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Heel Zeel T - 50 tablets
NZ $43.68


Heel Zeel T - 50 tablets

Heel Zeel T (P) suis - 50 tablets

Zeel ‘T’ is used for symptoms associated with degenerative arthritic conditions.

A unique homoeopathic combination formulation of botanical, zoological, biochemical and mineral substances.

May be beneficial for the temporary relief of mild to moderate:

  • Arthritic Pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Joint Stiffness

Safe and effective - Zeel is a clinically proven formula, and is indicated for the relief of mild to moderate osteoarthritis symptoms. Zeel may help lessen pain and stiffness while improving the functionality of joints and cartilage. Zeel is safe to take in conjunction with other medications and it has rare instances of side effects.

For topical use it is also available in an ointment.

Heel medicines have become - to millions of people worldwide - trusted therapies for many common conditions, and an essential addition to home healthcare.

No known adverse renal, hepatic, cardio-vascular, gastrointestinal, or CNS side effects.

1 tablet contains: Extractum (1:10) cartilaginis suis, Extractum (1:10) funiculiumbilicalis suis, Extractum (1:10) embryonissuis, Extractum (1:10) placentaesuis 0.3 μg each; Rhus toxicodendron Ø 0.108 mg, Extr. flor. Arnicae (spir. fld. 1:1) 0.06 mg; Solanum dulcamara Ø 3 μg; Symphytum officinale Ø 0.03 μg; Sanguinaria canadensis Ø 4.5 μg; Sulfur Ø 5.4 μg; Acidum silicicum colloidale 3 ng; Nadidum, Coenzyme A, Acidum alpha-liponicum, Natrium diethyloxalaceticum 0.03 ng each.

Please consult your doctor or a certified, homeopathic practitioner for advice regarding dosage.

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