Hi dear Friends,
In this issue:
- Spring is in the Air, almost :)
- Product highlights from the Website - www.maximumwellbeing.com
- Health snippets - From around the world.
- September Deals.
Its Spring time, almost. What might this mean for you?
We see the days lengthening and the temperatures rising and know that we will once again be able to enjoy the great outdoors more fully.
But is your body ready?
Its nice to be in a position where you decide, OK, lets do it - and your body responds to allow you to go for a walk, a run, venture into the bush or down to the beach, or even sit outside at a nice cafe and enjoy some great food in a relaxed way - without feeling guilty or feeling "uugghh" afterwards.
So if you have a body that ISN'T allowing you this freedom what are you going to do about it?
Sit and mope around - "poor me" - or are you going to initiate a change for the better?
We all have the ability within, to get on and change, and thankfully our body is such an amazing work of art that if we give it the right type of support, then in most cases the sky is the limit!
Know anyone that might have been "hibernating" through the winter? Snuggling on the couch and doing not much too many nights in a row?
Now is not the time to beat yourself up, but if you want to give something back to your slightly sluggish, slightly undernourished and slightly tired body then it may be time to consider a simple detox.
People talk about detoxification all the time in our field, and we know it is something very important and over the years I have trusted a very effective trio that I still think is hard to beat when it comes to simple, effective and safe detoxing.
Many of you will already be familiar or may have used it in the past.
Its the Heel detox Kit, 3 very complex "biological medicines" that are combined to give a superb overall detox. It works with the liver and digestion, the kidneys and bladder, and the rest of the body that includes the lymphatic system. 3 in one, overall detoxification that makes sure all the major detox pathways are open and supported so that you can safely begin to eliminate all types of body burden. This is not a nasty purge, and nor does it work with just the liver, or just the bowel - it works synergistically with your whole system.
While the Heel Detox Kit is an exceptional product on its own, I am also able to add some extra's when needed to give the detox a specific focus. An example could be a skin problem such as eczema, I can add another remedy that is more specific for dealing with the skin problem to the Detox - for the consumer its easy, just add the detox products into a drink bottle along with the skin remedy and drink the whole lot together throughout the day, what could be more easy?
So whether you think you should detox or not - (unless you live in a bubble you probably should) this is a super effective, simple way to get started and give your body that boost as we roll on towards the warmer weather.
Whats Coming Up?
This is where we keep you updated on courses run by Maximum Wellbeing as well as shows we may be attending in your region.
Tauranga Healthy Living Expo.
We will be "live on display" at the Healthy Living expo in Tauranga on the last weekend of September 28th-29th.
We would love to see you and hope you will be able to take the opportunity to get some direct hands on healing, come and experience a little of what we do for our customers.
We find this expo a great way to connect and reconnect with those of you who are ready to create the healthy lifestyle that you want and deserve. Hope to see you there.
And a reminder that we are Branching out, are you ready?
Branching out - yes, we are now working in Tauranga!
As many of you know by now, we have secured a room/s to offer our services to customers in Tauranga.
At this time it will only be one day a week, but we are planning to offer more to all the people of Tauranga/Mt Maunganui as we (and with some hope, you) spread the word.
Obviously we need your support to make this work, however we are very excited with what this may mean over the coming months.
We will still be known as Maximum Wellbeing and will be operating out of a clinic known as Herbal Ltd which is owned by Dr Janice Priest(formerly of Healthy Options fame). The clinic is located on the corner of Cameron Road and Garden Place.
This is the sign you will see on the fence.
The location is very central - almost opposite Tauranga Hospital and will make it easy for our customers in the area to take advantage of the various therapies we offer without having to leave town.
We have a special introductory offer for our newsletter recipients who make bookings for any of the Healing Sessions that Andy does or a QRA session with me(Gary), mention that you heard about our "new venture" in this newsletter and we will add in some extra therapy for FREE for those bookings for the month of September.
We have a Tauranga phone number that is re-directed to Andy's phone - 571 1141, any enquiries can be made through this number so you don't even have to make a toll call!
Monday Meditations. Our weekly meditation group continues. Anyone is invited to join with us on Monday evening at 7.30pm for an hour of meditation and reflection. Please let us know beforehand if you are coming - and bring a cushion to sit on.
Phone Andy or Gary on 07-3436909 to confirm a place.
What about YouTube?
With it being the time for Cancer awareness this video popped up.
For me the important message here is not necessarily that you need to follow a particular diet to overcome cancer, but importantly you need to find something or someone that "resonates" with you, exactly as this lady says.
