NZ $23.50
Anti-Inflammation Guide
Anti-Inflammation Guide
The Anti-inflammatory Food Guide researched and written by Kathleen Cole ND, has been designed to shift the balance from an inflammatory diet to anti-inflammatory. Some foods that are inflammatory but can be a part of a healthy diet such as organic meats or whole-grains can be made less inflammatory by adding anti-inflammatory herbs and spices or marinades high in anti-inflammatory nutrients.
Inflammation is considered a key mechanism in the development of many chronic diseases: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimers, autoimmunity etc. Although acute inflammation is a necessary process in healing following an infection or injury, this same process can be over-stimulated and become a systemic chronic inflammation that can damage blood vessels and organs.
Our bodies produce "prostaglandins" which are inflammatory or anti-inflammatory chemicals from nutrients. A diet high in inflammatory chemicals such as those found in processed foods, trans fats and refined sugar can lead to excessive production of inflammatory compounds. The consumption of certain anti-inflammatory nutrients high in omega 3 and antioxidants produces more anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and dampens down the inflammatory response.
- Groups of foods rated on the anti-inflammatory to inflammatory scale
- An anti-inflammatory diet has a wide range of benefits helping to reduce risk of many common chronic disease including heart disease, diabetes, alzheimers, cancer, autoimmunity etc
- Extensive notes on the reverse defines inflammation and ways to dampen the flame
- easy reference format to display on kitchen wall or fridge
- Laminated for durability