Hi Everyone,
In this issue:
- The Stress buster?
- Products highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - From around the world.
- November Deals.
We aren't quite into the thick of the silly season yet, but you can rest assured it isn't too far away.
Look after your self now so you won't have to do the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff trick. A little bit of extra nourishment now to get your oVer the hump could be worth its weight in gold.
B Vitamins, helpful for delivering you safely through the "silly season".
Most of us have seen the products on shelves known as Stress Formula's, B vitamins that are put together in a way to help reduce the stress our body feels - when we are stressed.
And most of us are aware that when we are stressed out we will use more of our precious B Vitamins.
But what are B Vitamins?
The “B” Vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins and yes, they are highly beneficial in times of stress; they assist with looking after cardio-vascular health and cognitive function and they help to support normal healthy homocysteine levels(which is important when we have concerns about cholesterol) this is one of the many roles of the liver.
We need B Vitamins to spark life into many processes because B vitamins function as coenzymes or catalysts for many biochemical reactions. A major function is with converting glucose to energy to fuel the body.
These same B Vitamins are also important in the processing of fat and protein throughout our body and aid in overall metabolism of these elements. In this way, B Vitamins support general well-being as well as energy levels for all of us.
And when it comes to the normal functioning of the nervous system B Vitamins are an absolute "must have", the B complex vitamins also influence the health of skin, hair, eyes and our trusty liver.
And it doesn't stop there, general muscle tone of the entire gastrointestinal tract is also enhanced with proper levels of B vitamins, allowing for the efficient processing of nutrients from the food we eat and ensures that the bowels will function efficiently.
If you are one of the millions of women using oral contraceptives, you may want to include in your day a way to increase your B Vitamin intake as research suggests the pill increases your utilization of B vitamins and many studies have shown that premenstrual and menopausal symptoms may be assisted with additional B complex vitamins and sometimes one or two specific B's such as Vit B 6.
In general it is easier for the body to absorb and utilise nutrients in a liquid form, as opposed to a tablet or a capsule. There is less potential for the presence of any "toxic tagalongs" in the form of excipients; tableting aids, fillers, and additives. A liquid also will cover a larger surface area in the lumen of the small intestine allowing for absorption over a greater area.
Our favourite B Vitamin for a very long time has been the PRL Max B-ND and provides an excellent overall "living sourced" liquid B Complex – nothing synthetic and its available in two sizes for effective and flexible dosing for all needs. This product has nothing artificial in it, no artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners as well as no gluten, dairy or yeast, no benzoates or dodgy preservatives and is stabilised with a certified organic alcohol. It really has it all and due to the very clever natural fermentation process the product is put through, the uptake of the vital B vitamins is unsurpassed. We don't think you can find anything better than this when it comes to B Vitamins in a truly "natural state".
Whats Coming Up?
This is where we keep you updated on courses run by Maximum Wellbeing as well as shows we may be attending in your region.
Tauranga clinic, want to come and see what we do?
Customers are making their way to our Tauranga base in increasing numbers, its easy to find and central for most Tauranga people, so don't be shy to make use of our services at our Tauranga clinic.
Andy had a great comment from one of her customers who has been having a regular foot reflexology since we started, this lady has found her need for additional support through dietary supplements has decreased significantly - and she had been using some of these things for "years"!
How cool is that!
Obviously we need your continued support to make this work, and invite any of you to come in for a catch up or to get an update on your own health progress on a Tuesday each week.
The clinic is located on the corner of Cameron Road and Garden Place.
- 571 1141, any enquiries can be made through this number so you don't even have to make a toll call!
Monday Meditations. Our weekly meditation group continues. Anyone is invited to join with us on Monday evening at 7.30pm for an hour of meditation and reflection. Please let us know beforehand if you are coming - and bring a cushion to sit on.
Phone Andy or Gary on 07-3436909 to confirm a place.
What about YouTube?
This video is a bit of fun, it would appear the subject is a born entertainer.
Great moves that I am sure we would all be proud of, have a look and enjoy a little light hearted break from your day
Products Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
he Ultimate, award winning Multi - Douglas Laboratories Ultra Preventative X
Essential Nutrition for Optimal Health
Based on the Award Winning Formulation
- Rated #1 out of 500 comparative products
- Especially Formulated to suit Australasian conditions
- Contains a propietary blend of 50 Organic Fruit and Vegetables
- Includes Gluten-Free Grasses and Micro Algae
- Potent Antioxidant Formula
- Highest Bio Available Minerals and Trace Elements
- Hypoallergenic Cellulose Vegetarian Capsule
Magnesium Stearate Free
Most of us want to make our lives easier in one way or another, and when it comes to basic nutrition, there is nothing easier than a complex multivitamin/mineral formula. Even if most of the time you eat "well", it is highly likely you won't be giving your body the full range of nutrients it requires to run your system at an optimum level and this is when a product like the Ultra Preventative X comes into its own. Packed with an excellent range of vital nutrients you won't buy better.
At 4 capsules per day this bottle provides 2 months supply, so it is cost effective and well suited for most kiwi adults.
Health snippets(International News)
New study pinpoints probable causes of bee deaths (Source: Soil Association)
The mass die-off of honey bees that pollinate US$30 billion worth of crops in the USA has so decimated America’s apis mellifera population that one bad winter could leave fields fallow, the Soil Association reports. A new study, published in the journals Plos One has pinpointed some of the probable causes of bee deaths and the rather scary results show that averting “beemageddon” will be much more difficult than previously thought. The findings break new ground on why large numbers of bees are dying, though they do not identify the specific cause of CCD, where an entire beehive dies at once.
Peter Melchett, Policy Director at the Soil Association, comments that the finding of scientists at the University of Maryland and the US Department of Agriculture that a cocktail of pesticides and fungicides are contaminating the pollen that American bees collect, fits with other recently published research findings on the effects of pesticides on honeybees and other wild pollinators. The scientists found that bees with pollen contaminated with insecticides and fungicides were less able to resist infection by a parasite that has been implicated in the disastrous Colony Collapse Disorder. While recent research in Europe has focused on the impact of one class of insecticides, the neonicotinoids, the scientists found a staggering 21 agricultural chemicals in one sample of pollen, and on average pollen was contaminated with nine different insecticides and fungicides.
To look at the full study click here
DEALS of the MONTH:This month we will have a great deal for the Douglas Laboratories Ultra Preventative X-NZ award winning multi formula and also dollars OFF the PRL Max B-ND which comes in a 60ml or 240ml size.
Simply reply to this email with your preferred delivery address, which product(or products you would like) and we will invoice and ship the product directly. You will be saving between $10-$25 depending on which product you choose, and for our NZ customers we will be shipping free to your door.
To find out more about any of our products or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-3436909, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health,
Andy Pentecost, Natural Therapist/Healer and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic