Hi folks,
In this issue:
- What is happening in our World?
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - from around the world.
- May Deal.
To all our friends,
I know its very late in the month, but its still May so here we go with our May Newsletter, its going to be short and sweet, thanks for your time.
Who do we believe?
I posted some information a couple of months(I have just checked and it was back in March) back on our FaceBook page about some of the chemical poisons that are in common use and possible links to a whole raft of issues.
I was listening to a webinar created by Dr Stepahnie Seneff that was about a lot of things including Autism and potential links to the ole faithful "RoundUp".
Here is the FB link if you are interested.
One of the shocking revelations was a link between brain damaged babies (Microcephaly) and chemical toxins, The work of Dr Seneff has focused on the problems with Glyphosate(RoundUp), not because she initially saw this was a problem, but simply it keeps on coming up in loads of research and documentation.
Well, now we have more information along the same lines coming from a group of Doctors in Argentina.
A report from the Argentine doctors’ organisation, Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns, challenges the theory that the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil is the cause of the increase in the birth defect microcephaly among newborns.
This group of Doctors are adamant that the claims being made by Brazilian Ministry of Health that the Zika virus is the cause is simply not correct and has pointed out that in the area that most sick people reside, a chemical larvicide that produces malformations in mosquitoes was introduced into drinking water back in 2014.
The Physicians commented: “Malformations detected in thousands of children from pregnant women living in areas where the Brazilian state added Pyriproxyfen to drinking water are not a coincidence, even though the Ministry of Health places a direct blame on the Zika virus for this damage.”
Even more ridiculous at present is the fact that there are calls to put off the Rio Olympic's because of the health risk from the Zika Virus - what really is going on!!??
Here is more info on the Argentinian Doctors Report. You may be shocked to hear what they say about Genetically Modified Mosquitoes.

Doctors Name Culprit for Microcephaly
Whats happening?
We (Andy and I) have had a busy month and with that a slightly new direction. We have both participated in training events for a new modality(new for us) known as Healing Touch.
Healing Touch is a hands-on bio-field healing therapy that complements traditional medical care and other approaches to health and healing.
It uses simple techniques with gentle, non-invasive touch to clear, balance, restore and support the human energy system. It also supports and stimulates the self healing processes of the body, emotions, mind and spirit. The energy is vital life force, available to everyone, flowing through the hands of the healer to the person in need.
In recent weeks we have both attended Level 1 and Level 2 training camps and this weekend Andy is in Christchurch complete Level 3. An exciting thing about this form of therapy is that it has some great science behind it, was developed by a couple of Nurses in the USA and is accepted as a part of Health Insurance in the US as well as used (and accepted) in Hospitals!
Following a Healing Touch treatment, people frequently comment that they feel relaxed and calm, have decreased pain and freer movement. It can be used for people of all ages and stages of health.
Some of the benefits of Healing Touch are:
- Relaxation
- Reduction of chronic and acute pain
- Reduction of anxiety, stress and depression
- Faster recovery of wounds and fractures
- Strengthening of the immune system
- Relief of symptoms associated with medical treatments and procedures
- Relief of side effects from chemotherapy
- Anaesthesia recovery
- Pre and post surgery
- Support for the dying
- Other conditions of mind, body or spirit
- Animals and plants also benefit.
If you would like to know more - or experience "Healing Touch" you know who to call :)
Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
If you are scrolling around our website you may have noticed a couple of new products.
We have now made available some very helpful Charts. Three in all, with one of them an old favourite that has been around for many years and is a colourful, insightful reference to maintaining our Acid/Alkaline balance. Known as the 80/20 Chart it can be used as a wall chart or table mat and gives a list of foods showing you what to have in your diet to aid the correct balance.
The three charts are:
The 80/20 Alkaline/Acid Chart
Anti-Inflammatory Guide
The Glycemic Index Chart
In a nut shell, the three charts will guide you to use foods as tools to help you and your body deal with inflammation and the final chart gives information relating to maintaining our correct blood sugar levels. A yoyo-ing blood sugar level due to choosing the wrong foods can create many undesirable symptoms for many people - learn more about the glycemic index and regain your control.
All the Certified Organic Miessence products are here.

Please check us out on Facebook and "like" our page - We share many tips, tools and cool stuff, and keep you updated during the month with some interesting articles and additional snippets of topical information, there is even the odd laugh and some pretty pictures too
Have a look and join in on any conversations that may be rolling:)
What about YouTube?
This month a video clip about our food supply and about many of our modern problems.
26.5 Million Americans live in a FOOD DESERT. Do you know what a food desert is, and more importantly do you know what to do to combat it?
Hope you are inspired by this. Click here to watch the Video.
Health snippets(International News)
Changes happening in the world of nutrition labeling.
Its good news, and many will be saying its "about time too"
What's happening?
After many years of lobbying, the outdated nutritional panel on foods that has been the standard for the past 20 years is having an upgrade, the FDA has announced its plans to change the nutrition label to reflect updated nutrition research and more realistic ways (and amounts) that we consume foods.
Read more here
Natural Strategies for Melanoma Skin Cancer Prevention.
From the team at The Truth About Cancer here is an article that has some helpful tips for ways to minimise your risk of skin cancers and foods that can also be helpful if you are in one of the higher risk categories.
Don't forget about the overall importance of Vit D - the "sunshine vitamin"
Read more here
DEALs of the MONTH:
We would like to follow the last article relating to Skin Cancer and Melanoma with a great SPECIAL on one of our Vit D3 supplements. It usually retails at $58.80 and the SUPER SPECIAL will be just $29.95 per bottle(we only have a VERY limited number of these so do get in QUICK TO avoid disappointment - AND we will send it FREIGHT FREE!(when you go to the check out, select the shipping option that says for shipping Miessence Gift Certifcates only)
SAVE OVER $35!!!
Simply click on the link below and you will be taken to the appropriate page to order.
BioTrace Bio-D3 PLUS
Yours in good health
Love from Gary and Andy
Andy Pentecost, Transformational Life Coach/Author/Animal Communicator and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic
(07) 571 1141