Hi dear friends,
In this issue:
- Worlds Number 1 Scary Disease?
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - from around the world.
- October Deals.
Dear Friends,
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a man can
alter his life by altering his attitude of mind.” - William James
So what is the scariest disease of our times?
I think many of us would agree that the term Big C or Cancer, conjures up a feeling of hopelessness and despair perhaps unrivalled by anything else many of us may be faced with. The mention of the C word really has become something that we have been programmed to fear.
Yes, this is a serious disease, and it kills people - but heart disease is a serious disease and it also kills people but it just doesn't seem to bring on the same level of anxiety, why?
Its all about the way we have been conditioned and groomed by media and medicine as the powers that be try to suggest they don't know what causes this common killer and they don't know how to cure it either.
But lets just keep spending truck loads of money on trying to find some really expensive drug that might give us some hope. Is this really good enough?
I am sorry if I am sounding a little sarcastic, and I am in no way wanting to downplay the seriousness of a cancer diagnosis, but as with anything there is more than "one way to skin a cat".
There is a new live event about to begin(it may have started already if I don't get this email out real soon) and if you have the chance I suggest you put some time aside to check it out.
I’m going to have to make this short and sweet… The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium is underway! I’ve propped myself up in a nice cool room with a nice cup of tea and am just waiting for things to get started… Co-Founders of TTAC Ty and Jon will kick off the opening ceremonies followed by a fantastic presentation by Mike Adams to start the day.
Are you watching live yet? If not, there’s still time for you to register right here.
I hope you take a minute and get signed up to watch it all live, you’ll be glad you did. The information that’s about to get dropped on this room is going to be incredible. I, for one, am grabbing a notebook and a pen so I can keep up!
I hope you’ll join me.
P.S. Even if you’re seeing this mail at the end of the day – there’s still TWO more full days of speakers coming up, and plenty more information coming down the pike – make sure you’re signed up to see it all here.

Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
Therapeutic Magnesium Diasporal
Therapeutic Magnesium Diasporal has proven bioavailability, it has been clinically proven to quickly and effectively improve the body's cellular Magnesium status, showing excellent absorption into the blood stream and proven intracellular bioavailability.
This is really the Gold Standard when it comes to therapeutic magnesium and is back with more than 25 years of clinical research with significant benefit confirmed in multiple clinical trials.
The delivery system ensures the magnesium is unbound and available. I have seen the effects of using this premium magnesium and the results have been impressive.
Therapeutic Magnesium Diasporal for rapid absorption into the cells, supporting:
- Energy production and an active lifestyle
- Migraine headache management
- May assist in the maintenance of normal blood pressure in healthy individuals
- Healthy nervous system function
- Healthy glucose metabolism
- Bone mineral density
- Stress, nervous tension and mild anxiety associated with PMS
- Cramps and pain associated with menstruation
Its a powder, sugar free(sweetened with stevia), tastes great and is free of gluten, wheat, dairy, egg and yeast.
If you want the best then this is the way to go. Magnesium Diasporal
Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page - We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information, there is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)
What about YouTube?
Here is a snippet from Ty Bolinger about the upcoming TTAC Live Summit
Health snippets(International News)
Black list: Greenpeace evaluates agrotoxins
According to Greenpeace, agriculture in Europe is still using too many dangerous pesticides. The environmental protection organization has now published a list of 209 active ingredients that are especially harmful to humans and the environment. Greenpeacewarns that the chemicals permitted in the production of food can cause, among other things, cancer, affect fertility and have a neurotoxic impact.
Here is the full article
Smoothie Mistakes.
The following points were noticed in a Food Matters article, hope these will make it easier for you to maximise your nutritional benefits from making fresh smoothies.
1. DON'T drink your smoothie too fast.
Because we are cramming loads of nutrition into a relatively small amount of liquid we run the risk of tricking the body into consuming more than your daily needs. The result is that you may feel hungry just an hour or two of gulping down a great smoothie.
The solution is simply to take more time to consume your smoothie - even put it in a bowl and "eat" with a spoon to prolong the process
2. DON'T combine the wrong fruits and vegetables, keep it simple.
When it comes to smoothies the general rule is that Less is Best. Try to limit the amount of ingredients to between 1-3 kinds of fruit, 1 main green or vegetable and avoid large amounts of nuts, seeds or oils.
If you tend to use too many ingredients its easier to create one of those smoothie monsters that just doesn't taste right.
3. DON'T drink too little.
For some of us the use of a smoothie is to make food prep quick so you can get on with the day, the thing to consider is how long do you want the smoothie to sustain you? If its expected to keep you going for hours it will most likely need to be a bit more than just a small hand full of berries, a banana and a wee bunch of greens will be good but if you really expect it to keep you going you will need to make it bigger(and as with point 1 you will want to consume it slowly
Click here for the full article
As the giant that is Monsanto is about to be gobbled up in a massive merger with Bayer, the negative reputation this company has developed over the last 100 years is really second to none - and its for a good reason, MONEY MONEY MONEY.
Here is the full article
DEALs of the MONTH: I am in a hurry to get this newsletter out so we will be running the same specials as last month, these are still some of the most important, simple nutrients you can feed your body.
Active Elements 2.3(incorporating Magnesium Phosphate)
Magnesium Glycinate
Magnesium Diasporal(the price is $53 for 20 sachets or $99.50 for 50 sachets)
You will have to email your request for these as they are strictly practitioner only
If you see something that "feels right" for you - just order it! NOW!
To find out more about any of the products, or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-571 1141, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141