Hello Dear Friends,
In this issue:
Healing Word. Artificial sweeteners - in or out! There has been a load of material written and spoken about Artificial Sweeteners over the years, in fact over many years so lets get something straight.As with anything it is important to keep off the conspiracy bandwagons, so if you really want to know what is going on out there spend the time and do your own research! So do your own research, and even share that with us, but I have a concern most popular, fat reduced and sugar free foods are loaded with a host of dangerous alternatives, let nature do it, she knows best. There are a few safe sweeteners, as an example Stevia is available from reputable health food shops... This is the Important stuff! Artificial sweeteners are repeatedly linked to weight GAIN, not weight loss. In fact, in one study those who used artificial sweeteners experienced a 500% increase in belly fat stores, while the group who used no artificial sweeteners experienced no weight gain at all. I think you will agree that is not statistically insignificant! Organic unrefined sugar is better for you than synthetic sugars. A favourite of some of the longevity gurus around would suggest maple syrup if you need to sweeten something. Peer reviewed research shows a very strong correlation between the use of artificial sweeteners and the incidence of:
To avoid the fat gain, and health effects of artificial sweeteners, avoid all:
And if you want more information - do your own research. Dr Mercola wrote a book some years ago called Sweet Deception. Here is a video with Dr Mercola that summarises some of the risks and his research for the book. Click Here to watch the video
As an interesting related point, for many of us sugar cravings can be a direct symptom of a deficiency of the mineral Chromium and as a result supplementing with Chromium can eliminate "sugar cravings". Little red spots/dots
I had a customer recently who asked me about small red spots that had recently "popped up' out of nowhere. What are they and why do they occur? There is very little known about the cause(s) of them, however I speculate (as do many other scientists and doctors, who are conducting research) that there is a direct connection with the presence of angioma and liver damage. Generally they are tiny capillaries that break and it's just part of the natural aging process of our skin. If they are in large numbers and are bigger than 1mm and have halos around them then you should probably consult with your doctor. But if they aren't just relax, if we all took off to inspect our bodies thoroughly with a magnifying glass we would most likely find some.
The Real Cause?
Some products which contain bromine are:
Additional products containing polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs)can be found at The Environmental Working Group.
"In Chinese medicine, the appearance of cherry angiomas, which appear as red spots on the abdomen and/or back is a sign of estrogen dominance. A handful aren’t an issue, however, a concentrated number of spots in a small area is of concern." So whether it is Bromine or copper, the net result will be similar, and that is, the body will be depleted of Vitamin C, and when this happens there is a considerable chance that blood vessels - both veins and arteries - can become weakened.
If you have had an interesting experience or understanding of Cherry Angiomas? Share it with us so we can all learn more. If you suspect copper or bromine toxicity may be an issue for you, our suggestion is to have a full hair tissue mineral analysis done to determine levels and work out a programme to eliminate the problem.
Whats Coming Up? When you have a group of friends gathered for a special occasion to celebrate an engagement, hens night or for any reason, Andy can come along and do readings for everyone in the group. This can be done as a group or a room can be designated and each person gets a confidential 15 minute reading. It can be a lot of fun for all involved. Minimum of 4 people and Maximum of 8 -10 people. Call Andy at the office to find out more, (07) 343 6909. What about YouTube?
Products Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
SPECIAL ONLY UNTIL 16 NOVEMBER, 2012. Clairvoyant Readings While not a product highlight, its a webinar thats coming up, all are invited to log on.
If you've ever had questions about the Miessence products, the certified organic ingredients and the benefits of the fresh botanicals - then this is the perfect opportunity.
here it is www.thebecks.miessence.com
Premier Vitamin C: There really is NO comparison to a synthetically produced Vitamin C and the real stuff that comes straight from nature, they are simply not the same thing. Click here to read a little more. As a new initiative from Miessence, a percentage of each sale(sales made direct through our Miessence website) during October and November will be donated to the Oxfam international aid agency for the life saving work they do in getting clean drinking water, effective sanitation and hygiene education out to people in the world who are most in need. The Miessence ethos of being of service to others is behind a brand new program for 2013, the Miessence Foundation. The Miessence Foundation will be officially launched in February 2013 with all the details on how we can help you be of service to your community. Miessence Price Rise. Its just one of those things, and it has been a long while since any Miessence price changes. To help cover the costs of bringing you the world's best certified organic products to your door, we regret to announce a price rise. The rise occurs as a result of annual CPI increases, significant upward movement of freight and raw material costs as well as funding our new community grants program Miessence Foundation. From January 1 2013, there will be a small 4% price rise for the following countries: Australia New Zealand Japan Canada United States United Kingdom Singapore Hong Kong Also over the past few years, the costs of freight and distribution in other territories have risen sharply. Unfortunately Miessence is no longer able to absorb these increased costs and sadly we announce a 40% price rise in the freight charge that will take place on December 1 2012. It sounds like a lot, but remember the shipping costs have always been minimal. This only affects orders done directly through our dedicated Miessence website. www.thebecks.miessence.com Beneficial organic food? A clinical report published online by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) highlighting the many attributes of organic foods provides guidance to parents confused by conflicting marketing messages regarding healthy food choices for their children. Read more here DEAL of the MONTH: This month we want to make sure those of you who are needing a little extra TLC get just that. We encourage you to take advantage of the offer for extra time given to those having readings with Andy and to complement that we are offering a FREE mini consult (using QRA) for all those who make booking for work with Andy during the month of November. The bodywork and other techniques that she uses are often described in this way.... "its just so much more than a massage.....restorative.....rebalancing". And it is, the benefits for you will be many fold. You will feel better, more focused, sleep better and sooo much more. So go on, pick up the phone and do it, make a booking NOW! As usual, the products mentioned in the newsletter have $$$ OFF for November, so just click through to place your order and take advantage of the discounts on Premier Vitamin C and Elemental Chromium. To book appointments or to find out more, please give us a call on 07-3436909, we would love to speak to you! Yours in good health,
Maximum Wellbeing |