Here is the link.
Product Highlights from www.maximumwellbeing.com
Heel Detox Kit:
An award winning product that has proven its worth over many years as a trusted safe and effective way to remove all manner of toxins and toxic debris from your systems.
Simple and safe to use for the whole family.
Simply put the drops from each of the mixtures into a 1-1.5 litre drink bottle and sip through the day - how easy is that!
Heel Schwef-Heel:
Here is one of the key remedies that can be used together with the detox kit particularly when irritant eczema that is prone to weeping is a concern. It may be helpful to read a little more on the product page, as this remedy is indicated for other things as well as eczema. Those who are most likely going to benefit from this remedy may have a somewhat "untidy" appearance and even an unpleasant body odour - interesting? Do you have hot feet in bed and want to put them outside of the bed covers? If so this is the one for you.
Psorinoheel N:
Another very interesting remedy and one of my favourites when dealing with very deep seated chronic conditions. Anything from Psoriasis and hives to eczema and if there has been a lot of medication that has ultimately resulted in a liver that really struggles to do its job - this could be seen as headaches, extra weight around your middle, intolerance to alcohol or even food sensitivities - In fact any chronic illness would most likely be a candidate for adding the Psorinoheel N into the Detox Kit as well to give it a real good kick!
Graphites Hommacord:
And yet another for Eczema - but in this case it is the dry cracked skin along with it. The person who fits this remedy is likely to have a tendency to be a little over weight - the term is tendency towards adiposis - and most likely to suffer with constipation.
Easily ulcerated and wounds that just won't heal fast enough - if at all.
Know anyone like this?
As with the other remedies I find by using this in conjunction with the Detox Kit you can really get things to shift.
All the above products are featured specials this month so do make the most of it to get your skin problem under control
Health snippets(International News)
GM alfalfa to be grown in Canada? - (via Organic Market Info)
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada have received a submission from Monsanto Canada Inc. and Forage Genetics International LLC seeking approval for unconfined environmental release and livestock feed and food uses of an alfalfa line designated as KK179, which has been genetically modified for reduced lignin, the Organic Federation of Canada reports.
The Canadian organic sector vigorously opposes the approbation of GM alfalfa because the alfalfa crop is essential to organic production and the risk of contamination of organic alfalfa by GM alfalfa is documented as being very high. A report of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network - The Inevitability of Contamination from GM Alfalfa Release in Ontario - is available here.
Antiperspirants: Cause of Breast Cancer?
Nothing new here - I have been telling you all for years to avoid ALL antiperspirants.
Here is a great article written by Heidi Stevenson for Gaia Health.
Take a look at the statistics and graphical information to find out what we know about the increasing incidence of breast tumours in the Upper Outer Quadrant of the breast.
If you haven't already woken up to this one then obviously I haven't been doing my job very well!
Here is the article Do Antiperspirants Cause Breast Cancer?
And here is the page to the Miessence Certified Organic Deodorants(Yes, they work very well and they are Safe!)
The research around Turmeric continues to get even better!
Turmeric effective in dealing with Depression
A new study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research has confirmed for the first time in a randomized, controlled clinical trial that the primary polyphenol in turmeric known as curcumin is both safe and effective in treating serious states of depression
"We observed that curcumin was well tolerated by all the patients. The proportion of responders as measured by the HAM-D17 scale was higher in the combination group (77.8%) than in the fluoxetine [Prozac] (64.7%) and the curcumin (62.5%) groups; however, these data were not statistically significant (P = 0.58). Interestingly, the mean change in HAM-D17 score at the end of six weeks was comparable in all three groups (P = 0.77). This study provides first clinical evidence that curcumin may be used as an effective and safe modality for treatment in patients with MDD without concurrent suicidal ideation or other psychotic disorders."
Here is the abstract for the study. Turmeric for Depression
DEALS of the MONTH: As it is supposed to be Spring, we are happy to offer a great deal for the Heel Detox Kit and if you want to add something to the detox process with the items discussed we will be giving $$$ OFF there as well.
If you order the detox Kit along with any of the other remedies you will be saving close to $20, we hope you take advantage of this great opportunity to get some Spring in your step.
Heel Detox Kit
Heel Psorinoheel N
Heel Schwef-Heel
Heel Graphites Homaccord
To find out more about any of the products or to make an appointment, please give us a call on 07-3436909, we would love to speak to you!
Yours in good health,
Andy Pentecost, Natural Therapist/Healer and Gary Beck, Naturopath/Healer
Maximum Wellbeing Clinic