of our customers who use it, and continue to do so, the results generally speak for themselves. A real all round MultiVitamin, Multi Mineral that does the job unlike most others.
If you are going to consider something to fill any gaps that your diet may be missing and are looking for a real preventative backstop then you can't really look past something like this Gold Medal winning formula.
The Douglas Laboratories UltraPreventativeX (NZ) has been developed with us kiwis in mind and is largely sourced from organic fruits, vegetables and herbs.
The formulation has nutrients specially for Australasian health needs with specific levels of:
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Trace Elements
- Phytonutrients
- Amino acids and Enzymes
- Bioflavonoids and Proanthocyanidins
So if you are game enough to acknowledge that you probably aren't getting the required 5 plus a day of fruit and veg, but you want to be giving your body what it needs to make sure things keep working then please do go ahead and start on the right path for 2016 - give your body a nutrient boost by using the UltraPreventative X (NZ) daily and feel the difference.
We are running a special through to the end of this month, so go ahead and order NOW
Douglas Laboratories UltraPreventative X (NZ)
Please check out our Facebook page and "like it" our page - We share many tips, tools and keep you updated during the month:)
What about YouTube?
This month a video clip ( a little longer than usual, sorry, I apologise) more targeted for our female customers but I think all of you will enjoy it if you take a short break and treat yourself.
This is a Ted talk with long time friends Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin talking about female friendship - we are social animals and we ALL need friends - whether we accept that or not. So nurture your friendships and live longer and more fulfilled lives.
Hope you enjoy it. Click here to watch the Video.
Health snippets(International News)
Scientific misconduct and fraud:
Surely the food we eat isn't subject to some of the dark forces that influence many parts of our daily life, is it?
Many of us really have no idea as to how deep the influence our food is all about things other than your health. Jonathan Latham, a scientist with a master's degree, and a Ph.D. in plant virology, answers questions and shares information from within the industry. You may not like what you hear, but none the less this is important stuff we all should know.
Here is a blog that talks more about the study - CLICK HERE
DEALs of the MONTH:
“Your goal should be to try and be better than you used to be, not better than anyone else.”
The two products mentioned above will be on SPECIAL until the end of the month, simply click on the link below and you will be taken to the appropriate page to order.
All the best for 2016
Heel DETOX kit
Douglas Laboratories UltraPreventativeX(NZ)
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141