Hi friends,
In this issue:
- Causing Cancer, causing digestive disorders... potentially the most destructive chemical for all of us!
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Coming Up, Live event!
"I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my
-- sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean
It's November and that means its time to celebrate! Why? Why not?
We often overlook the great things in our lives and many of us are guilty of NOT taking a little time out to enjoy what we have, enjoy who we have near us, and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds us, so lets celebrate and make life worth living!
Set your sails for the wind and enjoy the ride :)
PS: I would like to ask a question of you all.
I am starting to use a different email newsletter format and for those of you interested primarily in a sustainable, healthy lifestyle I would like you to take a moment to subscribe via the link below.
i am considering melding this newsletter with the new one, but would really like your feedback and how to do this, and if you think its a good idea.
First thing to do is go to the link and subscribe, (as usual you can unsubscribe at any time).
Any comments would be very much appreciated.
Gary Beck, Nat Dip
Glyphosate Found in Human Hair as Unique Testing Project Releases First Results
Some of you may be aware of the court case in the US where a man dying of cancer has won a case against Monsanto(now owned by Bayer) by proving that the Roundup he used led to his cancer. They have been ordered to make a payout of millions of dollars.
Obviously the big money that backs the chemical giant will continue to waste this mans precious time with court appeals, but its really just a matter of time before this life destroying chemical is banned for good - for the good of the environment and the good of all of us!
To follow I have come across some interesting information showing from many angles that what is touted as being fully biodegradable and safe is present all over the planet and continues to raise serious concerns for now and the the future generations regards the health of us all.
Believe me when I say, this topic is NOT going away anytime soon.
A great tool I have come across is a lab that is conducting state of the art hair tests to determine levels of glyphosate (and other pesticides/chemicals) we have been subjected to.
There is more info here HAIR TESTING
This website has a heap of great up to date data regards results of testing both people and products.
Here is one page as an example;
Its known as the Black Plague of the 21st Century.
There is an online event coming up that if viewed by enough people WILL create a positive change for people caught in the unrelenting trap of obesity and diabetes, a side effect of our not so healthy modern diet and lifestyle.
A diagnosis of diabetes is for many the start of a long list of health complications that includes heart disease, amputations, blindness and much more along with the diabetes itself.
But just imagine if this was all avoidable - and even reversible!
Yes, reversible!
So even if the idea of having to change what you do, how you live and what you eat doesn't get you too excited, imagine if you could reduce the suffering and feel better about yourself!
I was very impressed with the information offered in this series and its even more impressive now with the host having done what at the beginning seemed impossible - this is inspirational to say the least and I highly recommend you watch and share with as many people as you can - changing lives is important, especially when it saves lives!
GLOBAL CHATTER - Whats news?
Plastic is everywhere!
You are probably aware that we are finally making moves to eliminate plastic in some areas, Supermarkets have finally taken action to reduce single use plastic bags and we are seeing some interesting developments with environmental action to help clean our water ways.
Some of the actual numbers regards the tons of plastic and number of parts per million of these materials in the sea are a little scary, but with some clever innovations there is hope we can turn things around.
One additional concern is the amount of plastic in US! Yes, you heard it here - your poop is also showing signs of the presence of plastic!
Here is an article that explains a little more
TALC - we told you years ago!
Talcum powder has been a favourite of many women and mums for a very long time, and it was a very long time when I first wrote about this topic in our newsletter.
Mainstream media is often a long way behind the rest of the world when it comes to getting the right info out there to make a difference, and this article is another indication that believing what the BIG boys say may nit be in your healths best interest.
A jury awarded $4.69 billion to 22 women who allege Johnson & Johnson’s talcum powder caused their ovarian cancer.
BACK for now:
We are both back this side of the ditch and yes we are still available for distance healing and consultations.
We are mobile currently and so officially have the status "of no fixed abode"
Our website is still very much open for business, so please do continue to support us when you can, and we will be trying to notify you all of our where about's regularly. We are loosely based in the BOP for now and may be able to arrange "house-calls" in some situations.
The best and most efficient way to make contact will be through this email address, but we still do have both the clinic phone line(07-571 1141) and mobile in action.
This isn't a YouTube video, but its kind of a cool bit of Kiwiana.
Being friendly and having a bit of fun is what makes us Kiwis special, hats off to this crew making the most of the day and helping improve the mood of everyone else, smiles are infectious, and thats definitely a good thing.
DEALs of the MONTH
As a way to edge closer to Summer we are offering probably the simplest(but none the less highly effective) systemic detox you will ever come across - using these two products together is an amazing way to get rid of some of those unwanted nasties in a very user friendly way.
Simply take 1 tablet of each 6 times daily - breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and bedtime - thats it.
Get your body back on track now and reap the rewards of a more energetic and healthier YOU
Active Elements Detox Duo - AE 2.3 + AE 7.1
MAXIMUMWWELLBEING PH TEST STRIPS Our very own professional quality test strips are also on special this month. Monitor your own ph at any time with ease in your own home, no need to w
ait for results, it all happens within seconds.
Acidity is the condition most often left out of the equation when it comes to our modern diet and many of our health concerns. Know your own body and stay in charge of your health

To find out more about any of the products, or to make an online appointment, please send an email to info@maximumwellbeing.com, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health