NZ $79.94
HepatoVen - (formerly Quantum Liver Complex)
World-Class Super Nutrients For Optimal Liver Health - A master herbal formula for comprehensive liver and gallbladder cleansing and support.
Proprietary Blend
Reishi Extract (fruiting body) (Ganoderma luc.), polyporus Umb. (sclerotium); Pau D'arco (bark) (tabebuia imp.), Aloe Vera (inner leaf) (aloe barb.), Carrot (root) (Daucus car.). , Bitter Orange (fruit) (citrus aurantium), Milk Thistle (seed) (silybum mar.), Alfalfa (herb) (Medicago sat.), Beta-Sitosterol, beet, (root) (beta vul.), Blue Green Algae (whole)(Aphan. Flos-aquae), Chlorella (whole; broken cell wall process (C. vulgaris), Noni (fruit, seed) (Morinda citrifolia), Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Tomato (min. 1% lycopene), Turmeric (rhizome) (curcuma longa)
Size: 60 capsules