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Enzyme Science Nattokinase Pro
NZ $0.00


Enzyme Science Nattokinase Pro

Enzyme Science Nattokinase Pro.

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The products from Enzyme Science in this category are strictly for prescribing by qualified health practitioners to their customers.

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Enzyme science is a brand that has some excellent, science backed formulations. First up, nattokinase is named after natto, a traditional Japanese food made from soya beans fermented by a specific bacteria - Bacillus Subtilis. Nattokinase is a naturally occurring enzyme created during the process of fermentation. Work done back in the 1980's found nattokinase had a powerful ability to break down thrombi and fibrin - elements associated with blood clots and "thick blood".

Studies have validated that nattokinase provides support to circulation by way of dissolving unwanted particles and proteins in the blood. Improved circulatory flow and enhanced circulatory health along with maintenance of healthy blood pathways are all proven in the research.

Enzyme Science Nattokinase Pro is a unique formula for circulation and heart health. The nattokinase in this product is is the only nattokinase hat has been used in multiple human and animal safety studies.

Nattokinase Pro:

  • For circulation and heart health

  • Promotes healthy fibrin levels

  • Uses patented NSK-SD

  • Vitamin K2 removed

  • With Calcium and magnesium

  • Includes Bromelain and supportive Therablend enzymes

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