NZ $68.00
Medi - Body Bath
The Medi-Body Bath can be used as a full body bath, for approximately 20 minutes in warm water, which can gently detoxify the entire body via its maximum cation exchange capacity from its multiple, highly ionized natural sea mineral sources.
Indications for use:
• Detoxifying baths with clay, crystalline minerals, peat magma and herbs; key detox agents used for centuries in many cultures
• Maximum cation exchange of bioaccumulated toxins at targeted sites to optimize the rapid return to ideal cellular resonance
• Assists in detoxification of bioaccumulated chemicals and radiation exposure in the ground substance of the body to return to ideal cellular resonance
• Promotes healthy circulation and immune systems; helps ease muscle tension; helps rejuvenate cells*
• Initiates the “thermal effect”; an increased deep intrinsic cellular cleansing effect
The Medi-Body Bath can also be used as a foot soak. When the feet are immersed in the Medi-Body Bath solution, a remarkable ion exchange occurs. Nutritive minerals are taken up through the many sensitive acupressure areas of the feet into systemic circulation and simultaneously, there is a gentle exchange of toxic compounds released from many internal pathways throughout the body that are liberated into the water.
The Medi-Body Bath as a foot bath can be used effectively and without concern for side effects, even for the chronically compromised and elderly – all the way to the competition athlete. To feel immediately refreshed after a long day, many people enjoy the soothing effect of the Medi-Body Bath as a foot bath.
Breezing Through A Detox
The Medi-Body Bath can be a significant help for those suffering from detox symptoms. In fact, many practitioners often recommend a Medi-Body Bath as a foot bath when a person is experiencing uncomfortable detox symptoms – such as mood swings, mental fogginess, physical pain anywhere in the body as well as many other detox complaints.
The Medi-Body Bath as a foot bath can be a real ace to help rapidly clear these distressing detox symptoms and may allow even an elderly person to regain a better sense of well being and balance in a relatively short time.
After the Medi-Body Pack. The Medi-Body Bath as a foot soak (called the Medi-Blast) is also a critical component of the revolutionary Medi-Body Pack system (i.e. the use of ancient “mud pack” therapy” using moor mud, shilajit, volcanic clays and other synergists) to permanently re-establish the healthy bio-energetic flow through previously traumatized areas of the body, such as scar tissue which has been shown by research to have the capacity to send abnormal reflex signals to other parts of the body to disrupt its physiology.
Preserving The Piezo-Electrical Properties
In order to preserve the maximum piezo-electrical power of the special detoxifying crystalline minerals, they have been crushed rather than ground in a grinder. Thus, some of the mineral crystals may not dissolve completely in your bath water. However, the photoluminescent effect generated from the whole mineral crystals is maximally operative in the water. This allows the Medi-Body Bath to deliver far superior health benefits.
Proprietary, Quantum-State Blend Ingredients: Unheated Halite Mineral-Crystal Complexes, premium-grade, unheated Volcanic Clay (rhyolitic tuff breccia, rich in naturally occurring, beneficial minerals and rare earths), Peat Magma (a carbon-matrix humate, rich in humic and fulvic acids); Unheated Crystalline Minerals: Sodium Borate, Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Sesquicarbonate; Detoxifying Herbal Extracts: Hyssop (folia) (Hyssopus off.), Chrysanthemum (bud) (Chrysanthemum morifolium), Hare’s Ear (root) (Bupleurum rot.), Dandelion (root) (Taraxicum off.), Burdock (root) (Arctium lappa), Essential Oils: Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi), Juniper (bud) (Juniperus communis), Lavender (flora) (Lavandula vera), Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), Cedar (leaf) (Thuja occidentalis), Fir (needle) (Abies sibirica), Peru Balsam (resin) (Myroxylon pereirae); Synergists: Olive Oil, Vitamins A, C, and E, Trace Minerals
Size: 675g